
My Onahole Academy

I got transmigrated into a vulgar adult game. And I didn't write that review!

Zewin · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
27 Chs

Onahole boudoir part 2

[Ordinary Orc Onahole]

[A beastly onahole made from the orc's personality. Its rough texture is a characteristic]

[Rarity C]

[Tightness C+ Durability C Warmth D Responsiveness D] 

[Personality remains intact (100%)]

[First collection of Orc Onahole achieved!]

[Strength +3]

[Agility +3]

[Trickery +3]

[Stamina +3]

[Orc Onahole (Handmade)]

[Rarity C+]

[Tightness C+ Durability C+ Warmth C Responsiveness D] 

[Personality remains intact (100%)]

[You have collected the Orc Onahole (Handmade)]

[Strength +2]

"Open the onahole inventory."

Unfortunately, there was no masterpiece level touch.

Hena also squats down and picks up the onahole with me.

"It's cute. It's trembling."


Yuuna did not want to touch it with her hand, she was pretending to be indifferent with her arms crossed.

That's normal. I don't want to touch it actively either.

It's just a byproduct of my ability, so I'm just collecting it.

But the onahole's boudoir1, it was too sweet.

"If you got a collection bonus, you don't need to scrape and take the rest, right?"

"That's right. I'm not going to use it."

"Then let's leave it. When would we find and take all of that?"

It was annoying to pick them up mixed here and there with the orc shell.

I agreed with Yuuna's words and got up.

"The leader will be nearby."

It was as Yuuna said.

An orc with the appearance of a warrior was waiting for us in a nearby room.

[Orc Champion]

[The leader of the orcs. Possesses more skilled combat abilities and a massive body]



I immediately pull the Glock. But this guy deflected my bullet as if he had seen it with the sword in his hand.

'Such disrespect for firearms, seriously…'

Anyone could see that he deflected it with system assistance. That one.

Just like if the game was saying, 'You can't hit it from long distance~.' It seemed that the orc's arm moved as soon as I pulled the trigger.

"Don't worry. We will create an opening."

Then Yuuna ran forward to set the stage for me.

"I'll break his stance! Hena, follow up!"


I just watched quietly with my gun lowered.


Yuuna dodged the orc champion's large swinging sword as if flowing like water, then cut the orc champion's thick thigh with her sword, making him kneel.

Hena, as if she had been waiting, hit the orc's upper body with a mace, turning him into a dumb target.


"Now! Kim Sang-hyuk!"

Expressing admiration for their combined work, I aimed the Glock.

'Excretion tap.'

Bang bang!


The orc champion fell, excreting personality jelly on the spot.


I lower my gun and strike a pose.

"Escape from the worldly shackles, and become an onahole…"


The jelly of the orc champion was sublimated into a masterpiece.

"If you weren't handsome, that line would be a crime."

"Become an onahole! Yah!"

"Hena, you keep copying Kim Sang-hyuk."

"So what, we're all grown-ups."

I collect the last onahole that fell under the champion.

I had a good feeling about it from the moment I picked it up.

[Orc Onahole (Masterpiece)]

[One in a thousand orc onaholes (masterpiece), obtained by defeating the champion, so the jelly quality is good. Rough and strong grip is excellent]

[Tightness B Durability B Warmth C Responsiveness D]

[Personality remains intact (100%)]

[You have collected Orc Onahole (Masterpiece)]

[Technique +5]

[Agility +4]

[Strength +5]

[Magic +3]

[Your level has increased]

[Your level has increased]

[You have earned the achievement"Orc Onahole Conqueror"]

[Strength +3]

[[You never knew you'd become a hole]Collection bonus achieved!]


Sweet. It's sweet!

"How is it? Do you like the Glock?"

"Except it jams a lot."

"If you keep improving your technique, it'll be solved."


I need the strength to get rid of the demons clinging to Hena. Maybe I'll go for strength as my second priority.

"It was said we can buy stats? From the demon merchant?"

Yuuna looked at me as if she had seen a ghost.

"A demon merchant? How would a D-Rank like you know about that?"

