
My New Life in TBATE

Decided to rewrite the Synopsis as multiple people now have brought to my attention that it makes it seem like MC will just follow Arthur around everywhere and that’s just not the case. Now the synopsis begins. Jaron dies and is given the opportunity to reincarnate into a world of his choosing with one wish to help him along the way. He chooses the world of The Beginning After The End. Born into the body of an orphan of mysterious origins, Jaron uses his knowledge of the books to help himself awaken his core early. He meets new characters as well as familiar ones as he learns about his own origins in this world. He comes to develop a deep bond with his new family and his priories shift. He’s no longer preparing himself just to face the future enemies, but also protect his newfound family. The Helstea’s Hope you enjoy, as I have enjoyed writing this fanfic and it’s changed greatly from what I originally intended for it. I want to try and add some depth to things we just really don’t know. Alright now that the summary is out of the way, here is what you can expect. Upload schedule has so far been fairly consistent with at least one chapter per day and multiple on my days off of work. I can’t promise I’ll always keep that pace, but I will do my best. Also I do not reread or proofread what I have written. I apologize for the many misspellings due to auto correct I’m sure you’ll come across. I’m no expert in writing either, so expect run on sentences and the like, but I do try to keep everything as grammatically correct as possible. Im not the most knowledgeable when it comes to TBATE, so I’ll mostly just be trying my best to make with what I remember. I may even re read the books as I write to keep it fresh in my brain, so if anything is inconsistent with the story I apologize in advance. Oh well, on with the story.

SocioPhobia · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Dedication to training

[Quick Author's Note: I actually found out that I misunderstood how mana rotation works. After not reading the books in a while I assumed that it purified the mana core as well, but apparently that is not the case. As Arthur explains this right after Sylvia teleports him away in chapter 10 of the novel. Sooo I'm kind of thinking of making this be another boost of the MC, since he was able to awake a year before Arthur and learned mana rotation roughly 2 years before. I believe it's possible for MR(mana rotation) to purify the mana core. This doesn't change much of how I planned my story, but figured I would say it anyways.

Hope you enjoy.


{3 Weeks Later}



"Haa, 100" I breathe out as I drop to my butt and begin focusing purely on meditating. It's been 3 weeks since I've moved in with the Helstea's and while I do still visit the orphanage, I've already started to throw myself heavily into training. What I just finished now was my 10th set of 100 swings of the new wooden sword Vincent got me.

I had recently got mana rotation down to where I could unconsciously use it, like Arthur I can only rotate about 20% of what I could if I was focusing. However I noticed something surprising, my mana rotation potential increases whenever I have my sword with me. A staggering increase of being able to absorb mana up to 50%!. It seems the "bond" I've formed with sword since coming here also acts a focus for my mana rotation.

I can also do something that Arthur couldn't, as long as I'm hitting that 50% I can also purify my mana at the same time. It's still not as efficient as if I was purely focusing on it, but even just tiny gains over these next multiple years will be a huge boon. I'm excited to see my mana core progression with this cheat level ability.

Needless to say now all my exercises I kept my sword on me. Running? Sword was in my hand as I noticed that's when I get the full 50%. However if I was doing push-ups it was more practical to strap it to my back. It gained me curious looks whenever the servants or my new family would see my constantly holding my sword, but I just shrugged it off. And since I couldn't just walk around with my sword in my hand I've resorted to while it is "sheathed" on my left side, I always have my left hand rested on the handle. I say sheathed loosely here because it's still just a rope belt with a loop for my sword to slide through and sit on my hip.

I can't wait to see what kind of gains this method will bring me as I become more proficient in both mana core and sword skill. Alright breaks over, time for my laps around the mansion before finishing off with yoga like stretches. I'll be honest I don't quite know what I'm doing, but I've just been using stretches I sort of remembered. Mostly I've just been making sure to increase my flexibility, steadily.

And don't worry while I said laps around the mansion, there's a little more to it than just raising my stamina. I'm also practicing using my wind magic more and more, by having it cushioning my foot falls as well as give me a little boost with each step. Sort of like walking on air but not as drastic. It's also a fun focus exercise as while I'm doing that I'm also using my wind mana on my body to counter the draft force anyone naturally has.

Anything in motion will have some sort of draft or force pushing it back, especially as the faster it goes it becomes more obvious. Which lead me to figuring out how to counter that with wind magic, but not only that it lead me down another path. If I could counter it, couldn't I also reinforce it?

While I'm not a conjurer so it will be a while before I can apply it to my opponents, that's not the case for myself. Which is how I've added my own variation of "weighted" training. The extra force I have to push against will act similar to if I was weighed down, but not effecting my form as much. As it's more like I went from trying to slice water to slicing jello, and I can increase the difficulty until eventually it's the equivalent of slicing through metals.

That's the theory anyways, for now I've just been using this knowledge to counter the draft meaning my sword faces no resistance as I slash it. Of course this is just testing the feeling as it would be counter productive to train with no resistance whatsoever. But I found that I can take 100% more swings when I have no resistance, compared to normal resistance.

I haven't found any practical ways to add fire into my routine though. I can coat my fist and my sword in flames, but that makes it where I can't concentrate on using my wind magic to counter the drafts. It's something that I'll definitely have to work on if I want to use my dual elements efficiently. For now though I'll continue to train them and think of how to activate their deviants, surely with my modern knowledge of how things work it shouldn't be too hard.

Or maybe my mana core has to reach a certain stage? I haven't found out yet, but my mana core is already inching closer to the dark red stage. Arthur had hit dark red by age 4 so that means it roughly took him a year, but I don't know what kind of time he had to train the way I do. With the Helstea's still not exactly knowing how to interact with me I have tons of free time.

