

"He-e what?" Vincent adjusts his glasses as if expecting them to answer his question, while looking back and forth from Meredith to Jaron.

"You heard me. He awoke yesterday about an hour after you left." Meredith answers while staring at Vincent unflinchingly. Pulling at the collar of his shirt, he clears his throat before leaning on to his desks with his elbow hands clutched together in front of his face.

"This is honestly unheard of…I do however have a proposal." He finally speaks, but you could see the nervousness in his eyes.

"Well, what is it?" Meredith urged him to continue.

"I would like to adopt Jaron." I feel Meredith's hand tighten on my shoulder as she glares at Vincent.

"Now now, no need to get angry. Yes, this is for selfish reasons, but I do truly mean it. I would adopt Jaron completely, name and all. You know me and Tabitha aren't mages, so it's highly likely that Lilia won't be as well. Besides who else in this city could give the boy a better life than us?" Vincent finished almost pleadingly.

Meredith was frowning, but I didn't think it was from what he said. I think it was a sadness of me getting adopted. She knew Vincent wouldn't force her to let him adopt me, but she also knew that it truly was my best option. Vincent and Tabitha were great people who could give me the loving and caring home any orphan hopes for.

A sad smile forms on her face as she caresses the top of my head and looks down at me.

"What do you think Jaron?" I look up at her to see tears already welling up in her eyes, and a jolt of sadness goes through me. Though I know I could visit them any time, it would no longer be how it had been these last 2 years. While I could probably still progress fairly well while staying in the orphanage, it's no lie that the resources I could get by becoming a Helstea would be a huge boon.

I only mull over it a few more seconds before I turn around to face the head mother, grabbing both her hands in mine.

"Don't be sad head mother, I can always visit the orphanage. Besides the Helstea's are a very nice family, I'm lucky such a good one wants me."

The tears in her eyes had already started to fall as soon as I turned around. I guess she already anticipated this answer. She nods slowly before speaking as well.

"You're quite right, and I do expect you to visit often, as often as you can." I give a bright smile and nod, before turning back around to face Vincent.

"Please take care of me from now on, Mr. Vincent. Or should I say "Dad" now?" I finish with a slight head tilt. Vincent had a big genuine smile on his face as he stood up and knelt down on one knee in front of me.

"I would be honored if you would call me "Dad", son." He leaned forward the rest of the way and gave me a brief hug. He quickly stood back up and took one step back and I was confused for all of one second before both head mother and Maeve smothered me in hugs of their own. This moment continued for a few moments until head mother cleared her throat and dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief that magically appeared.

"Well, we might as well make it official." She reaches into a pocket tucked away inside her dress and pulls out a few sheets of paper.

"I never leave home without this, you never know what might happen." She said with a sad smile as she stepped towards the desk and signed her name at the bottom before passing it to Vincent. He briefly read it before signing as well and then lastly there was me. The 5-6 steps to the desk seemed oddly substantial, I never would have thought getting adopted would have this much of an impact on me.

In my past life after my parents died when I was 5, I lived with my grand parents until they too were no longer capable of taking care of me due to illness. This caused me to enter the foster system until the age of 18 when I moved out on my own. All those years as a kid bouncing between homes this is something I had dreamed about until eventually I had given up hope as the older you get the less likely to get adopted.

Arriving at the desk I cautiously pick up the pen, feeling heavy in my tiny 2 year old hand. Though I imagine it wasn't physical weight that weighed it down. Carefully scribbling down my name, I feel the anxiety of the moment lessen with each letter and my resolve firming. This could be considered my second true step in my path to becoming stronger, the first being forming my mana core.

Sighing I turn around to see everyone gazing at me. There was happiness, sadness and excitement all mixed together. Once again I hugged Meredith and Maeve before she spoke one more time.

"The first page is mine, the second is Vincent's and the final is Jaron's." She turns to me specifically next. "This paper is very important, do not lose it." I give a serious nod as I tuck the paper into my pants.

"He will stay at the orphanage one last night to gather all his things, and so that we can give him a proper send off. You're welcome to attend the party, seeing as you're adopting him." Vincent nods and agrees to be there, and we make our exit back to the orphanage.

"I'm so happy for you Jaron! This is so exciting!" Maeve picks me up in a big hug and swings me around. Laughing giddily to herself. I have a a huge smile on my face as well from the experience. Though I feel like Maeve is just putting on a brave face, she took care of me almost as much as the head mother.