There was more surprise in Yuuna's voice than a feeling of being dismissed as a D-Rank; it was as if she was saying, 'A D-Rank shouldn't know about such things.'

"I saw something about it coming from this dungeon."


Yuuna's expression turned serious.

"Did I make a mistake?"

"No… I'll tell you about it later."


Just then, the dungeon began to vibrate.

[『Orc Annihilation』Condition Achieved]

[Dungeon Rank Enhanced to B… Golden Zone Strengthened]

[Additional Rewards]

The underground ruins suddenly emerged to the surface.

Into a desert scorched by the blistering sun…

It wasn't just the stage that had changed. The bodies of the orcs we had killed were coated with gold and then rose again.

"Hena! Come this way!"


All the orcs we had killed were resurrected.

'Didn't we remove their personalities?'

Their movements seemed devoid of intelligence.

As if they were being controlled by someone.

[「Penetration (Crimson)」Activated]

[Golden Orc]


[A demonic beast reborn under the control of the Golden Zone. It has become stronger.]

[Golden Orc Champion]

[B+ Rank]

[An elite demonic beast reborn under the control of the Golden Zone. It has become much stronger.]

"Stick close behind me!"

Yuuna said, holding her sword with a tense expression.

"We're up against B-Rank beasts. I might not have a chance to protect you. Be alert."

The battle started immediately, without any preparation time. Hena immediately fired her Formless Magic Bullet, but the golden orc's body didn't budge at all.

"Ah…! The magic, it's not working…."

Yuuna swung her sword, bringing down the approaching orcs like falling leaves.

From now on, it was truly Yuuna's solo carrying the party.

'Removing personalities might help, but…'

In this situation, I might accidentally hit Yuuna's back. That thought made me hesitate.

For now, I decide to keep my distance with the mindset of protecting Hena.

"You're doing well, Kim Sang-hyuk."

"Princess! I trust you!"

"I'll show you why I'm a B-Rank solo."

She's not just a tough schoolgirl fighting in her uniform.

'Is this what a pro is like?'

Even as the vicious golden monsters rushed at her, Yuuna seemed to shine even brighter.

The sword skills she showed earlier when blocking the passage were truly just the tip of the iceberg.

「Mountain Water Painting Slash」 that sweeps a wide range.

「Frenzy」 that quickly slices up enemies sticking close.

Yuuna's A-Rank attack skills destroyed the hard bodies of the golden orcs.

"There's one over there!"

Hena immediately used her magic, but it only seemed to excite the golden orc more.


Scared, Hena clings to me.

"Sang-hyuk, run…!"


Now that the monster level has increased, I can finally show my true form.

If it breaks down now, I'll really resent you, En.

Please let me look cool in front of the heroine…..

I aimed the Glock at the golden orc's chest and fired three times.

The Personality Excretion Mozambique Drill is a basic technique to increase stopping power: two shots to the chest, one to the head.


'The Excretion Drill is two shots to the chest, one to the stomach.'

The shot to the stomach is the decisive blow.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The orc, being controlled by the golden power, didn't give any interesting reactions.

[Your level has increased]

It fell easily.

I wondered what could be excreted when there was no personality to excrete, but golden jelly came out.

But soon, that jelly disappeared along with the orc's golden coating.

It seemed like a pseudo-personality used to control the orc.

I had made it excrete even that.

"It's okay now."

"It's okay…?"

Hena hugs me tightly and looks up at me with wet eyes.

'Hmm. This is why I'm the protagonist.'

It's obvious, but it's delicious.

As warm and soft as the breasts touching my body.

Soon, Yuuna was almost done cleaning up the other side.

And then.

Finally, she confronts the boss.


This time, even B-Rank solo Yuuna seemed to have a hard time.

The opponent is an enhanced B-Rank boss. It's not easy to break its stance.

"Yuuna! Can you do it?"

"I can… and I will!!"

It's a struggle of strength against the orc, despite her much smaller and petite stature.

She's truly amazing.

