
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 2: The system

"Oh no?"

It felt like wet pillows were pushing me from all angles. Trying to get me out, and then I even felt a hand touch my head. When it touched my head, it started pulling so hard that I felt a slight crack in my neck.

'AH!!! Not so hard, genius.'

As if it heard me, it started pulling softer. I started feeling a cold breeze on top of my head.

'This is it. The moment I get born. What should I say? Should I greet them? Maybe, hello there. Nah, that won't work. I need to say something more epic, something godlike. Maybe hello mortals, because I'm immortal until I turn 14. Maybe-'

Before I could come up with a good intro, I got pulled out and a bright light obstructed my view.


But instead of hearing something or even seeing something, it was silent. I wasn't moving, I was frozen in time. The only thing I saw was a pop-up.

<Welcome gamer, to the world of Naruto>

Instead of freaking out like I would normally do, I was actually very composed but still hyped.

<Would you like to start the tutorial?>


I was obviously planning on clicking on yes, but before I could even try that. It automatically selected yes on itself.

'Oh, so I can control with my thoughts if I want to. Handy. I feel smarter'

<To shut the gamer system off or on, say/think gamer system shut down or say/think gamer system on>

'I just got the system. I'm not shutting it down.'

<To view your stats, say/think stats>


A blue display popped up.


name: Yuki Uzumaki Senju

age: 0

status: baby

title: genius, wise man

lvl:1 exp: 0/100

hp: 20/20

chakra: 1650/1650 (you are an Uzumaki and Senju, they have a lot of chakra)


vit:1 (decreased by 80%, because you're a baby)


chc:5 (being a Senju gave you a small boost)


charm:50 (+20) (Present from Voice and the + 20 is because you're a baby.)

int: 100 (Present from Voice)

wis:100 (Present from Voice)

luk:50 (Present from Voice)


money:¥10000 (that's just $96.35) (Present from Voice)

'Now it makes sense why I felt smarter, because I am. My stats look solid for someone who just got born, but the fact that I have that much chakra worries me. I don't want to be kidnapped by Danzo or something. I'm going to have to learn how to suppress my chakra.'

<To view a more info of your stats, say/think stats info>

'stats info'

A new blue display popped up.

[stats info]

Name: pretty obvious

age: again pretty obvious

status: gives you temporary buffs and debuffs (like bleeding or poisoned)

title: gives you permanent buffs and debuffs

lvl: what level you are.

exp: how much exp you need until the next level. Every level Exp required will increase by 1.3

hp: how much damage you can take. You passively regain health, sleeping for longer than 6 hours refills all health

chakra: how much chakra you can use. Running and stuff like that also take chakra. You passively regain chakra, sleeping for more than 6 hours refills all chakra.

str: your power, the more strength points you have the harder your hits are. 1 point= 10 damage. That is the max damage you can deal with a punch (not including crits).

vit: your endurance, 1 point= 100 Hp. You regain health when you sleep or just don't do anything.

ch: every 1 point = 100 (+10) chakra (you +10 chakra extra because of the 2 clans you chose)

chc: every 1 point makes you be able to use 1% more of your chakra. It makes you lose less chakra.

dxt: your speed, battle speed, how fast you can react.

charm: your looks, how easy it is to seduce someone. (if you want to. Effects how much people will like you at the start (this doesn't always help you with everyone)

int: how fast you can think, how smart you are and so on. 1 int= 2 IQ

wis: how good you can talk to people, how good you can manipulate or inspire people and so on.

luk: how lucky you are. This can help with loot drops. Can change a battle if you're lucky enough (get it. I know not really funny but still had to do it) This is also the only stat, that can decrease. (If you were about to get hit by a kunai and suddenly the wind makes the kunai swerve. This would decrease your luck by 3-10 points, depending on how lucky the situation was.) It's also nearly impossible to increase your luck, without just raising it with points from level ups and rewards.

points: the amount of points you can spend to get stronger. You get 5 points per level up.

money: become the next Elon Musk

<If you want a more in depth info about your title's or statuses, say/think title or Status.>


A new blue display popped up.


[Genius]: Gives you an IQ above 200.

[Wise man]: You speak to the people's heart. People tend to listen to you and are more submissive to you ideas.



[baby]: physical stats decreased by 80%, +20 charm, major temporary blindness, slight temporary deafness, 11 times learning boost and exp boost, 14 to 17 hours of sleep required, no control over crying, urination and defecation.

'I don't know if that's good or bad. Neither probably.'

