

Transmigrated Protagonist SYNOPSIS Holy Mother, we will kill decisively! [Strong female + space + farming + cool writing + stocking up + shopping mall + defeating everything] In the last life, when the apocalypse struck, Meng Yuanyuan was severely abandoned by her relatives, and eventually died tragically at the hands of a scumbag. Unexpectedly, once he was reborn, he would return to the first half of the apocalypse. This time, she changed her cowardly character in her previous life and no longer acted like a little white flower that everyone was afraid of. She violently attacked all her enemies and trampled them all under her feet. She also snatched back the mysterious space that originally belonged to her. There are fields, rivers, villas in the space, as well as a shopping mall system where many magical things can be traded. Most importantly, there are two chickens that can lay golden eggs. So, with these strong backings, she made zero-dollar purchases, emptied supermarket warehouses, tortured scumbag men, beat up mercenaries, and built an impregnable mountaintop base. After the apocalypse, water and electricity were cut off everywhere, but everything was normal at the base on the top of the mountain. Water, electricity, gas, Internet, and most importantly, the thermostatic system and electronic housekeeper. Others are so jealous that they vomit blood. She even started a business as a housekeeper. After the apocalypse, she had a small goal every minute, making money and saving people. Let's see how Meng Yuanyuan used the omnipotent space to build a solid castle on her own in earthquakes, tsunamis, acid rain, extreme cold, extreme heat and other environments, and developed it into the largest and most luxurious base in the world, and eventually became the world's hegemon. .

Daoist4X6KSE · Urban
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56 Chs





My Omnipotent Space At The End Of T

After a long while to calm down, Meng Yuanyuan climbed into a cultivator with tires as tall as a person and started studying.

I saw that there was only a bare seat in the driving position of the cultivator, and there were only two buttons on the opposite console, start and stop. The most important gears and steering wheel were not visible.

"Is it so automated?" Meng Yuanyuan shook her head and sighed.

Then she tried pressing the start button, and after hearing a few beeps, the car beeped, "Vehicle fuel warning, please fill up with No. 100 diesel!"

"Uh? You have to come on, isn't it automated?"

As soon as Meng Yuanyuan finished speaking, the sound of machinery came again.

[System prompt: Master, the space mall has the required energy for sale. The mall has given away 100 points in the initial period. Please buy it quickly! ]

[Friendly reminder: Mall points are the only way to purchase goods. If you want to get more points, you can open a store in the mall and earn points by selling items! ]

"Can we also open an online store? This is great!"

Meng Yuanyuan exclaimed and jumped out of the car.

I saw that in the center of the space, there was a transparent screen, about the size of a 100-inch TV.

Meng Yuanyuan went over and took a look. The content displayed above was roughly similar to a certain treasure page.

Among them, there is a dazzling array of various products, and they also come with three-dimensional images, which make people dizzy and want to pay for it immediately.

There are everything from gasoline and diesel generators, medical equipment, Chinese and Western medicines, guns and ammunition, bows and cannons, as well as endless food, drink and entertainment.

The most exaggerated thing is that there are also houses for sale inside, including villas, factories, greenhouses, and even entire buildings.

"This, this, this...isn't this too awesome?"

Meng Yuanyuan was excited and incoherent, her eyes widened as she stared at the screen, for fear of missing every detail.

She really didn't expect that the Space Mall would be so advanced, just like some black market websites, selling things you wouldn't dare to think about without it. It simply subverted previous perceptions.


Now Meng Yuanyuan is sure that this blue spirit ring is definitely not a product of the earth, otherwise it would not be so unnatural.

The more she watched, the more excited she became, and suddenly a bolder idea came to her mind.

"Since there are weapons for sale in the mall, why not just buy a mountain and build a world of your own on the top of the mountain?"

"Surround it with high walls, put up an electric grid, build two watchtowers at the door, place two anti-aircraft guns, and get a few machine guns..."

"Yes, let's do it!"

"I don't want to buy a house in a community. With these weapons and equipment in the space, it would be great to build a super base at will! Then I won't have to worry about food and drink, and I can stay away from the right and wrong between people. Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

Meng Yuanyuan was extremely excited thinking about this.

