

Transmigrated Protagonist SYNOPSIS Holy Mother, we will kill decisively! [Strong female + space + farming + cool writing + stocking up + shopping mall + defeating everything] In the last life, when the apocalypse struck, Meng Yuanyuan was severely abandoned by her relatives, and eventually died tragically at the hands of a scumbag. Unexpectedly, once he was reborn, he would return to the first half of the apocalypse. This time, she changed her cowardly character in her previous life and no longer acted like a little white flower that everyone was afraid of. She violently attacked all her enemies and trampled them all under her feet. She also snatched back the mysterious space that originally belonged to her. There are fields, rivers, villas in the space, as well as a shopping mall system where many magical things can be traded. Most importantly, there are two chickens that can lay golden eggs. So, with these strong backings, she made zero-dollar purchases, emptied supermarket warehouses, tortured scumbag men, beat up mercenaries, and built an impregnable mountaintop base. After the apocalypse, water and electricity were cut off everywhere, but everything was normal at the base on the top of the mountain. Water, electricity, gas, Internet, and most importantly, the thermostatic system and electronic housekeeper. Others are so jealous that they vomit blood. She even started a business as a housekeeper. After the apocalypse, she had a small goal every minute, making money and saving people. Let's see how Meng Yuanyuan used the omnipotent space to build a solid castle on her own in earthquakes, tsunamis, acid rain, extreme cold, extreme heat and other environments, and developed it into the largest and most luxurious base in the world, and eventually became the world's hegemon. .

Daoist4X6KSE · Urban
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56 Chs


Through experiments, it can be proved that things in space can be transferred outward. As long as Meng Yuanyuan is willing, the ten-meter-wide river can be created.

This made her wonder, what world is this blue spirit ring a product of?

"Could it be that humans on earth can develop this kind of treasure?"

"Where did mom get the ring?"

"Why didn't you activate it after you got it? Instead, you put all the effort into keeping it for yourself?"

"Perhaps with the help of the Blue Spirit Ring, my mother's brain tumor can be cured, and we won't be separated forever."


"Why are you letting me know this secret now? If I had known it earlier, maybe my mother wouldn't have left me!"

The more she thought about it, the more painful it became, and Meng Yuanyuan's tears fell down.

The death of her mother was the most profound blow to Meng Yuanyuan, and she didn't realize it until this moment.

The family affection that was already fading has become stronger due to the lack of maternal love.

If there is anyone in this world who can hinder Meng Yuanyuan's footsteps, except for her mother, I am afraid there is no one else.

a long time.

Meng Yuanyuan wiped away her tears and suppressed the sad past in her heart.

She packed up the villa and drove back home.

Now that the problem of the house has been solved, the next step is to consider buying a piece of vacant land, placing the villa, and then carefully building it. It is best to design it into a strong fortress so that the bad guys in the post-apocalyptic world will not have an opportunity to take advantage of it.

The next morning, the sun illuminated the earth.

Meng Yuanyuan went to bed at around three o'clock last night. She originally wanted to sleep until she woke up naturally.

Unexpectedly, the phone kept ringing early in the morning.

"Hello? Hello, little sister, I'm Yan Bin from the agency. Someone has reserved your apartment in Kaili City. They said they want to go through the transfer procedures in the afternoon. Is it convenient for you?"

"It's convenient and convenient. Call me when the time comes and I'll be there on time!"

After Meng Yuanyuan hung up, the call came again.

"Hello, Miss Meng, I am Xiao Song from Luyuan Breeding Factory. We have already prepared the seeds you ordered and are scheduled to deliver them to you at nine in the morning. Is it convenient for you?"

"Convenient, convenient, you can go directly to the top of the back mountain in the north of the city. I will wait for you there. I drive a van, license plate number 66586...

After hanging up, the person delivering live poultry and aquatic products also called. The general content was the same as above, and they all agreed on a time for delivery in the morning.

Meng Yuanyuan got up quickly, washed up, changed into a set of sportswear and hurried out.

There are very few cars passing by in the back mountain, so I chose this place so as not to attract other people's attention.

The first person to arrive was the one delivering live poultry and aquatic products. When the master saw the barren mountains and mountains, he quickly called for the loaders to transfer more than 30 foam boxes to Meng Yuanyuan's car, and then left in a hurry.

Fortunately, there are not many people here, otherwise it would be easy for people to misunderstand me and think I am doing something illegal.

Meng Yuanyuan looked around and saw a man named Huangwu. He jumped directly into the cargo box behind the car, locked the door from the inside, and started transporting it into the space.

