
My Ninja Gamer Way

Yuki is just your average 14-year-old boy with no parents or friends. After forgetting that he had a presentation that day. He dies of a sudden heart failure, but he wasn't supposed to die that day. He finds out that he was accidentally killed by an apprentice god. That's why he gets the chance to get reincarnated into an anime of his choice, with the gamer ability. As a fan of Naruto, he obviously chooses to get reborn in the Naruto world. But is he ready to face the challenges that the Naruto world will throw at him? Find out.

budgie_man · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 14: Exploring

'You know, I wonder how strong I am compared to my peers? Maybe I'll do some exploring tomorrow.'



The next morning, I was woken up by the sun shining through the cracked windows of Naruto's apartment. 

'You know, for a bad mattress, I got some amazing sleep.' Standing up, I pulled my arms back, stretching the sleep out of me.

'Sebastian, what time is it.' 

Sebastian:" It's currently 8:53am. You slept for exactly nine hours seven minutes and two seconds, Yuki."

I looked at Naruto while thinking.

'You know, it's been a long time since I have checked on his stats.'

So I used [observe]on him.


[Naruto Uzumaki]

Naruto Uzumaki is a child from the Hidden Leafs Uzumaki clan. He became the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails on the day of his birth, a fate that causes him to be shunned by most of Konoha. He is the son of Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze.

Age: 4


Hp: ???

Attack: ???

Speed: ???


Rep: 83


'At the moment observe only enables me to see the stats of people that are less than 5 levels ahead of me. So Naruto is still a lot stronger than me.'

I used [Chakra Sensing] making sure that no one was around me.

'Okay coast clear.'

I stood up and started stretching my legs, because you know what they say: 'A stretch a day, keeps the chiropractor away!'




<You 6 have consistently stretched your legs for more than months>

<Dexterity stat will be increased by one point>

<All leg related skills have levelled up>


'I feel a lot lighter' I started jumping and doing some squats. It felt like cement had been taken of my legs.

I made my way to the fridge, taking some milk and cereal out of it. Don't ask me why there was cereal in the fridge, because I don't know.

I put some cereal in a bowl and added some milk. If you could even call it milk. It didn't even pour out. Instead, chunks of cheese like milk fell in my bowl.

Naruto:" You're already eating without me!! Why didn't you wake me up!" he said while rubbing his eyes;

"Don't worry I haven't eaten yet and I don't think I'm planning to." I looked down at my, now ruined, cereal. 'I lost my hunger'

I looked back up and saw Naruto looking at me with wide eyes.

Naruto:" You-y-you just talked perfectly!!"

'Damn it I forgot about that!'

Naruto:" I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!! YOU'RE HEALED!!" he jumped at me, tackling me to the ground.


"Wha-no, yeah you're right. When I woke up I just felt like a stone was lifted off me and I was able to talk."

Naruto:" And your legs? Do you think that they're fixed too?"

"They're better, but nor perfect. I think that I'll still need crutches to walk."

Naruto:" Hiruzen gave me a pair, I think I left them somewhere outside! I'll go look for them." he said while giving me a thumbs up. 

Naruto:" And don't worry, I'll make sure that your legs will get fixed in no time, BELIEVE IT!"

'He said the thing!'

He dashed off, leaving me alone with my cereal.

I looked down at my cereal.

"This is practically poison. Wait.. poison? Maybe I could get some kind of poison resistance from this?" I pinched my nose and brought a spoon filled with chunky milk and cereal closer to my face.

"You know, how bad can it really be."

Sebastian:" Pretty bad."

I took a bite and swallowed without thinking and let me tell you, it was pretty bad.

"I can feel the chunks in my stomach" but no notification so I tried again and again, until I finished the whole bowl.



<You have been poisoned>



<You have recieved the debuff <strong>[food poisoning]>





<status >

[child]: physical stats decreased by 20%, +10 charm, 5 times learning boost and exp boost, 10 to 13 hours of sleep required.

