

My body felt sore, I looked at my watch and it was two in the morning, after spending almost four hours in the hospital for a check-up and although I had to stay I prayed that they let me go under my responsibility, which my companion had not liked I wanted to be at home, go to bed and forget what happened, I felt disgusted by what Stefan tried to do to me. I felt chills and I tightened the sack with which Demetrious had covered me, when I woke up, the last person I thought I would find was him. Even more, that he cared about her. What a hypocrite, the least he cared about was her, and he only accepted that he took her home because he did not want to argue. He was in the back of Demetrious's truck with him by his side while the two bodyguards were in front, I had given him the address despite himself, when they crossed a corner and I saw that it was my street I felt much better.

- The one with white bars - I said in a soft and calm voice without looking at him, the truck stopped and immediately one of the bodyguards got out and opened the door - Thanks for bringing me, I'll give you back the bag

"He accompanied you," Demetrious said in a neutral voice, but you could see how tense he was for not arguing and I went down in silence followed by him. quickly look in my bag for the keys

- Thanks for everything - I was the most sincere - but I'm safe at home - I was about to collapse, but I didn't want to face it

"Come in," I urge, "we have to talk, but today I don't think you're in a position to do it," he said caressing my face, his closeness making me nervous.

I hurried inside and once I got home I left my bag on the floor and walked into the room in the dark and I thanked God that Bruno had stayed with Dylan tonight, I didn't want him to see her like that, I got to the room and I went to the bathroom where when I turned on the light and looked at myself in the mirror I felt horrible; the purples had already appeared and I had one on my lips, another around my right eye, my head wound had healed, I removed Demetrious's tuxedo jacket that reached lower than my thighs and hid my torn clothes and through she could see other bruises, I turned on the faucet of the shower, once it was warm in between and when the water ran down my face I scrubbed my body with force. After an hour I came out wrapped in a robe.

I threw the clothes that I had put on this morning in a corner to throw them away and the Demetrious sack I also put it in the laundry basket. When I arranged the bathroom and everything was in its place I got on the bed and turned off the light of the lamp, I needed to rest. In the dark everything that happened came to my mind and I couldn't take it anymore, my sobs were strong and I cried for everything that happened and above all I cried for not being able to stop loving the father of my son and even more that I had seen for her how if he really cared. With all that I was dominated by sleep since I was very exhausted.


My body was bruised, but I knew I couldn't stay in bed, but what little strength I had left was shattered when my brother came and saw me, I felt a shudder when I remembered how angry I was, after reassuring him and telling him that I had When he filed charges, he pampered me all morning, but I had to get ready for Bruno to bring me Dylan, so I changed my pajamas and put on some jeans. I made a high tail, I did not have to fix much because I did not plan to go outside, what if I had to do was cover the bruises as best as possible so that my son would not notice. While I was waiting for my brother I noticed that it was almost time for Dylan's snack and that was why I had everything ready. I saw my arm and could see the bruise caused by Stefan, and I knew perfectly well that everything that happened was my fault since, if I had quit, Demetrious would not have pressured her that way at work, but no. His pride was stronger and he paid for it, but that was over. The sound of the door took me out of my thoughts and I hesitated to open it since my brother had keys, but I opened it and when I did it in front of me was Demetrious dressed in one of his suits, what was he doing at home?

"Hi Brianna," she said, "can I come in?" - He seemed tense, I stepped aside and went in, even if I didn't want to, I had to talk to him and tell him what I had decided, I noticed that he looked around the room studying him

- It's nothing like your flat, right? I said sarcastically. wipe my hands on my pants, turned around to look at me

"No. In short, no," he answered, "but it's nice," he just nodded, "how are you?" - I ask

- Better. I believe - I was sincere

"Brianna I…" he started to say, but it was better to end this at once.

- You win - I said, interrupting him, tilting his head without understanding - I quit, it's what you wanted, well I quit

- Brianna

- No. Listen - I said approaching something to him - if I had not been so arrogant perhaps what happened would not have happened - I shrugged - I knew you did not want to have me as an employee because of what happened, but that 's fine. I quit

"I don't want you to quit," he said in a low and anxious voice, my eyes widened at his answer. "What happened was my fault and believe me I'm going to sink that sick Stefan."

