

" Who do you think you are? Daring to enter my office like that? " A soft profound voice inquired as she turned out to look at the direction in which a young man in his late thirties made his way in from the main entrance of the chamber. " I am the Devil and I don't need to ask for permission when I make an entry in my premises. " A deep voice stated as he sat on the chair in the last had vacated a while ago by the curvy lady who stood by the window sipping down her booze

RoseNdungu · Urban
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14 Chs


" Hello, Adriana have you met a ghost, Why is your face pale, honey? " A deep Mockery voice inquired from the sitting area from where a man was sitting with his legs crossed on the table like he was waiting to be served.

" What brings you here imbecile?" I inquired as I tightened the grip on the glass that contained the wine that I had consumed halfway.

" Well, I can see you got my message quite well and I think that there is no need for me to worry about anything. " Marcello stated blissfully as he stood up and was about to flee when he was halted halfway by sarcastic laughter.

" Hahaha, you think that you will drop me off so easily, No, no no my dear, If I fall, be ready for your downfall because we are going down together. I don't care about the wedding anymore. It's me and you till the end. " I stated confidently. All my life I did not know how to stand up for myself but this was the first time and I think I felt like I owned the world with the gun in my hands while I desired to kill him which was going to be so easy and I yearned to watch him suffer in pain as he begged for mercy. I needed him to feel the betrayal and pain that he made me go through during this day and now he was in my apartment to tell me this. I was fuming with rage as my blood boiled inside me and I felt like he was a piece of trash that I needed to get over with since it was disgusting my place.

" So what are you planning to do? " Marcelo inquired as he jerked to amble towards me I yelled out to him before picking up my purse that I had placed on the kitchen counter and I pointed the gun at him.

" I will do nothing but watch and I would love to have fun with you and your wife as you burn and rot in hell. " I stated boastfully I had never felt like this before since all the time I was with him all I could see was his tall body towered even if he was far away and I felt my five feet and six inches to be extremely tiny to defend myself but with this gun, I felt conceited as I watched him beg on his clemency.

" Adriana you don't have to do this, We can talk. " Marcelo stated as he tried to move an inch closer to my direction I knew he would affect me if he managed to get closer to me with his hot breath around me and his scent made me numb and I could not allow it to go back to square one and get stabbed on my back again and give him the chance to make fun of me.

" Don't dare me! " I yelled out as I cocked the gun, ready to pull the trigger.

" Okay, I won't move but can you please keep that gun down it's not a toy to play with. " Marcelo stated calmly

" Hahaha, What do you think I am a child who doesn't know what she is doing and for your information, I am not a child anymore and I can handle myself quite well. " I stated as this made my eyes well up in tears which I was trying to withhold since my eyes landed on his face again. I needed him to clarify all the answers that I had but what was the need for that? He found me unworthy.

" No, no, no, That's not what I mean, I am sorry to have done this to you, I know I was supposed to tell you that I was married but how could I do that we were in love and you know that. " Marcelo muttered.

" Hahaha, We were in love, of course, I bet you took advantage of my feelings, and not only that you let her break it to me. It even gets interesting that you planned to kill me on my first day at work after getting me this job. " I stated as tears broke in my eyes because I couldn't withhold myself much longer.

" Adriana, You know me, I cannot do such a thing to you even if I am angry with you. I still love you. " Marcelo stated

" Mmmmm, There goes the sweet talk again. I am sorry that I have to break this to you but I am not putting this thing down until you leave my house and my keys and don't ever come back. Understood asshole." I articulated as my hands started to grow weaker and my heart was starting to believe what he was saying I needed to give him a chance maybe he would save me the embarrassment of the wedding cancellation.

" Okay, I am fleeing but please don't do something stupid that you will regret. " Marcelo stated as he strolled his way out and I scampered my feet to close the door behind him. I breathed slowly to relax as I breathed some clean oxygen after part of my trash was disposed of since I caught Marcelo in my chamber he had suffocated the air inside. After relaxing I decided to open the carton that I found in the doorway I wasn't afraid of what was inside since I had nothing to lose. Until my stomach groaned out of hunger I uncocked the gun and placed it near my small coffee table took out my phone and swiped up my screen before I tapped on the Glovo app and made my super delivery since I was messed up and I couldn't cook and I could end up burning my apartment down. After making the order I resumed unwrapping the cartoon and to my surprise I came to find out that it was the coat that I had left earlier in the office and I now believed he wanted me dead for real.

" How is this even possible, He couldn't have made his way here and relaxed this way. Could it be he was telling me the truth? No no no, he betrayed me and why send this over? " I wondered to myself in my thoughts before I heard my doorbell ring which snared me off guard.

" Who is it? " I inquired as I made a few steps to pick up the door.

" The delivery guy. " A deep voice stated

" Okay, just a minute. " I stated as I peeped through the small hole in the door to confirm with a gun behind my back for any nuisance. It happened so fast when I felt a gun on my head and a deep voice stated.

" Give that to me?" A deep voice stated.

" What? " I asked confused

" The gun, of course, I know you have it, and be fast. " He stated in a profound voice

" Okay, Here it is, please don't kill me. " I pleaded for my life as chills danced down my spine when I heard the trigger being pulled. I couldn't believe how fast that happened since a while ago people were begging for my mercy to spare their lives now I am begging for mine to be spared. So much for a day to handle.

" Enjoy your meal you are still alive and don't ever do that silly thing again. " Should I say the delivery guy or the man with the gun stated and he handed me the carrier bag with my trembling hands I picked it up and the two men left I was left staring at the wall opposite my apartment door ahead me and I felt numb before a call from my pocket buzzed which almost made me drop the bag on hand. It was my best friend Lorraine I scrolled to the answer button.

" Hello girlfriend are you at home? I am on my way coming over in a minute don't be in such a rush to order because I came packed. " Lorraine stated

" Okay, I will wait. " I stated as I felt a relief it was almost midnight and I was glad someone was going to give the company.