Fortunately, the space is rather magical. She can easily get things in with just control with her mind, without any effort, so the speed is very fast. It only takes a few minutes to complete everything.

Then she flashed into the space and raised the seedlings of chickens, ducks, geese and rabbits into four separate factories.

After that, he quickly went to the aquaculture area and poured the seafood into the pond.

Meng Yuanyuan felt particularly comfortable looking at the various small green dragons, monodon shrimps, Eastern star spotted crabs, Dungeness crabs and other seafood that jumped alive as soon as they entered the water.

This time she ordered more than 20 kinds of fish, shrimps, crabs and shellfish. Some of them could not buy seedlings. She directly ordered some adult females and tried to let them reproduce on their own.


If seafood could grow as magically as vegetables in the fields, then there would be no need to worry, just sit back and wait for the delicious food.

After a while, the delivery person from the farm also arrived.

"Ms. Meng, your car doesn't seem to be able to hold many seedlings, right? With this little space, you have to make at least three trips. Why don't we send you directly to the breeding farm, which will save you the trouble of going back and forth!"

The sales consultant looked at her minivan and suggested kindly.

"Thank you, Xiao Song, but no, I bought these for others. It's inconvenient for you to go. You can get the calf in for me first, and I'll deliver it to the master's house. I'll be back soon!"

Meng Yuanyuan randomly found a reason.

What a good sales person. As soon as he heard this, he knew that Meng Yuanyuan was probably a second-rate dealer and didn't want to expose customer information.

"Oh well!"

After saying that, Xiao Song asked everyone to start unloading the truck.

After Niu Duzi was loaded into the car, Meng Yuanyuan drove to a hidden place. She moved it into the space three times, and deliberately delayed it for a while before returning to the original place again.

After three transports, the seedlings were finally finished. Before leaving, she specially sent a 1,000 red envelope to Xiao Song to compensate for the waiting time.

When Xiao Song saw Meng Yuanyuan's generous gesture, he thanked her repeatedly and claimed that this was what he should do, but he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"You guys make money quickly. You won't know how much you will make once you flip it!"

At this moment, Meng Yuanyuan has returned home, and she is raising those new 'friends' in the space.

"BAA Baa baa..."

"Moo, moo..."

These little cubs suddenly left their mothers and changed their environment. They were obviously not used to it. They stood in the factory fence one after another, at a loss, and even stretched their heads and screamed outside the fence.

"Are you hungry? Wait, I'll get you something to eat!"

With that said, Meng Yuanyuan ran to the vegetable field, ready to pull some green leaves and feed them to them first.

However, once it passed, she was shocked again when she saw the growth of the watermelon.

"Holy crap! It's only the second day, the watermelon has already grown, and it's still so big?"

I saw watermelon seedlings and vine leaves blooming everywhere in front of me, covering the fields densely. The most exaggerated thing was that the watermelons they produced were already as big as two fists.

You know, the watermelon seedlings only grew an inch tall yesterday. Is this too exaggerated?

Meng Yuanyuan was stunned.

If we continue at this rate, watermelons will mature tomorrow. So one acre of land can be grown for more than a hundred seasons in less than a year. Not to mention people can eat it, and the breeding area can also supply it.

After sighing for a while, Meng Yuanyuan picked a few unripe watermelons, pulled out some green leaves, and gave them to the seedlings.

She smacked the watermelon into several halves with her fists and placed them one by one in front of the cubs.

Looking at the slightly red flesh of the melon, the little guys were a little resistant.

The main reason is that they are feeding at this stage, so when they see these unfamiliar things, they dare not eat them.

But after being tempted by the scent of watermelon for a long time, or maybe they were really hungry, they finally tried it.

You wouldn't know the result if you didn't eat it, but you were shocked when you ate it. After taking one bite, the little ones started to fight for it, as if they had never eaten such delicious food before, and soon they wiped out all the watermelons.

Seeing them eating happily, Meng Yuanyuan felt very happy.

At this moment, a mechanical sound sounded.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the owner for completing the breeding mission. The Lanling Space has been successfully upgraded and is now a second-level space. The mall function has been successfully unlocked. Please continue to work hard! ]

[System prompt: Because the owner has overfulfilled the aquaculture task this time, the mall system will specially reward you with an automated cultivator, a seeder, and a harvester. Please pay attention to check them! ]

After saying that, three huge machines appeared out of thin air in the empty space.

Meng Yuanyuan was stunned.

"The space also comes with a shopping mall system? Isn't this too awesome?"

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