But then I thought about it, how boring would it be if there was no one there?

She was alone in a huge castle, how could she die of suffocation?

"Huh? Yes!"

"If we really can't afford to buy another house, we can set up a rental area and rent the house to the girls in need. This will not only help others, but also make their future life more colorful. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

"That's right, just do it!"

"Yeah yeah yeah..."

The more Meng Yuanyuan talked, the more excited she became, and the more energetic she became, jumping up and down, as if she had successfully built a perfect world of her own.

Ten minutes later, she finally came to her senses.

There are still many things to do now. The first is to open up land and plant all the vegetables and fruits.

Since the mall can sell things, just open a fresh food online store and earn more points to purchase the weapons you need later.

Meng Yuanyuan only had one idea at the moment: make money and gain points!

She didn't know how much it cost to buy Shantou, but weapons and ammunition were clearly marked in the mall. A machine gun cost more than a thousand points, and an anti-aircraft gun cost tens of thousands of points.

Thinking about spending so much money makes me sad!

"Work hard, Saonian!"

Meng Yuanyuan cheered herself up, preparing to fill up the tiller with oil and plant vegetables before talking about other things!

Then things started to get busy.

She first searched for energy on the mall interface, then selected No. 100 diesel, and then clicked to start filling.

In an instant, a bare oil gun without a pipe appeared in front of him out of thin air, still floating in the air.

Meng Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment, then grabbed it in her hand and observed it.

"Nothing is connected, can there be oil?"

As she said that, she tried to pull the trigger. As a result, a stream of liquid immediately gushes out of the muzzle and sprays directly towards the door.



With a scream, a drowned rat was born instantly, still in a miserable state.

Meng Yuanyuan didn't have time to think about it when she heard the nauseating smell. She quickly took off her clothes and planned to wash herself in the river water in the space.

She took three steps into two steps, ran to the river and dove in.


"Why does the water in this river look like a hot spring? It's so comfortable!"

As soon as she entered, Meng Yuanyuan felt that the water in the river was hot, as if she was in a natural hot spring pool. People couldn't help but immerse themselves in it and enjoy this rare feeling of lightness.

After a while, when she opened her eyes again, she suddenly noticed that her skin seemed to have changed.

It seems to be more delicate and smooth than before, especially the palms with slender jade fingers, which are now as white as jade, can be broken by blows, and exude infinite charm.

Also, the chest rises and falls with the breathing, and seems to be getting bigger?

"Holy crap, does the water in the river still have this effect?"

Meng Yuanyuan originally looked like a fairy, but now that she has been transformed by the river, she looks like a hibiscus emerging from the water, becoming even more charming.

She shyly looked at her private parts and sighed in her heart, "No wonder watermelons can grow so fast. If I take more baths, the consequences will be disastrous!"

In an instant, a sense of self-confidence emerged as a successful woman.

After climbing out of the lake, Meng Yuanyuan came to the cultivator again. She opened the fuel tank cap and started to fill it with diesel.

Ten minutes later, the tank is full, costing a total of two points.

"Calculating it this way, the price of oil doesn't seem to be high, um, not bad!"

Meng Yuanyuan nodded, then climbed into the cab and pressed the start button.

As the cultivator engine slowly started, the tires began to move.

Meng Yuanyuan stared ahead nervously, not daring to blink for fear of something unexpected happening.

However, the cultivator drove extremely steadily, as if it had eyes. It skillfully avoided obstacles, crossed the grass, and arrived at the west field with a clear goal.


With the sound of machinery, the cultivator put down the plow rake behind it and started to move.

Plowing even grooves along the land in circles, turning the soil over once, then turning quickly and heading towards the next acre.

It seemed that in less than half an hour at most, nearly a hundred acres of open space on the west side had been completely plowed, and it looked neat and clear, just like what was drawn with a ruler, which was much better than the previous manual work.

"It's really automated, Niubi!"

Meng Yuanyuan exclaimed and then pressed the stop button.

Look again, the cultivator immediately started to return to the original path. Within five minutes, it returned to the original point, and then automatically turned off and stopped working.