
Necrotic Circulation

Jay sat by the fire as he watched Dark dig out a few more sword molds under his supervision. Red glanced over every free moment, seeming discouraged at having to lend its new sword back for the molds, or so Jay guessed. But his guess was better than any as he had been gaining a sense of his skeletons attitudes over the last few weeks, if one was brazen enough to suggest such abominable creatures even had feelings.

Before Blue returned, Dark had finished three molds in total. With no other orders it joined the skeletons in slaying rat-moths, keeping them from bothering their supreme by the edge of the fire.

Jay admired how Dark preferred to stick to the edge of the light, wavering between the border of the shadows as it cut open its fluttering enemies. Its bones were stained a few shades darker from the corrupting swamp water, giving it extra stealth, but the necrotic mana that permeated through its body betrayed it.