

Transmigrated Protagonist SYNOPSIS Holy Mother, we will kill decisively! [Strong female + space + farming + cool writing + stocking up + shopping mall + defeating everything] In the last life, when the apocalypse struck, Meng Yuanyuan was severely abandoned by her relatives, and eventually died tragically at the hands of a scumbag. Unexpectedly, once he was reborn, he would return to the first half of the apocalypse. This time, she changed her cowardly character in her previous life and no longer acted like a little white flower that everyone was afraid of. She violently attacked all her enemies and trampled them all under her feet. She also snatched back the mysterious space that originally belonged to her. There are fields, rivers, villas in the space, as well as a shopping mall system where many magical things can be traded. Most importantly, there are two chickens that can lay golden eggs. So, with these strong backings, she made zero-dollar purchases, emptied supermarket warehouses, tortured scumbag men, beat up mercenaries, and built an impregnable mountaintop base. After the apocalypse, water and electricity were cut off everywhere, but everything was normal at the base on the top of the mountain. Water, electricity, gas, Internet, and most importantly, the thermostatic system and electronic housekeeper. Others are so jealous that they vomit blood. She even started a business as a housekeeper. After the apocalypse, she had a small goal every minute, making money and saving people. Let's see how Meng Yuanyuan used the omnipotent space to build a solid castle on her own in earthquakes, tsunamis, acid rain, extreme cold, extreme heat and other environments, and developed it into the largest and most luxurious base in the world, and eventually became the world's hegemon. .

Daoist4X6KSE · Urban
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56 Chs


As far as this unit is concerned, basically no one dares to refuse any woman he likes. Unless you don't want to work here, it will be even more difficult to escape from his seductive grasp!

Looking at the other side.

At this time, Meng Yuanyuan also rushed to the Jiafu headquarters. She went up to the seventh floor to consult with people around her about the application, and then went straight to 705 and pushed in the door.

"This is?..."

As soon as she entered the door and saw the two of them nibbling each other, she was stunned.

After reacting, she turned to look at the sign on the door, "Yes, it's 705! Didn't it say this is the recruitment site? What's going on?..."

Originally, she wanted to create a mature and stable image, but now it was all in vain, and she was at a loss for a while.

Xiao Yang and Manager Li turned to look at her at the same time, and they immediately let go of their embrace in embarrassment. Xiao Yang blushed and lowered his head, like a frightened deer.

Li Mingshan frowned and glared at Meng Yuanyuan displeasedly, "Why did you come in without knocking? Get out!" As he said that, he stepped forward to chase them away.

But when he got closer and saw Meng Yuanyuan's appearance, Manager Li was immediately moved.

"Damn it, it turns out to be a beauty! She is definitely a goddess without makeup. If a beauty of this level is driven away, will I have to die?"

He suddenly became interested, changed his cold look and put on a flattering smile: "Hi beauty, hello, I am the manager in charge of the human resources department, Li Mingshan, are you here to apply?"

As soon as Meng Yuanyuan saw the other person's expression, she knew that he definitely had no good intentions. Although she was disgusted, she replied with a smile on her face: "Sorry to bother you, please continue!"

After saying that, he turned around and wanted to leave.

Upon seeing this, Manager Li quickly grabbed the resume from Meng Yuanyuan's hand and explained.

"Wait, you misunderstood. The colleague's eyes were narrowed just now, and I was blowing sand for her! Aren't you here to apply? The interview time has just started, so go ahead and do the interview!"

After Manager Li finished speaking, he looked at Meng Yuanyuan expectantly.

Meng Yuanyuan raised her eyebrows slightly when she saw this, thinking, go ahead and fool the devil! But she still smiled and nodded, "Okay then! I'll trouble you then!"

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