[Jinchuriki🦊]: -50 charm, 🔒,🔒,🔒,... (increase rep with tailed beast to unlock other functions)

[Food Poisoning](20 min): -10% physical stats, +70% chance of diarrhea, + 50% chance of vomiting, stomach ache


"Oh come o-*blarghhh*" My bowl was now filled again.

'I need to get to the toilet before my underwear changes color.' I glanced at the bottle of milk.

'I'm already poisoned so why not try one more time.' I took the bottle and gulped it whole, while making my way to the toilet.




<The debuff <strong>[food poisoning] has worsened>

<20 200 min, -10% physical stats, +70% chance of diarrhea, + 50% vomiting, stomach ache ⇾ -40% +98,314% 83,142% abdominal pain < p>


'shi-' literally, at least I got on the toilet in time.



Time skip brought to you by Yuki suffering on the toilet (230 min)



Naruto:" How do you feel?"

"Better." After surviving for 200 hellish minutes. It took me another 30 minutes to clean all the mess that I had created.

Naruto:" Who would've thought that your sickness went from your voice to your stomach and then the toilet."


'But it ended up paying off.'


[Poison resistance(9/30)]

passive skill

rarity: uncommon

The ability to be exposed to and/or ingest toxins and not be harmed that badly.


I actually just had to wait for the debuff to end and then I was ale to get the skill.

Naruto:" So where do you want to go?"

I took my crutches "Anywhere really. I just feel like going outside." 

Naruto grinned, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Alright, Yuki! Let's make today another awesome adventure!"

We stepped out into the village, life was bursting all around us. People were talking loudly, playing, buying and selling a bunch of stuff.

As we wandered through the streets and more people started to notice us. Everything started to die out. People stopped talking loudly, kids were made to stop playing when we came close and nothing was bought nor sold. The only thing you could hear were people murmuring.

Naruto was still just joyously walking and talking next to me.

'It's really hard to imagine how hard living in this village has probably been for Naruto, but he's still standing strong. I totally understand that Gaara went nuts.'

Using [observe] on everything I saw, I told Sebastian to remember the names and faces of all the people that were blatantly hating on us. 

What? I wasn't just going to let any of this slide. I never really understood how Naruto was just able to forgive everyone.

" Naruto, do you know any hidden passages or spots?"

Naruto grabbed my hand, nearly breaking my crutch, and said "Of course I do. I'll show you all the spots I use when I'm trying to hide from people."

Let me tell you this. This kid had so many perfect hiding spots, that it genuinely impressed me.

We kept going until our exploration led us to one of the training grounds.

[Seventh training ground]

The seventh training ground is a portion of land located inside Konoha, where Konoha shinobi hone their skills. There is a view of the Hokage Rock and it's surrounded by trees. It's known for having a great view. There is a glade of about 750m and in its center there is a small pond. This training ground is mainly used by Genins and Chũnins.

I looked around, amazed by what I saw. 

'It really does have a great view.' The sun was hitting the Hokage Rock at the perfect angle, giving it a majestic appearance

Naruto:"My face will be on there some day, then everyone will look at me in awe and we'll both finally be loved by everyone." He gave me his signature smile and walked into the training ground.

There were some shinobi's exercising and training. They looked around the ages of 12 and 15. They weren't that impressive, but they still looked pretty cool.

I saw someone look at me and quickly used [observe] on them.


[Ito Ima]

Ito Ima is a student of the academy that aspires to be a well known ninja. She shows great efforts but sadly lacks some potential. She loves strawberry cake, but hates apples. Some say that she's quite gullible, but this makes her a very friendly person.

Age: 10


Hp: ???

Attack: ???

Speed: ???


Rep: -10


'She's a friendly person, but we're already not on good terms? Probably all those stupid rumors.' I waved, but she just went back to training.


Sebastian:" Language."

Rolling my eyes, I went back to watching the people train.

As I saw them, I tried to remember everything. From the way they moved their legs, to the way they breathed.

It felt like I was absorbing the techniques and skills on display.

'Just a little bit more and I might be able to repl-'


I landed on the ground, bringing me back to the real world.