That's not to say they neglect, not at all. Just it takes me a while to warm up to people, while I know they are good people it's still hard to just uproot 2 years of normalcy and jump into a new family in 3 weeks. Which means I've had plenty of time to train and they've supported it in their own ways. Buying me workout clothes, preparing the meals I've specified for increased growth, as well getting me tutors.

While some would hate the idea of having to go through school again, I didn't mind it that much. There was a lot about this world I wanted to learn, and as long as I excelled in the things I didn't need they wouldn't continue with that course in the curriculum. So math, reading, writing, and science was basically skipped so that I could focus on more worthwhile things such as business, history, magic theory, mana beast biology, and lots of other things that just wouldn't have applied back on Earth.

They even promised to get me a sword instructor, who would be coming today to test what I already know and then base his training for me around that. I must say I really did make the right choice by coming here, as the instructor they were able to secure for me was none other than the adventurer's guild leader, Kaspian Bladeheart. He's a rank AA wind augmenter, and if I remember right he used a sword in his rank test for Arthur holding his own against a guy that had won countless duels in his past life for many years.

Though Arthur was holding back, I think it was more magically than in sword skill, so I'm pretty excited to learn from the guild leader himself. Ah here he comes now, I can feel his fluctuating mana approaching me from behind. Another thing I need to start working on, Mirage Walk. It wouldn't do for other people who are sensitive to mana to be able to sense me when I don't want them to.

He continues to "sneak" up, though I guess I should applaud him as without my sensitivity to mana I definitely wouldn't be able to hear him approach. However now that I focus mana to my ears I can pick up the faint scrapes of his boots on the dirt and grass. I feel him feed mana into his sword, assumingely to dull the blade, before he swings it down at me in a slow swing.

I quickly grip the sword in my lap and turn raising to just one knee since I couldn't get both feet up in time and it acted as great support. My right hand came up with my sword and then I brought left to the flat of the blade to catch his sword. His eyes widen for a brief second, but I quickly drop my left hand letting his sword slide down before trying to retaliate.

Though he easily repels me for a couple minutes, most likely gauging my style and form. While he does frown and wince at a lot of my moves, my over head slash does seem to gain his approval. Which is good since I've been doing a thousand slashes a day for 3 weeks, I'd hate to have to completely restart from there.

"Well. It's not the worst swordsmanship I've ever seen that's for sure, and that over head slash while basic shows the amount of practice you put into it. Reaction time is astounding, and the battle sense to know you couldn't win in a brute force battle, so "faltered" by letting your left hand fall from your sword. Using my own momentum against me. If I were to grade you? I would say. Interesting." Kaspian spoke while staring at me and my sword, and when he finished he had a bit of a challenging smirk on his face.

"You must be my instructor. Nice to meet you I'm Jaron Helstea. Please guide me well." I said with my head held high, this wasn't like Japan were respect was shown by bowing the head unless it was to royalty or someone of an equal station. Especially when it comes to someone such as a guild leader of adventurers those guys are practically built on pride, meaning they might see me as weak if I so easily bow my head.

"Tsk, don't tell me you're going to be all uptight and formal all the time. I got enough new adventurers calling me "sir" and "mister " or even "boss". You're my apprentice so either call "Bladeheart, Kaspian and maybe if you're good enough you can call me Kas, kid" He said while waving his hand back and forth before crossing his arms across his chest while he looks at me.

"Will do, Mr. Kas." I say with my own challenging smirk. He eyes me before giving a wry grin in return.

"So you do got spunk, huh kid? But that will cost you in training. I can be a real devil when it comes to training someone, I expect the nothing but the best." He said with an intense stare at me. Though I merely chuckled before challenging his stare with one of my own.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Gripping my sword tighter in my hand. Kaspian should be able to take my training to the next level. As of recently I've just been doing exercises and purifying my core while slashing my sword aimlessly. Now I'll have someone to teach me techniques and better stances, and best of all a sparring partner and someone to serve as a goal until I surpass him.

Though the moment was ruined when my stomach growled. Sweat dropping I look up to see the sun in the middle of the sky, signifying lunch time. Looking back towards Kaspian I see him grinning broadly and holding his head high as if to mock ME, a 2 year old who happened to get hungry after training all morning. However he didn't get to gloat long because seconds later his stomach rumbled as well.

I gave my own broad grin and he at least had the sense to look away sheepishly after thinking of holding hunger over his new student.

"Come on Mr. Hun- I mean Mister Kas, I'm sure the maid have whipped up something for lunch already." I turn and start walking away, but I can still hear him grumbling under his breath.


Author's Note

I apologize I promised some action, but in my defense I planned the chapter to have it. However as I wrote it I felt I needed to give different bits of insight here and there and then the dreaded dialogue. Any FF or story in general I've always dreaded writing dialogue, so hopefully it's not too bad.

Anyways how many of you guessed that it would be Kaspian? I picked him because he was a perfect fit being a wind augmenter, not to mention he's pretty slender, so I feel like he would prioritize speed and agility making him the perfect teacher for MC. Will easily allow MC to go under an alias as an adventurer without having to take a ranking exam.

Some might be wondering "why not the director of Xyrus?" All I will say is wait patiently. Right now MC needs an augmenter teacher more than Director Goodsky right now. Her teachings will be much more valuable when his mana core progresses.

Next chapter= a bit of a training montage, and I'm considering a significant time skip. Will definitely not be more than 2 years, but will at least be more than 6 months.

Thanks for reading.
