
My Older Sister is the Villainess

Park Myeon-Ju was an astounding worker in a Top-notching sales company in U.S. Yet she was caught in an unfortunate accident and transmigrated in the body of Morana Loreley,a princess and a villainess in the popular novel "The Four Princes and Princesses" which in the end will be beheaded by the Male leads.Will she be able to escape her doom?

renie_rabbit93 · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 15:Journey with a Doll

Morana woke up hearing a rustle. She sat up and looked around only to be met by silence. Dead silence. No sounds of animals nor plants. Not even the wind,which creeped her out.

Shivers ran down to her spine,both because of fear and call of nature. But she held her call.

'I have watched too many horror movies and its always the one who leave the group dies first.'

Instead she tried to call Lara, she probably is sleeping right know,but she didn't care. She just wanted to avoid this 'horror flag' even if its just a childish assumption.

But to her fear Lara did not respond,which scared her more. She unconsciously hugged the blonde doll beside her.

-You're quite the scaredy cat aren't ya?

Morana let out a scream and throw away the doll that spoke. Then she stood up and screamed some more,throwing whatever she could grasp towards the direction of the doll not noticing or caring whether she hit it or not.

After a few minutes she stopped,plopped down and grabbed a stick and held it like she was ready to stab anything with it.

-Are you finished?

The doll stood up with its head tilting backwards.


She pounced to the doll and stabbed the doll with her stick.

-Whoa! Whoa! Easy there— hey! That hurt— OUCH! Damn! Wait stop! Heyheyhey!

Yet it seems the complains didn't reach Morana and continuously stabbing,not caring whether it was the doll or the ground. Every time the doll evades small holes were made on the ground.

The doll had no choice but to went out of the tent and ran to the nearest bush. Morana stopped and catch her breath. Not noticing the wetness in her pajamas.


She sat hugging the broken stick and catching her breath,trembling. She looked again for a better weapon in the bags and found a steak knife and a pan. She held onto to it as she went out of the tent. Using the pan as a shield and the steak knife as a weapon. She is on a knight stance and on high alert.

She steadied her sound of breathing as she scanned around when she got out of the tent. When she heard a rustle from behind she then twirled and swung her knife. But there's no one there.

She then heard a rustle beside the bush. She flinched and focused towards the direction.


Suddenly a doll jumped to her face. She accidentally let go of the knife and the pan and grabbed the doll on her face.



She tripped and fell down and they both rolled onto the ground,wrestling. Morana grabbed the doll and threw it. Yet it held onto her hair and yanked it. Morana reached out for the pan with her right hand and grabbed the doll on her back with the other hand. She ignored the hair that was pulled out of her scalp and threw the doll again into the air and striked it with the pan like a professional baseball player. The doll went flying and hit on a tree. Morana then huried towards the tree and strike the poor doll with a pan few more times.

After few minutes....

Morana leaned on the tree while catching her breath. Her legs went jelly and she sat down on the ground. She glanced to the abused doll beside her. Its unconcious and by its state you could imagine stars spinning above its head.

It was a long night and Morana starting to feel exhaustion. She went and find some strong vines and tied the doll up. Not convince she wnet back to the tent and ripped one of her pajamas and tied it to the doll again. She found a five inches wide wood and stabbed it on the ground and the doll tied to it. She also retrieved the steak knife and pan and put those beside her while she guard the unconcious doll.