

I looked at my face in the ladies room of the company and I retouched to hide the dark circles that I had, I had been working with Demetrious for two weeks and I was loaded with work to the maximum and many times I had to stay overtime in the office while the Very son of a bitch he would go and rub me a certain Diane, a brunette with a heart attack who has come several times in search of her. His treatment has become even colder after the kiss he only talks to me if necessary but most of the time he ignores me, but the situation got worse one day when Bruno came to pick up Dylan and Demetrio saw my brother, he did not see Dylan since my brother was arriving and he would withdraw him from the nursery directly, from that day he began to ignore me. I left the service and went to the boardroom where there was a meeting with a new partner, I entered the room and I left everything ready; from the folders through the drinks to the video projector for the presentation of the agency. I arranged my white pencil skirt and tucked my hair behind my ear, I stood at the entrance so they could enter, the first was Demetrious, what happened and he didn't even say good morning followed by Stefan

"Good morning Brianna dear" she winked at me and she ate me with her gaze.

"Good morning," I said curtly, then a lady in her forties with a very good appearance, Mrs. Ross Friedman, a potential client, came in.

"Good morning," he said as he entered and we all responded, throughout the meeting Demetrious was dedicated to barking orders at me and between his genius and the leering stares of Stefan's pig they were going to drive me crazy, but with despair

"I would like to make the deal as I said," began Mrs. Friedman, "only if we make the changes that seem fair to me.

"And we agree," I refute my boss, "we'll sign tomorrow morning, do you think?"

"It's perfect," he said, standing up, "since I'm leaving at eleven for Italy and I don't want to leave any loose ends."

"My secretary will have it ready for tomorrow — you son of a bitch!" Maybe I didn't see how tired I was, but he wanted me to resign and he wasn't going to make it easy for him, as he reminded me. Once the meeting was over, everyone went to their respective offices and I entered behind Demetrio to take notes.

"By tomorrow morning I need that contract ready to sign with the new modifications," he said while looking at his cell phone.

"Demetrious." I do not think it is possible - try to speak calmly - for this afternoon you asked me for the financial study reports of the last four years and I am still reviewing them to give them to you

"Did I ask you?" - He said looking up from his mobile, he looked at me and for a minute I could see remorse, he knew he was exploiting me, but he recovered and stood up I'm going to have lunch and you should start now what I asked you to give you up

"I'm not going to stay overtime while you go around with this Diane and leave me with everything," I complained.

"Jealous" he arched his eyebrow I felt that I blushed from the tip of my toe to the root of my already red hair.

—That's stupid, I'm just neglecting my obligations - my poor son wasn't getting the quality time he should give him as mothers.

"So quit," he shrugged, "by the way, if you want to know tonight I'm going out for a gala with Diane, in case you're interested?" - wink at me

"You're putting my patience to the max," I said angrily, jealous? Shit s t ! I shouldn't have, but I was

"Tell that man to relieve you of stress my dear," he said mockingly.

-I have not…

"I'm not interested," he said, he had a fixation that he had another man and that that was the father of my son, and I didn't know where he had gotten such idiocy. I saw him go out for his lunch while I stayed working.

I spent the rest of the afternoon writing the damn reports and I survived thanks to a protein bar, at four in the afternoon my asshole of my boss showed up and went into his office ignoring me or so I thought, since half an hour later someone arrived From the cafeteria with a sandwich and orange juice and he told me that the presidency had sent for it, I devoured it, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands when I returned I went to his office to thank him and I entered without touching, but I regretted it if not, Demetrious was sitting in his chair and on top of him was a brunette with an open blouse. Diane. I felt stupid, that he was going to worry I was just feeding his pack donkey to give him more work, I thought bitterly. Demetrious noticed my presence because he looked at me surprised and began to get rid of the brunette.

"I'm sorry," I stuttered, "I'm sorry to interrupt," I said with my gaze now fixed on the carpet.

—Brie - I heard that he called me and it hurt me more that he called me that way I ran to the toilet again and wiped my tears

I must not cry I reminded myself, but tears kept falling down my face, I heard a few touches and then they stopped I wiped my face and when I was sure that I looked presentable I went out and walked to my seat and concentrated on my computer, to Five o'clock my brother called to inform me that he had picked up Dylan. At six I finished the damn reports and headed to Demetrious's office again, I had not seen him in the whole afternoon after the incident, I played this time and waited for him to give me clearance to enter, when I did enter and was with his shirt folded to the elbows and a glass of whiskey

"I just finished the reports and I'll get back to the contract right away," I said, putting the folders on her desk.

