
My Neighbor’s Dirty Secret

Who knew a package could change someone’s life? Inside the box, contained her neighbor’s dirty secret. A secret that would change her life forever. Warning: Mature and threesomes.

valeriex · Urban
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54 Chs

The Package

Onto the dreaded package.

The thing in question that changed the course of her shut in fate.

There had been zero to no interaction with her neighbor's for a few days with the exception of them engaging in their lewd private affairs that bounced and echoed through to the walls. The lewd female screams and wild, intense sounds of her neighbor's love making never chilled down.

Thanks to her two day shipping, she received the soundproof earphones and didn't have to worry much about hearing such obscene sounds anymore and focus on her manuscript.

However, that package changed it all.

Rhea heard the doorbell ring early Saturday morning and quickly ran over to peer at the peep hole. This was when she usually received her groceries so she assumed that's what it was.

It was the usual delivery man. His name was Carson and at first, like any who approached the condo, they were afraid of Rhea. He was a young man probably in his mid twenties and well built. Rhea even admired his strong muscular arms through the peep hole several times.

But within time after making his regular deliveries, Carson actually began to treat her like some regular citizen of New York.

"Good morning Rhea, here's another package for you. It's rather heavy so allow me to push it in."

Carson politely tugged his hat cap all the way over his eyes so that she didn't have to see him. It was something Carson himself came up with, which Rhea was actually touched about. There were ugly people in the world and decent ones like Carson which she didn't mind several minutes of interaction with.

She unlocked the door and watched as Carson blindly pushed the box in. Once he finished, he saluted her with bright white flashing teeth.

"Thank you for always using our delivery service. You are one of our most valued customers! Have a great day Rhea."


Carson reminded her of her nephew. Her nephew Damien because he was always so considerate of her situation. And whenever Damien came over, he always had a huge sweet tooth. It was unusual but Carson was already used to her strangeness as he continued smiling, probably wondering what she was up to.

This was only his third delivery. Usually, the delivery person always changed as they were scared of Rhea. Carson was different. He lasted longer than any other delivery person as of the current time.

She rummaged through the candy drawer and said, "Hand."

He put his hands out. She tossed some candy into his hand and watched as he kept his head down, the smile somewhat faltering to surprise.

"...T-Thank you!"

After he left, she sighed in relief as that social interaction was over. She looked at the box. There was no name on the box. However, it was addressed to her condo.

Did she order something and forget to put her own name?

Sometimes that happened where Rhea went on an online shopping spree and forgot about what she ordered. She tended to order many things so this was probably video games or her some other random product that tempted her wallet.

Rhea grabbed hold of the scissors and unsealed the tape. She grinned happily and opened the box with her hands. Rhea looked inside and blushed.


Inside the box, contained strange looking devices which were shaped oddly. She was only familiar with the collar and chain, a thick vibrator, and cosplay items like bunny ears. The package was full of adult toys. Rhea dropped the box in horror and fell to the ground. As the box dropped, one of the vibrators turned on by itself.

She immediately flew to the box and searched through to find the toy in question and shut it off.

Her hands!

They touched these weird filthy toys!

She went to the sink and washed her hands. Rhea was going to be sick.


Instantly, she thought about the twins next door and suddenly realized why exactly their sex was always so wild and rough. What a surprise. She couldn't believe they were into such racy foreplay. She wasn't completely innocent to know know of such kind of bedroom foreplay. Rhea, although a virgin, knew things from media and novels she read.

After all, the top romance novelist Emma Whitlock in New York indeed always included sex in her scenes. Emma's most favorite series beloved by the public was Forty Shades Of Grey. Rhea read it once and cringed and turned into a puddle of embarrassment.

Her heart was beating. Her palms were growing sweaty. Rhea had to return this box. It was a terrible accident. Why didn't they put their name on their packages? First, she resolved to tape it back up and then put her grey hoodie on over her head. She took a few deep breaths and carried the heavy box into her arms.

Rhea practically raced down the hall as if her life depended on it and then dropped it in front of their door.

When she turned around however to dash back to her condo, what awaited was Aziel standing there, blocking her only exit back to her condo.