???²³³³:" What are scum like you guys doing here!?" The tallest was the one that started speaking.

???²³³²:" Yeah, shouldn't you still be sucking your mom?!" They all started laughing, but I just stared them down.

???¹²²³:" Oh wait, You guys don't have a mom! Or parents!!" They all started hysterically laughing, as if they just said the funniest thing ever.

Naruto:" STOP!!" Naruto jumped in front of me, trying to shield me from them.

Naruto:"Don't mess with Yuki! Or I'll make you regret it!"

They stopped to look at each other, but instead of calming down, they started laughing even harder.

???¹²²³:" What are you going to do?! Kick our knees?" taking a step closer, he was now right in front of Naruto.

???¹²²³:" Let's see ho- AAAAHHHH!!" He grabbed his forehead, that was now severely bleeding after I hit it full force with my crutch.

'So this is the max damage I can do at the moment.'

Tears and blood were streaming down his face as he cried in agony. His friends tried to calm him down, but to no avail. 

"This is what happens when you mess with the wrong people. If you ever try something again, I will make sure that the third hokage HIMSELF will beat some sense into you guys."

Some people were now approaching us, trying to figure out what happened. So I rubbed the blood from my crutch onto a nearby rock.

'Not everyone needs to know what happened.'

 I squatted "Are you okay?" I said, while worriedly looking at the guy I just hit.

"This is why you always have to watch out when you're training! I can't believe that you fell and hit your head on a rock!" I pointed to the rock and everyone walked away after 'figuring out' what happened.

Turning around, I focused back on the three idiots in front of me.

"If I were you guys, I wouldn't tell anyone about this. You definitely don't want people to know that you were embarrassed by a crippled kid and his brother, do you?"

They didn't answer, deciding to just look at me in anger.

"Good. Now scurry away. Your faces are annoying me."

???¹¹:" Now that isn't a nice thing to say, is it?" I turned around trying to figure out where the voice came from, but I didn't have to because he was already in front of me.

'You have got to be kidding me!'


[Shisui Uchiha]

Shisui Uchiha, also known as "Shisui of the Body Flicker", is a member of the Uchiha clan. He is part of the Anbu and is regarded as a true genius. He has the potential to be one of the greatest. His kind heart and extroverted personality makes him very likeable. 

Age: 13


Hp: ???

Attack: ???

Speed: ???


Rep: -5





This for the people who want to know what the amount of rep means.

-100 to -80

arch/sworn enemy: They will try anything to kill or make you suffer. Their live mission is to make your life a living hell by all means necessary. They will be even pettier than Reverse Flash and Dio. (When it hits -100 it can't go up)

-80 to -60

enemy: They despise you, they might try to kill you or harm you at any given moment.

-60 to -40

awful terms: They hate you, they discriminate, harm and look down at you. They would be happy if you died.

-40 to -20

bad terms: They don't like you, they bully, talk bad about you, call you names and treat you as an outcast.

-20 to 0

not on good terms: They don't really like you, they might talk bad about you behind your back and they see you as a nuisance.

0 to 20

strangers: They don't know you exist, they might give you a smile or wave at you. But they don't really care about you.

20 to 40

Acquaintances: They know you, but they're not really your friends, more like classmates.

40 to 60

Casual Friends: They like hanging out with you and you have common interests.

60 to 80

Close Friends: They understand you, they have similar values, ideals and worldviews as you, but even if they don't, you can always understand each other. They work together with you to achieve your or their goals. They make you feel comfortable without the fear of getting judged. It's like a best friend.

80 to 100

Intimate Friends: They connect with you soul to soul, they understand, feel and truly care about you. You can share everything with them without any worry. They will do anything for you to be happy and live a perfect life even if it means they themselves have to suffer. It's like a mix of a best friend and a great parent. (when it hits 100 it won't go down)

Haha I posted, you didn't have to wait a whole month or more this time. Let's goooo. But yeah, I hope you liked this chapter. If you have anything to say, feel free to leave a comment. I read all of them. So yeah , pls do.

But for now,

Budgieman out

budgie_mancreators' thoughts