
My Otherworld Life As A Vampire

A boy who died and got reincarnated as a female vampire, a True Vampire.After gaining his wish of immortality, read how his life as a female progress, meet new characters and fight powerful opponents. My Otherworld life as a Vampire is a novel filled with comedy filled laughter,emotional and feminine love. It's the best story for those who like genderbender and fantasy series

KevinWalters · Fantasy
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209 Chs

Chapter 154

This is bad, This is really bad.

Here I am sitting and watching a movie of girls doing makeup and flaunting their wealth and getting a reverse harem. I'm about to become sick watching this stuff while Leeshanel is watching the movie and hugging her boyfriend while wearing a smiling face. After the movie we all return to the parking lot where the cars are.

"Say Roselina, why don't we head to the mall next?" Leeshanel suggested.

"The mall, okay."

I've only been to the mall twice before. The first time I had to pay for their clothes. We all got in the car and drove to the mall that was crowded.

"Let's go."

Leeshanel grabbed my hand and took me to the clothes stores as usual. She dragged me into a store filled with a lot of expensive clothes and shoes. We walked around the store and looked around.

"Let's do some shopping," Leeshanel suggested.

"But I don't know how to."

"Just leave everything to me."

We went around the store looking for a lot of expensive clothes.

"What kind of clothes do you like?" Leeshanel wondered.

"I like those."

I point out hoodies and shoulderless Gothic dresses.


Leeshanel doesn't seem pleased.

"Girls It seem we have a lot of work to do," She said as she looked at me with an intense gaze.

"I agree," Becky agreed.

"Allow me."

A gay came up to me, with brown hair and pink lipstick.

"Mhmhm, what a mystical beauty."

He started to examine my face profoundly.

"This face deserves to be on the front page of a magazine, What is your name darling?"

"Roselina Lambrosa De Valentine."

"Oh Roselina, today I'm going to make you blossom into an even more beautiful rose."

They dragged me away and had me try on all sorts of clothes. From Ordinary wear to Fashionable wear. After 4 hours of going through hundreds of clothes in a whole bundle.

"I've never gone through so much clothes in my entire life, This isnt a fashion teaching, it's a fashion torture."

"Would that be cash or credit card?"


I looked up at the woman who came to me with a portable credit card machine.

"What, I don't want to buy these?" I refused.

"But that young lady said you're buying all these clothes," She pointed at Leeshanel who was smiling with a cat face on.

"She's a demon."

And so I ended up buying over 50,000 euros worth of clothes. Tio and Tia carried them all for me.

We went to a jewellery store next.

"Inside is so sparkly."

I look at all the Watches, Necklace,Earrings and other items on display.

"Say Roselina, why don't you get your ears pierced?" Becky queried.

"I'm not interested."

If I do that the moment I remove them they'll heal back to their original state before the piercing. One of the many prices to pay for having an immortal body. Suddenly a twinkle necklace caught my attention.

"Can I have a look at that?"


The receptionist took the necklace and showed it to me. It was star shaped with a green diamond. I put it around Debra's neck and took a step back.

"It matches your eyes perfectly."

"Are you buying this for me?" Debra wondered.

"Sure, After all your someone special to me," I said with cute posture.

"Thank you."

"Sure, I'll get something for Tio and Tia as well."

I turned to the display case and pointed at the pair of earrings.


"Lady Roselina, you don't have to do this?"

"Yes My sister and I are content," Tia and Tio explained.

"Don't worry, I want to."

The receptionist gave me a pair of earrings and I split it between Tio and Tia. Mio placed it on her right ear and Mia placed it on her left.


"Roselina, come look at this."

Leeshanel called me and showed me a necklace in a special glass case. It was a diamond necklace with blue gems.

The price below astounded me.

"£ 200,000."

Even I wouldn't buy that crap.

"I couldn't buy even if I work all my life," Racheal said.

"Yeah, If only we had a friend who was sweet, kindhearted and wealthy who could buy it for me, then I'll be eternally grateful."

Leeshanel started to weep while taking glimpses at me.

"Good luck finding her," I said as I quickly walked away.

"Hey wait!" Leeshanel called out.

I know what she's doing, she's trying to goad me into buying it.

We returned to the car and finished packing the bags of clothes in the car.

"You want to take us to a McDonald's," Leeshanel asked her boyfriend, she then turned and walk up to me.

"Say Roselina, where do you normally eat?" She wondered.

"Let's see,Hotels, Restaurant and Pastry shops. Why?"