When we reached the orphanage and the news was broken to the rest of the kids their was a mix reaction. Some cheered, and some cried, but at the end everyone told me how happy they were for me. Due to all the excitement night came quickly and took what has become a traditional seat on my bed with my sword in my lap. Meditating and continuously improving my mana core.

While cycling the impurities I began to wonder what elements I might have. Arthur had all 4 but I wonder if I would be the same? Focusing deeper in my core I pulled at various things and swirled my mana through my body just trying to feel something. I began to feel a breeze rustle my hair and the tiny hairs of my arms, opening my eyes I see faint wisps of wind flowing around my body.

Wind magic. I wonder if I have more though? Pulling once again I focus on something that feels a little more unstable than the peaceful wind I brought forth a second ago. I could feel my body heating up, radiating from my core outwards and my hands felt the power build up until I released it. Small flames had escaped from my fists and I quickly had to get some water to put out the small fire.

Fire magic as well. However when I focused back into my core I couldn't feel any other forces inside there. I could easily sense the peaceful breeze like wind magic as well as the volatile fire. It seems I'm a duel element mage. Which could be seen as a bonus in its own way, while Arthur felt the need to at least be proficient in all 4 and some deviants. I can focus purely on 2 and their deviants.

Sound wasn't showcased too much from what I remember in the books, but lightning definitely was. However I think my higher understanding of sound waves and the like from my modern education will help me come up with some fun attacks.

6 years. 6 years until Arthur makes it to Helstea's mansion. 10 years until he attends the academy at 12 years old. It feels like a lot of time, but with as much I need to work on it also feels like it's not enough. Ugh, nothing is going to change in one night, I'll continue purifying my core for another hour and then sleep. After the party tomorrow and I move into the Helstea home I will set about making a list of things I need to do. For now I'll enjoy the peace while I can.

The next morning came quickly and with it and sense of anxiety but also one of opportunity. Coming down the stairs from my room, I see that everyone is already awake and waiting for me. Smiles dotting all their faces and smile forms on mine as well as I take in their faces. I know it won't be forever, but for some reason my heart won't listen to logic.

The Helstea's made their arrival shortly after and the small party began. Crafted presents from the other kids were gifted, while the present I got from head mother was just a folded piece of paper. I looked at it quizzically before realization dawned on me and I knew that it was the paper that I came with.

"It doesn't have any indications of who your birth parents are, but I figured you would want to have it anyways." Meredith said with a loving smile.

Unfolding the paper I only find 2 words, and that was my real name. Jaron Bordran. In all my searches of history books and any book that might shine a light on the name, I had never come across the name Bordran. Still though I gave a big smile and folded the paper back up before tucking it into my pocket.

"Thank you head mother, I'll be sure to take good care of it."

When lunch rolled around it was time for me to say my goodbyes and load my stuff into the carriage that the Helstea's had rode here in. Though truthfully I didn't have much, and I knew that would change quickly. I remember what kind of shopping spree Tabitha went on for Arthur, so I can only imagine what it's going to be life for a her newly adopted son.

However it seemed I would have to imagine for long as that was the first stop on our way back to my new home. The clothing store. I put on more clothes in 2 hours than I felt I had ever worn in my 2 lives. You may think I'm exaggerating, but when Tabitha wants you to try something on, you WILL try it on. 10 pre made clothes and orders for 15 more custom made ones later, we were finally heading home.

Thankfully I was able to put my thoughts in on the style of clothing that I wanted, so it wasn't a total loss. First dinner with the family and a tour of the house went smoothly. Thankfully I knew were my room was because in my exhausted state after everything that went down today, I wanted nothing more than to curl up into bed and sleep.

Training would start first thing in the morning. Running and body exercises to begin forming my muscles and set my foundation. I also want to plan my body around my magic types. Being a wind and fire mage, I feel that my body would greatly benefit from increased flexibility and speed. Which is what I plan my routine around, but first I must absolutely get mana rotation down.

But that's for tomorrow, for now I will sleep.


Author's Note

Cue training montage next chapter lol. But for real we will finally be getting into some minor action things and most likely do jumps here and there. Mostly showcasing how Jaron utilizes his new abundant resources to his advantage.

Sorry for anyone that wanted Lilia to be the love interest! While technically this doesn't stop that as it wasn't that uncommon for a son to be adopted into a family that didn't have one, before he ultimately married the daughter to keep the bloodline going. But that will not be the case here, he will have a different love interest. One I haven't quite yet decided, but I'm down to maybe 2-3 options really.

Thanks for reading.


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