Soon, her sword light flashes, and Yuuna's Mountain Splitter, which divides the wide space into three, hits the target.


"Diheerite… you bastard!"


With a leader-like spirit, Yuuna cleanly took care of the B-Rank elite boss.

[Dungeon Clear]

[Contribution 71% MVP Yuuna Nakamori]

[Others – Kim Sang-hyuk, Hena Isis]

"Wow. Yuuna's amazing."

Hena admires.

Again, the protagonist was Yuuna.

The sight of her defeating a bulky monster with a single sword and walking confidently.

I didn't expect to feel impressed by a girl in a school uniform skirt walking with a sway.

"You did a great job, Yuuna."

"You contributed a bit this time, Kim Sang-hyuk."

"It's thanks to the weapon someone bought me. Whatever."

Yuuna searched for water in her bag as if her throat was parched and drank it without hesitation.

"Do you want some?"

Is it because of the scorching sun? Everyone was quite sweaty after coming outside.

I obediently took it and drank it.

"Is the dungeon going to be dismantled soon?"

"Not yet. If it's true that the demon merchant is coming out…."

What on earth is that?

"What's the problem?"

"First, I'll distribute the shares."

[Leader Yuuna Nakamori has requested a trade]

[Hena Isis – 960 coins]

[Kim Sang-hyuk – 1,188 coins]

"It's less than I thought."

"This is a lot for a single run in a B-Rank dungeon. For reference, I got 2,000 coins."

So the distribution is decided at the leader's discretion…

"If you have any objections, say it now."

Hena shook her head back and forth.

"It's my first time receiving a share, so I'm happy… Ehehe…."


Yuuna's gaze sharpens.

"Did you, did you cheat her out of her money…?"

"I, I don't know anything about that…"

Though I deny it, Yuuna's suspicious gaze does not fade.

"You know that if you cheat someone out of money in the hunter industry, you'll be buried, right?"

"I didn't know, but I have no intention of cheating…"

"Uh! Yeah… It's okay if I give it all to Sang-hyuk. I am…"

"Even if the person involved is okay with it, it's not okay! That's what the law says!"

Since Yuuna has this kind of personality, she wouldn't have cheated me out of more money if she had to give me more.

Instead, I took 400 coins from the amount deposited in my student ID and handed them to Yuuna.

"I'll pay you back right away, Yuuna."

"I've already deducted it from the money you were supposed to receive."

"Was my contribution that high..."

Yuuna can't meet my eyes.

"Well. Since you did better than I thought… consider it fair."

"I did think about choosing something other than a firearm, like you said."

"Definitely, it suited you better than a sword."

It seems like she recognized my combat style.

A close-quarters combat base with an easy-to-handle pistol added on top.

"Sorry for not being of help towards the end, so, sorry…"

"Is it because of the contribution? Don't be timid! Stand up straight!"

Yuuna pats Hena's slumped shoulders with a thud.

I've received that kind of encouragement before.

"But still… my contribution was actually low…"

"Contribution usually goes to the main dealer. But the person who gets treated the best in a party is the one who supports well."

"Without Hena, I would have been rolling on the ground with an orc."


As I join in with the praise, Hena's cheeks turn bright red.

I roll up my sleeves and look up at the bright sun shining down.

'I'm starting to feel the heat, I want to head back…'

Just when I was thinking that,

I saw a small human in the distance, their body and face covered with rags, carrying a bundle that was bigger than their own body on their back.

'Is that the guy?'

"I'll answer the question from earlier."

Yuuna spoke up.

"You buy stats from the Demon Merchant, that's right. The Demon Merchant sells everything, things that exist in this world and things that do not."

"I should buy a bunch of Techniques."

"I, I want magic power…"

"It's all your first time, isn't it? Meeting with the Demon Merchant."

Of course, it was my first time, and Hena nodded as well.

The Demon Merchant doesn't seem to appear at lower ranks.

But why is Yuuna so cautious?

She didn't even look this worried when a B-Rank elite boss led a bunch of golden orcs to attack us.

"Don't think that just because they're a merchant, you'll get service equal to the money you pay, kindly."

