
My obsession with my girlfriend...

"I'm not used to someone caring about me"

Shimizuosdreams · Urban
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19 Chs


The longer i look at them, the more frustrated i get. "I am gonna kick his ass if he doesn't keep his hands off of her", i whisper to myself. 

But that is really not the solution . I need to remain calm. I start taking deep breaths and try to stay collected. "Hey there sunshine." Diego says to her with that annoying smug face of his. 

"How are you, my little cutie?" he says to her while moving closer to her and placing his other hand on her hip. 

The way he looks at her , it makes me want to rip his eyes off. 


 Before i do anything stupid, i turn around and start walking away. I walk quickly towards the exit and once i am out of the building , i get even more frustrated. I don't know why i got in this bad mood. Usually i am not the one that gets angry easily. But seeing her with Diego made me feel a little jealous. 

I take a deep breath and calm myself a little, just to feel slightly relieved. 

I take a long walk outside the school and enjoy some fresh air. I think about the day i had at school and how seeing her with that idiot made me react. I feel stupid that i acted like this and how i had no reason to be mad in the first place. All my frustration was building up , just to blow up in my face when i didn't need to. 

I should be more happy that i met her, that i am talking to her and that she doesn't mind my company. But instead i am being a jealous moron, for no reason at all.. 



I know that Diego probably wanted to get a reaction out of me, but i don't get why i let him do that to me. Maybe i am not as tough as i thought. 

I walk around till 6 Pm and when i get back home from the walk , i start working out to blow off some steam. After spending quite a long time working out , i start to feel better. Maybe it was just a bad day i think to myself. 

I still want to ask her out though. 


I sit on my balcony and start smoking a cigarette and drinking some beer. All the stress i had today is making me want to enjoy myself. The smell of the cigarette makes me feel good and relaxed. I just can t figure out why i acted so jealous today, it doesn't fit by nature. 

I wonder about what she is doing right now. Maybe she is hanging out with Diego , i don't know and i don't want to know. 

This is the last cigarette and then i will go to sleep and hope that tomorrow i get my mind together. 

After finishing my last cigarette, I walked to bed to go to bed. I opened my phone to set the alarm and realized how stupid I was. The blonde had texted me 4 hours ago and I didn't notice. No one bothers to do it, so I don't spend much time on my phone. Now I know for sure that she thinks I chose to ignore her..... Which is not true at all. Should I answer ? It's 11 pm.... Maybe I should ignore her message... "You good?" she sent. No, I'm not good.... 


 Next day

As soon as I arrived at school , I checked my phone again, hoping to see a message from her. Sadly i didn't get any and once again my stupid phone was on silent all the time. 

In class , I get this weird feeling that she is not there. I look left... And i look right.. and she s not sitting behind or in front of me anymore. I look behind me to see her seat and it s empty. Where is she? I look around the room and still can't see her. What the hell is going on...? 


 After a while, she comes late to class and the teacher says "Scarlett, how dare you be late to my classes?!" 

So her name is Scarlett…Everyone stares at her and everyone is surprised that she is late. 

She gives the teacher an annoyed look and then walks to her seat. She looks around and I see her sitting next to Diego. My heart stops for a second.... What is she doing there? Is she going out with him? 

I try to hide my anger and keep a straight face. I have nothing to say and as the lesson goes on , I start thinking why it is that I care so much after all... 


She stays seated next to Diego for the rest of the day so now i know that they could really be going out together and i have nothing to do about it. 

I can t even look at her face , cause i would probably do or say something stupid. Instead i am just sitting there next to Suky while ignoring everything happening around me. 

All these thoughts in my head make me not focus on anything... Even food and drink dont seem tempting to me anymore. As the hours pass by , the more i want to cry. 


I just sit there and stare forward. My mind is full of thoughts about her and my mind is so occupied, that i don't even notice Suky talking to me. 

"Did you hear me? " he says. 

"Huh ? " i answer while turning my head at him, then realizing that he must be talking to me. 

"Didn't hear anything, what did you say. " i tell him. 

"You got no chance with her, haha" he says and he shakes his head while putting his feet back on the table. 


"Hah-ha" i try to fake a laugh, while keeping a straight face. 

What a bastard Suky is.... he always does such things. He doesn't even realize or care about what goes through my mind. 

After a long day , i arrive home and go straight to bed. I cant wait for this day to be finally be over.... 

I really don't know what to think about this situation, I have no clue and I am starting to regret not answering her last night. Maybe I should have said something to her... 

I start typing a message on my phone but then stop. What do i write to her? 

"I m sorry for ignoring you? " 

"I forgot to answer? " 

"Yes yes, how are you ? What have you been doing today. " 

No i cant text this.... I think about deleting the message and ignoring her again, but i need to speak to her. 

After spending so much time thinking what to say, i decide to finally reply. "Yeah I'm good." 

I see her message and my heart stops . "U sure?" she replied within seconds. 

I start typing another message : 

"Yeah, I was just busy doing something. Sorry i didn't answer earlier." 

I pause for a second and wonder if i should say anything else. I decide to take the chance. 

I tap the 'send' icon and wait for her answer while holding my phone tightly. 


I look in the direction of my Phone as a reply finally came through. I open her message and read it. 

"24 hours ? " she answers. 

I don't even know what to write back. Why is she always so sassy, she doesn't even let me finish a sentence before replying back. 

"Yeah, there was something i had to take care of, sorry about that" i type back and press 'send'. 

What a pain.... 

I am waiting for her reply for a few seconds, thinking that she is going to reply soon. 

Then 5 minutes go by, still no message. 

10 minutes go by, nothing. Then suddenly i realize 1 hour already passed and she is still not replying. 

"Damn, she really left me on 'seen'. " i say with a annoyed look. 

"She must be mad as hell right now.". I close my phone in disbelief and keep staring at the floor. I don't want to believe that she s ignoring me like that. "Why are you ignoring me? Am i that unimportant to you ? " i send. She has every right to ignore me now... I lied. I shouldn't had lied, but I couldn't tell I was jealous and insecure because of Diego. 


"Apparently I am, so why shouldn't you be unimportant too?" she replies. 


My eyes fill with rage as i read her message. I want to throw my phone with all my anger on the wall. But luckily i don't do that. 

"You really expect me to reply to your little 'you good' , after you ignored me all day? " i send back and i cross my arms in anger. 

"You have some nerve." i finish and press 'send' while waiting for her reaction. 

Now i feel bad for ignoring her and she is mad at me too... I really messed up this time. 


She replies "What a waste of time". My blood starts to boil as i read her message. 

This feels like a dagger directly into my heart. 

"A waste of time?! She is really going too far, but i wont let her say that without me telling her the truth." 

I start typing: 

"Yeah, a waste of time. Now that i think of it, you are a waste of time" 

I press 'send' and then sit there waiting for her answer , but i don't get any response . It seems Scarlett already blocked me. 

And the worst part about it is that she could be gone for good now...