

Transmigrated Protagonist SYNOPSIS Holy Mother, we will kill decisively! [Strong female + space + farming + cool writing + stocking up + shopping mall + defeating everything] In the last life, when the apocalypse struck, Meng Yuanyuan was severely abandoned by her relatives, and eventually died tragically at the hands of a scumbag. Unexpectedly, once he was reborn, he would return to the first half of the apocalypse. This time, she changed her cowardly character in her previous life and no longer acted like a little white flower that everyone was afraid of. She violently attacked all her enemies and trampled them all under her feet. She also snatched back the mysterious space that originally belonged to her. There are fields, rivers, villas in the space, as well as a shopping mall system where many magical things can be traded. Most importantly, there are two chickens that can lay golden eggs. So, with these strong backings, she made zero-dollar purchases, emptied supermarket warehouses, tortured scumbag men, beat up mercenaries, and built an impregnable mountaintop base. After the apocalypse, water and electricity were cut off everywhere, but everything was normal at the base on the top of the mountain. Water, electricity, gas, Internet, and most importantly, the thermostatic system and electronic housekeeper. Others are so jealous that they vomit blood. She even started a business as a housekeeper. After the apocalypse, she had a small goal every minute, making money and saving people. Let's see how Meng Yuanyuan used the omnipotent space to build a solid castle on her own in earthquakes, tsunamis, acid rain, extreme cold, extreme heat and other environments, and developed it into the largest and most luxurious base in the world, and eventually became the world's hegemon. .

Daoist4X6KSE · Urban
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56 Chs


As soon as Meng Yuanyuan agreed, Manager Li suddenly smiled and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome, please come in!"

After letting Meng Yuanyuan into the office, he waved to Xiao Yang and said, "Go get this lady a cup of coffee and deliver it to my office. You will be responsible for interviewing the remaining applicants!"

Xiao Yang's face was livid, he glared at Meng Yuanyuan hatefully, then nodded with a flat mouth, "Okay, Manager Li!"

When she turned to leave, she was still complaining in her heart, "There is really no good thing about men, they are all stinking stones who like the new and hate the old! Bah!"

At this time, Meng Yuanyuan was sitting on the sofa and looking around.

She found that the office in front of her was quite grand. Not only was it large in area, it was also very complete with all kinds of office supplies. There were three fruit computers placed on the two-meter-long boss's desk.

With this configuration, people who don't know about it would probably think that this is the office of a CEO of a large company!

At this time, Li Mingshan took his resume and sat behind his desk.

As soon as he put down his resume, he rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "It turns out that Miss Meng's surname is Meng! I'm glad to meet you, but I see on your resume that you are applying for the position of Treasury Manager. I'm afraid this is not suitable for Miss Meng. Bar?"

Meng Yuanyuan frowned immediately when she heard this.

"Manager Li, do you think that I have no work experience? I used to work as a cashier in my company and I am very sensitive to numbers..."

Before she could finish speaking, Manager Li quickly waved his hand.

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. I'm not saying you're incompetent. On the contrary, I think you're too capable. Being a warehouse manager is a bit underwhelming!"

Speaking of this, Manager Li paused, rolled his eyes, and continued: "Actually, Miss Meng doesn't know something. Our General Department happens to be short of a deputy director position. If you are willing, I can help. Recommend it, as for the salary, it will definitely be much higher than what you get in the warehouse!"

"I don't know what you think!"

Manager Li had obviously forgotten what he had promised Xiao Yang just now, and directly gave away the position of deputy minister.

But his intention was too obvious. He just said "I want to support you" by name. Of course Meng Yuanyuan could hear it.

She snorted disdainfully.

"No need. If I can't do the warehouse management job, I can't even do other positions. Thank you for your kindness. I'll take the first step!" After saying that, he stood up and was about to leave.

Meng Yuanyuan felt disgusted if she said more than one word to this kind of person. She really couldn't bear it anymore. At worst, she would apply for a job in another supermarket. There was no need to waste time here.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Manager Li's face, and he hurriedly got up and chased after him.

"No! Miss Meng, you may have really misunderstood. Since you want to be a warehouse manager, that's no problem. I'll make arrangements for you. There happens to be a shortage of a supervisor in the warehouse, so why don't you take this position? No matter how it is, it's not better than Guanku!"

When Manager Li saw Meng Yuanyuan stop, he continued to explain.

"I'll tell you the truth, warehouse work is not for girls. It's not just about managing the warehouse, but also moving goods. Even a boy who just graduated can't handle it for a day. I'm really doing it for you!"