"What do you mean?"

"The Demon Merchant is an enigmatic being that occasionally appears in dungeons. I've heard their actual strength rivals that of an S-Rank demon beast."



Does that mean if it suddenly attacks, we have no way to defend ourselves?

"If we had been on the brink of starvation, it would have nonchalantly tried to sell us a bottle of water for 500,000 coins."

"Oh my. We're not that evil."

The figure that had seemed far away against the horizon,

was now suddenly close to us.

Yuuna steps back in surprise and clamps her mouth shut.

"Nice to meet you, adorable hunter aspirants."

[「Penetration (Crimson)」activated]

[Goblin King]

[Demon Merchant]

[The one who commands the magical beast 'Goblin'. The power that once opposed a god is comparable to that of an SS-Rank hunter]

'I shouldn't provoke it…'

The figure was an ordinary goblin in stature, but the information read by Insight was extraordinary.

At least it's not an opponent we can handle with our current strength.

But isn't there no reason to fight? If we could just have a reasonable trade, that might be good…

I might be too optimistic about the situation.

The audacity that once defied a goddess comes in handy at times like this.

I, taking the place of the frozen Yuuna and Hena, accepted the Goblin King's greeting.

"Hello, Goblin King."

"Oh, it's been so long since I've been greeted with such polite manners. I'm touched, Mr. Kim Sang-hyuk."

…I didn't tell him my name.

Since he also didn't introduce himself as the Goblin King, guess we're even.

"Meeting like this must be fate. I shall open up my wares and exchange them for your coins."

Could it be that we might actually communicate well?

"How much for a Technique?"

"Techniques~~~ I'm not really in the mood to sell them right now."

"Ay, don't be like that."

"I'm sorry, I'm just not in the mood to sell Techniques. Unfortunately…"

What is he talking about…

"What about Strength?"

"Ah, the weather is too bright to sell Strength."


"I watched a very sad drama yesterday, so I can't sell Stamina."

…What the hell is he talking about?

"I'm in the mood to sell magic power. Now, looking at your stats…"

That would be for Hena.

"Please sell it to Hena."

"I'll take 5,000 coins for one."


Yuuna screamed.

"Hena's magic power stat is normally worth 200 coins!"

"But I'm asking for 5,000 coins."


Hena mumbled.

"I, I don't have that much money…"

"Haha. That's a shame."


I get the gist of what kind of system this Demon Merchant has.

For instance, let's say there's a student who inherited billions of coins before entering the academy.

In order to increase their stats, they have to clear a high-difficulty dungeon and meet the Demon Merchant, but what if he asks for 10 billion for one Strength stat?

'You need power in order to make a reasonable trade with the Demon Merchant.'

So in other words, we can't buy anything right now.

"Do you also buy useful things, Goblin King?"

"Oh, Mr. Sang-hyuk. Of course, I do. Have you found something good?"

"Just asking out of curiosity, but you don't deal with things like jewelry, right?"


The Goblin King's expression twisted.

His mouth seemed to be contorted into a vicious smile.

"If you've come to me to sell such trash, I might have to impose a penalty on you, Mr. Sang-hyuk."


"Now, now, what do you wish to sell? Do you know what kind of things I, who have everything, might be interested in?"

"Sa, Sang-hyuk…"

Yuuna grabs my sleeve.

She rarely looked scared.

"Let's stop talking…"

"I have something to sell."

Who is he threatening?

I have something that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Even before I took it out, there was a certain kind of certainty, as if thinking, 'Isn't this how it's supposed to be used?'

"Onahole Inventory open."

I showed him an ordinary goblin onahole.

"What, what…"

The Goblin King's expression twisted and contorted in rapid succession.

"How about something like this?"

"This is… You've treated the personality of my kin so brutally!"

"It's just a tool, so don't get excited."


The Goblin King took the onahole I handed him and knelt down.

"Beautiful! It's beautiful!!"

The Demon Merchant lifted the onahole I handed him like an idol and shouted.

(End of Chapter 21)

The inside of the onahole.