- It is not necessary - I did not want what happened to turn into a circus - I have already resigned, it is also clear that the unjustified resentment that you have for me does not allow you to have a relationship boss secretary in peace

- It's not resentment - I ditch annoying and clenching my teeth - also, don't pretend to be innocent.

- Well, I didn't do anything - I had my hands fisted - Or yes. Loving you - I saw how she tensed

- Well, you showed it to me in a very strange way - I wanted to hit him. I was going to send him to hell when I heard the front door open and immediately I heard quick little steps and I knew whose they were, my stomach closed

"Mommy," Dylan said, entering the living room and throwing himself on top of me so that I could catch him and I did, lift him up and kiss his head

- where were you? -I ask

"I had work to do, darling," I said. I diverted my desperate gaze and I found a wax white Demetrious watching Dylan, it was to be expected that he realized the resemblance between them and I could see in his eyes bewilderment and pain?

-Dwarf. I told you not to get out of the car like that - said my brother Bruno entering the house that when he saw Demetrious he stopped, instead he only looked at my brother with hatred, he did not understand anything

- Thank you for bringing it - I thanked my brother before looking at my son - I told you to get out of the car in a hurry - my son gave me his puppy face

- Mom I just wanted to see you - he said, I looked at Demetrious and didn't take my eyes off Dylan and Bruno, so I decided to take charge of the situation

- Demetrious I present my brother Bruno - his head shot up immediately and his face reflected bewilderment. My brother held out his hand and after a moment of hesitation I took it

- Bruno he is my boss

- Your brother - whispered Demetrious increasingly white

- That's right, I'm his brother - Bruno said without understanding anything. "Brianna," he said turning to me. "I'm leaving you because I have to go through the store." I nodded, feeling Demetrious's gaze fixed on me and Dylan. He approached me, kissed my head and the boy's before leaving and leaving the three of us in the middle of the room, I didn't know what to do I was panicking

- I'm Dylan - my son took me out of my state, I saw how Demetrious swallowed hard and reached out to take my baby's

"Demetrious," he said in a hoarse voice, "you have a beautiful name," you could hear the effort not to lose your cool.

- My love, why are you not going to play in your room while I talk to the man - I said lowering him from my arms and he just nodded and left the room for a moment we stayed in silence watching each other

- Brie - I felt the anger grow in me for the way she called me

- Don't ever call me that again - I hissed - I just want you to get away from us

- Listen to me - he seemed desperate - I did not know, he is just like me I thought you were cheating on me

- Well, you were wrong - I said surrounding myself with my arms - now I want you to leave, I have to take care of my son

"We need to talk" I saw the emotion in his eyes was the same that Dylan gave me when he proposed something so I sighed designated

- I'll wait for you at nine thirty, at that time the child is already asleep and we can talk - I said walking to the door and opening it - but don't come to make yourself the martyr that you don't have left, remember that you kicked us out of your life - He stared at me and I felt chills, I thought he would say something, but he just nodded and left my house and I wish my life too.

During the afternoon I did my things, I attended to Dylan who was curious about Demetrious and I did not stay more than to tell him the half truth, I told him that he was my boss, when it was eight I prepared Dylan to sleep a little earlier Since I didn't want her to be awake when she spoke to Demetrious, she was very nervous, she didn't know what to do or say; I mentally prepared myself for the battle I would face, I took a shower and put on other jeans and a black T-shirt this time then I sat down to wait, at exactly nine thirty the doorbell rang and when I opened it in front of me was Demetrious dressed in one of his suits. I invited him in and we walked to the living room where we took a seat and were silent for a moment.

- Do you remember when you went to look for me at my apartment the last time - he broke the silence

- How can I forget - I said ironic

"I had arrived days before to surprise you and when I came to look for you, I used the key that you had given me," he said, remembering that I gave him a copy of my keys so that he could come in whenever he wanted.

- What does that have to do with anything? - ask without understanding

"Let me finish please," he said, loosening the knot on his tie. I nodded. "When I arrived and entered your room I found you sleeping and next to you there was a man in his underwear and I thought that ...