"Let's have dinner at a restaurant today, will it be okay?"

"You've been thinking the same thing."

"Then allow me to lead you to a good place," Ricardo said as he walked up to me. His smile gave me a bad vibe.

What is he planning?

I don't know where that guy is driving us to but we're following him like idiots. We parked at a restaurant near an old antique shop.

"Lady Roselina, please be careful."

"Yes, I agree with my sister."

"I'm well aware, hmm."

I looked at the antique shop, something emanating an aura that seemed familiar. I wonder what it could be.

"Hey Roselina are you coming?"

Becky called out, I'll check it out later.

We walked inside the restaurant, from the smell of ramen and all the Chinese people around. I'll say this is a Chinese restaurant.

"Are we going to dine here?" I wondered.

"No, follow me."

Ricardo took us to the back of the kitchen, passed all the foot storage room and to a back room, which seemed to be a club.

Flashing lights, people dancing. I wonder if this is America.

"Woah, let's party."

Leeshanel started to dance with her boyfriend. I was left standing at the door feeling mortified because of all the people in this party, I'm the youngest looking even though I'm the oldest. We sat on the sidelines watching the party when Leeshanel and her friend came up to us.

"Come on Roselina, why don't you join us?"

"I would rather not."

"Come on, it's just some fun."

Ricardo handed me a drink to which mio slapped his out of his hand.

"What are you planning?" Tio queried with a glare.

"What, why did you do that?" Ricardo shouted.

"Lady Roselina you're a member of the Valentine Family, Don't ruin your reputation by staying here,let's go." Tia suggested.


I guess she's right, I would be terrible if people found out that a 15 year old like gets caught in an illegal party.

We all turn and walk away.

"Why, you think just because we are poor means you can look down on us?" Ricardo shouted.

"I don't like your tone," I said as I glared at him.

Soon Leeshanel and her friend started to say the same thing. It shows that they are very envious of me, it's natural for any human and so we left the party before things get out of hand.

Sniff Sniff.

My nose tingles with the small of spicy food.

"I want ramen," I said as I took a seat. A waiter came up to me and asked if I wanted to order.

"Can I have ramen?"

"What kind?"

I pointed at the one with the eggs in it and so a minute later I received a bowl.


Tio tried to stop me.

"There's garlic inside of it."

I blinked twice and started laughing at her.

"Don't worry, I'm impervious to these weaknesses," I reassured.

I started to slurp down the ramen and drink all the soup till there was nothing left. It was good, so good I even ordered another bowl.

"Aaaahhhh, yummy, check please."

After leaving the ramen shop I return to the car but sometimes it keeps grabbing my attention.

"What's this aura?"

I turned and walked into the shop and started to look around.

"Excuse me, can I help you?"

An elderly woman came to the front desk. I didn't answer her because I was too busy looking for the source of that aura.

"No way! could it be?"

I look through the rubble and dig and throw it away.

"What are you doing?" The old lady asked but Tio and Tia stopped her from interfering.

"It can't be!"

I took up an old black sword and seeing it I only know one thing.

"This sword belongs to Ivy."

I turned around while examining the sword. There was almost no trace of energy left.

"How much?"


"How much do you want for this sword?"

I looked at the shopkeeper who looked at me.

"How about I give it to you for free?" she suggested.

I walked up to her, looked her in the eye and gave her a hug.

"You don't understand how much this means to me, thank you so much," I expressed my thanks.

"Oh come now, no need to be sentimental," she said as waved up and down.

"Where did you obtain this sword?" I wondered.

"It came with all the antiques in here about a week ago."

"A week?"

"Yes, I believe it came from a small village outside of england."

"I see, thank you very much."

After getting in the car I smiled as I was getting closer to finding Silvia and Ivy.

"Driver take us to Valentine Enterprise."

The car drove to the company and I took the elevator to the top.

I heard shouting in another room, it was Kelly's voice and she seemed to be very mad about something.

"You guys head to the office, I'll catch up," I ordered. to Debra and the Two twins.

I open the room and watch the meeting.

"Do I look like I have time to fix your mistakes?" Kelly argured, then she glanced at me. "Huh?x

Everyone turned their gaze and look at me.

"Oh Roselina,"

Kelly's mood calmed down instantly.

"I hope I'm not intruding," I wondered.

"No you're not, Everyone let me introduce you to my younger sister Roselina," Kelly introduced me to the people in the boardroom but all of them were silent.

Did Kelly scare them that much?