What Manager Li calls "for your own good" is actually a delaying tactic. As long as Meng Yuanyuan can be kept in the company, no matter which department she is in, as long as she works in the same unit, there will be plenty of opportunities to take action in the future.

If you pass by this beauty, you will regret it.

Hearing this, Meng Yuanyuan turned around and looked at Manager Li and thought for a while.

Although she has never been exposed to this industry before, it is not difficult to guess from Manager Li's introduction that this position may be really difficult to fill.

As for the supervisor, that's the management. You definitely don't have to do things like moving goods. This is a good choice. You can have access to the goods in the warehouse and have certain rights. When you buy it for zero yuan, it will definitely be more convenient.

But when I thought about it, I saw that Manager Li didn't have good intentions at first glance. His purpose was impure. If he gave a good job to himself so easily, he would definitely be entangled in the future. Wouldn't that be like a sheep entering a tiger's mouth?

Meng Yuanyuan was a little hesitant and couldn't make up her mind.

Manager Li saw that she was interested, so he struck while the iron was hot: "Miss Meng, I sincerely want to help you, so I am in charge of this position. The people in the warehouse are trying to do it! You must not miss it!" What a great opportunity!"

After hearing this, Meng Yuanyuan took a serious look at the gentle manager Li in front of her, then raised her eyebrows and asked: "Why do you want to help me? Is this how you always help any good-looking girl who comes to you?"


Meng Yuanyuan's words hit the mark, leaving Manager Li speechless.

He couldn't help but blush, but he still replied bravely: "Miss Meng is joking. It seems that you still don't understand me very well. I am just too soft-hearted and don't want to see girls suffer, so... Oh, it's not you anyway." Just like you imagined!"

Manager Li looked at a loss and looked quite funny.

Meng Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing.

She had seen many flower-picking thieves who took advantage of their positions, but this guy's mental quality was too poor. She had really looked down on him a little before.

Thinking of this, Meng Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, it turns out that I'm trying to judge a gentleman's behavior with a villain's heart. Since Manager Li is sincerely doing my best, I accept the favor! But am I really qualified for the position of warehouse manager?"

Meng Yuanyuan had two sweet dimples when she smiled, which made Manager Li fascinated and distracted.

He immediately patted his chest and assured: "I have absolutely no problem with my judgment of people. This position of supervisor belongs to you. I will call the logistics department now to finalize the matter! As for when you will take office, the time Arrange as you wish!"

"Do you think this is okay, Miss Meng?"

When Meng Yuanyuan heard the tone, it was as if someone was negotiating terms with her at the negotiating table. She couldn't help but rolled her eyes secretly, but she didn't show anything.

"Since Manager Li has said so, I have nothing to be pretentious about, let's just settle it!"

She replied with a smile, but there was a hint of cunning in her eyes.

Anyway, we are only half a year away from the end of the world. Even if Manager Li has some small calculations, Meng Yuanyuan is not afraid. At worst, he will hide and go away. If it doesn't work, he will just hold off. It is not certain whether he will survive in half a year! Who is afraid of whom?

Things went smoothly. The two agreed to start work early next month and exchanged contact information. Only then did Meng Yuanyuan leave gracefully.

When she came to the door, she looked back and smiled.

That delicate and pretty little face instantly stunned Manager Li.

"This woman is simply a stunner! So seductive!"

His eyes were so dull that he swallowed his saliva, looking like he couldn't leave.

Look at Meng Yuanyuan again.

After she left the Jiafu headquarters, she took a taxi and went straight to the Luyuan Breeding Farm, the largest breeding base in Du'an City.

The task of space release yesterday has not been completed yet. She must purchase some animal seedlings for breeding as soon as possible.

We are now less than half a year away from the end of the world, and there are still many things that need to be done. In particular, the basic supply chain is the top priority, and we must seize the time to improve it.

Meng Yuanyuan has experienced the hungry and cruel way of life in the apocalypse. At that time, vegetables were sold for more than 10,000 kilograms per pound, and the supply was limited. Meat was even more unthinkable.

Moreover, once resources are scarce to a certain extent, the evil side of human nature will be completely exposed, and anyone will do anything to maintain food and clothing.

By that time, money is no different from waste paper. Many things are priceless and cannot be bought at all.

This is intolerable to carnivores like Meng Yuanyuan.

She must prepare for sustainable development in advance so as not to be in a hurry when the time comes.

Welcome back guys, I already thought of dumping this novel already since there's no drive but decided to start writing again...STAY TUNE

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