"Brianna about this afternoon," he started, but this time I cut him off.

—It's none of my business - I started - I just have to learn to play before entering his office - I finished, he looked hurt, but he recovered.

"That seems perfect to me, I was just going to tell you to play before entering, you could have found us in a more intimate situation," he said maliciously and I cursed

"It won't be repeated," I said, leaving his office. At seven o'clock he left the office and as usual he said nothing, got on the elevator and left the office.

I concentrated on the sale of the contract and I was only including the annotations of each folder and that was when I realized that I was missing the most important one, Demetrious's, I looked at the time on the computer and I was surprised to realize that it was nine at night Whenever I worked late it was until seven at the latest, then I would come to take care of my son and I fell exhausted. I got up and walked to the meeting room and I could see that there was no one else in the office, there was only the guard in the lobby, I thought bitterly, well Thursday night and you were in the office; I entered the room and approached the damn folder, suddenly I felt hands cover my mouth so that I would not scream and I felt a smell of burbon

"But she is my favorite secretary" Stefan! I stirred, but he did not let me go - let's have a great time, doll - he said before turning and covering my mouth with his disgusting mouth I bit him and I drew blood I felt a blow on my face I felt dizzy and I take advantage of that to throw myself on top of the table and ride on me so you want it rude

" Help ! " I screamed and felt another blow that made me feel the blood in my mouth

- Shout bitch - he said laughing - there is no one - I take my shirt out of my skirt and open it with a jerk making the buttons fly in the room I struggle with him, but he was heavier and restricted my movements - you know why how long have I waited for this - he said passing his hands over my body

"Leave me you fucking pig!" - I punched him, but he returned it to me and my head banged against the table

"No doll." Soon you will only say not to stop - he said moving to my knees and raising my skirt to my waist - cute - he said when he saw my underwear and I returned to fight with him and to scream I knew it was useless to scream, he broke my bra and leaned over to kiss but I managed to hit him but as I was very groggy from the blows I did not hit him hard - unfortunate! - He grabbed me and we fell back on the table where he sees me immobilize myself and listen to the sound of his pants opening

"Let go of me ! Do n't do it," I begged, feeling like vomiting, he put his knee between my legs so I wouldn't close them and I saw him reach for a condom in his pocket and put it on. I thought of Dylan and Demetrious also came to mind and I felt that this was thanks to the pride of both of them, but for my son I was not going to let myself be beaten so easily, I stretched my hand on the table and began to move the folders until I found something with which to defend myself and I was able to reach a letter opener that Demetrious had this morning, the moment I took it I felt how Stefan pulled my panties and with desperation I took the letter opener and stuck it deep into his leg as far as my strength allowed me, I felt a weight release me and I tried to stand up

"You're a wretch, I'm going to kill you!" - Stefan shouted as I coughed and tried to cover myself, He was lying on the ground holding his leg and I could see that a lot of blood was gushing out since he had buried it very deep.

"You deserve that and more," I said in a choked voice, I got off the table staggering, I lowered my skirt and saw that it was torn as well as my bra and my blouse, I closed it with my hands, I looked at my feet and I was barefoot. I lost everything in the struggle, except my dignity - you are a pig - I said before leaving the meeting room leaving a Stefan bleeding, I took my bag I went up to the elevator and put the ground floor, there I would ask for help I said to myself, I felt the blood ran through my head and the tears down my face and the vision was clouding me, when I got out of the elevator I looked everywhere for help and I felt that I was going to the world of dreams I fell but some arms took me I tried to fight but the smell was unmistakable

"Brie, Brie" was Demetrious's voice and stroking my face, "call a damn ambulance!" - he screamed - what happened? - he sounded desperate

"Stefan" I whispered causing more blood to come out of my mouth

-Motherfucker! - He cursed and then another scream was heard - call the police - he said, I imagine the guard and his bodyguards. I felt peaceful and it had been a long time since I felt that way - Brie. Come on darling open your eyes— I heard him say, but I was very tired and just wanted to sleep.