<If you want to see your perks say/think perks>



[Hi there handsome](unlocks at 50 charm)

Everyone that sees you gets 10+ rep

[Smart](unlocks at 70 int)

You passively think 3 times faster than a normal villager. In battle, you can think up to 5 times faster than your normal self, if you focus hard enough. (So 3 x 5= 15)

[Multi channeling](unlocks at 100 int)

You're able to completely focus on 2 or even 3 things at the same time. You can think about 2 or even 3 things at the same time.

[Mentor](unlocks at 75 wis)

You are a great teacher. You can easily teach and help people. Furthermore, you can easily find their flaws and their strong points.

[Guru](unlocks at 100 wis)

You can slightly feel people's emotions, and you can easily predict their next move. You can easily understand their motivation and what they're thinking of.

[The lucky wheel](unlocks at 50 luk)

A lucky wheel. You can win all kinds of things, from a sock to a devil fruit or even all the dragon balls. But to spin this wheel, you not only need to pay with money, but also with 2 luck points. Meaning that the more you spin, the more your luck decreases. (There are package offers like: 5 spins for 8 luck points, 10 spins for 15 luck points, 20 spins for 20 luck points and 100 spins for 50 luck points)

Yuki:' Ooh, I can feel the gambler in me wanting to use the lucky wheel, but I shouldn't right now. Who knows what would happen if my luck went below 50, would the lucky wheel be locked? Probably.'

<To view your skills, say/think skills>




[Gamers body (max)]

Just like a character in a game, you can feel the pain, but after some seconds the pain fades away. Any injury will disappear, when your health is full. (lost your arm? Just sleep for 6 hours, and it will look like nothing happened)

[Gamers mind (max)]

Just like a gamer playing a game, any mental attack won't harm you. Genjutsu won't work on you if you don't want it to work on you. You're able to stay calm even when put under high pressure or killing intent. You are still able to feel emotions, but they won't overtake you or control you.

[ID-create (max)] (id-escape is inside of id-create)

You're able to open a portal to a variety of your own subspaces, where time works differently. Every 1 minute in there = 1 sec in the real world. Also, your body doesn't age inside of it. Depending on the world you choose, you can freely leave any moment you want.

[Hearing (14/20)]

Hearing, is the ability to perceive sounds your ears, by detecting vibrations as periodic changes in the pressure of a surrounding medium. The academic field concerned with hearing is auditory science.

[🔓 locked]





Yuki:' Locked? Why are some of my skills locked? Maybe those are the skills I had in my previous life, that I still have to unlock in this one.'

<The host has received +1 int for his deduction of the system, without needing extra information.>

Yuki:' Nice'

<To go to the store say/think store>


[store] search:...

sight(5/20): 10000¥

lazarbeam(1/50): 10000000¥

waterbending(1/100): 1000000000¥

'Oh damn! There is a search option! Wait, Waterbending?! It does cost a lot though.' *sigh*

'Should I just buy sight? Maybe if I buy this I won't be blind anymore, but that's all my money tough. I'll end up as broke as my past life. It doesn't matter, what has to be done, shall be done.'

I clicked on sight.

<Would the host like to buy the skill [sight(5/20)]>


I clicked on yes and I felt it. I was broke again. *sigh*

<You have purchased the skill [sight(5/20)] ¥10000 has been taken out of your account>

<A new skill has been added to your arsenal>

<Would you like to view the information of your new skill?>


I clicked on no. I know what sight is, so don't need an extra explanation.

<To access the quest log say/think quest log>

'Quest log'

<quest log>

[current quest]: Tutorial

[Task]: Finish the tutorial.



+1 lvl

+butler AI


'Oi nice I'm going to get my money back and a butler AI. Wait, what is a butler AI?'

I tried to click on the butler AI, but obviously I wasn't able to, because I couldn't move my body. So I started thinking random commands, to try and see the butler AI's info.

'Butler AI, view butler AI, open butler AI, view butler AI info'

The moment I said that, a blue screen appeared.

[butler AI]

The system's AI will become a sentient being, with its own feelings and emotions. They will help you navigate the system and more.

'That's pretty handy.'

<To view your notifications, say/think notifications>



When killing something, winning something or anything that can give you a notification happens. You will be able to find them here. You will hear a ping when you get a notification. Only emergency notification pop up on your field of vision.

'Okay got it. Anything else?'

<Congratulations you successfully finished your quest>

quest "completed":


+1 lvl

+Butler AI



I wanted to look at my rewards, but before I could do that, everything started moving and all the sounds rushed in.

Yare yare daze that was a lot of work. I hope you liked this chapter, if you have anything to say or share , feel free to just leave a comment. But for now Budgieman out.

budgie_mancreators' thoughts