- You're telling me that you entered my house and found me with Bruno. My brother, who was drunk because his girlfriend at the time left him and he had come to me, ”I said incredulously. I remembered that I had taken care of him and I had to give him a bath, put him to bed so that he could spend his drunkenness and it exhausted me so much that I was exhausted by his side - You had so little confidence in me that you left without saying anything and then treated me as you did - I stood up annoyed

"What did you want Brianna to do?" He said bitterly.

- Wake me up! I said, raising my voice, "ask me for an explanation!" But of course you and your stupid pride could not do it and you preferred to send me to hell with a baby in my belly - I said hurt, he stood up and tried to grab me, but I walked away

- Brianna understand me please - he asked, I looked at him as if he were crazy - today when I saw your brother and recognized him I understood the mistake he had made - he seemed nervous and desperate. But I had been through a lot alone - when I saw Dylan I thought I was dying and I felt the biggest shit in the world I know I have no right to ask you for something

- In that you are right - I cut him off - my son and I are fine and we do not need anyone else - I emphasized the nobody and he was only more and more mortified

- I want to be in your life Brianna. Please - he had never heard that phrase on Demetrious' lips, please did not enter his vocabulary, but he did not know what to do.

- I don't know Demetrious. After everything that happened I don't think it's a good idea - I said walking to the kitchen - I need a drink - I felt Demetrious steps behind me, I took out the wine and poured myself a glass that I can take in one gulp - do you wish a little? I asked him once I finished mine

"I need a drink too," he said and I handed him a drink.

- Mommy - I heard Dylan call me and I left the kitchen but not before turning around and looking at Demetrious

- Stay here, I'll be back - he nodded. I went upstairs and found my son at the foot of the stairs. "What's wrong, darling?" -I asked for

- I'm thirsty - he said rubbing his eyes, I nodded - I went to the room and he already brought you the water - he went up to his room and came back quickly through the water when he entered the kitchen Demetrious was gone, I poured the water and went up to give it to him. Dylan "Drink up and go to sleep" I said giving him the glass, I waited for him to drink and then I tucked him in again I kissed his head and went out again.

I looked for Demetrious and found him in the living room observing the different photographs that he had above the gas fireplace, in it he had put several of Dylan like the one from the day he was born, when he turned his first year, one where we are Bruno my sister-in-law and me with Dylan in my arms and the last one was of Dylan between my legs sitting on the lawn in the park, that was the newest and it was the one that Demetrious had in his hands and he was looking finely

"I'm sorry, but I was thirsty," I said referring to Dylan

- Okay - he said placing the photo in its place - it's a very lively child - he said with a nostalgic tone

- Dylan is lively and very active - I refuted - sometimes a lot for me - I smiled and he did the same - he is also very tenacious and when he gets something in his head he does not rest until he gets it, he is very persuasive - I said lowering my voice - it is the same as you - I concluded

- Brianna forgive me. I don't know what to do to make you forgive me

- Know. I don't hate you, but if I hold a grudge against you, I tried to hate you, but I couldn't, you are the father of my son and I have thought that Dylan has the right to a father, but if you are not willing to face all that it entails, it is better than come out that door and let us continue living as we have done so far - Demetrious looked at me intensely

- I'm in this with everything and I swear that you will not regret it - he said approaching and hugging me, I was taken by surprise I felt his smell and I could feel how he pressed me against his body I moved away and looked at him

- Do not be confused Demetrious - I said serious - your relationship will be with Dylan

- You still feel something for me. I know - he said caressing my face

—What I felt you finished when you kicked me out of your life and if I give you the opportunity to meet and live with Dylan it is because he matters to me more than anything in the world.

- It's okay. If that's what you want, I'll respect it, "he said smiling," for now.

"You better go," I said walking to the door and opening it

"It's late, and I don't think your babysitters liked being cold," I said looking at the bodyguards.

"That's what I pay them for," he said denying, "besides, they were surprised to see you and more When they saw Dylan When I got out of your brother's car

- They must have had a big surprise - I said laughing a little. Demetrious came up to me and leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. The cold man I knew during this time had disappeared

- I can come tomorrow? - I ask

- It's okay. But in the afternoon, I want to talk to the first one - I said ignoring the feeling in my stomach for his closeness

"See you tomorrow," he said with his confident gait, I closed the door and hurried to pour myself another glass of wine, I knew my life would change from now on. I cursed since whenever this happened the culprit was Demetrious.