

“Hey, he’s back!”

“Wow, so soon… I wonder how many statues he killed?”

“Quick, ask him to join our group!”

“Hey, we’ll pay you more than them if you join us for the dungeon!”

Jay left the dungeon and found himself in a small crowd. He calmly walked through the crowd of desperate adventurers, ignoring them completely.

Many adventurers wondered why he was doing this dungeon solo, surely he could make much better progress if he was teaming up with others - but little did they know, Jay had his own reasons.

“I can’t party with them anyway, otherwise they will find out about my class…” He didn’t care too much about being alone, as his class more than made up for it.

Still, he was feeling a little disappointed, but to the other adventurers he actually looked quiet and confident as he walked through the crowd around him.

“...so cool…” an adventurer quietly said as Jay walked by, gazing at his deathwalker sentry shield which was still equipped.