
My Naphalem Hybrid System

Jace Norman, a boy born with an incurable sickness, making him weak amongst his peers. To make matters worse for him, he even failed to awaken any ability even if it was a Beta Level ability. All of these changed on a fateful night where he was trapped outside the Walls and was left to die at the monsters that roams the wastelands. After running for what seems like an eternity, he eventually succumbed to his fatigue and fell to the ground waiting for his death to come. "this is the end of my pitiful life, father I'm sorry that I could not fulfill the dream you had for me, I'm truly sorry" he said as he closed his eyes. But death didn't answer his calls but something else or in his case, somethings. **Ding** **Ding** **Ding**

Adams2004 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
58 Chs

Trouble Brewing

The Norman Estate stood as a marvel of futuristic architecture and enchanting magic, a beacon of elegance and innovation amidst the rolling hills and verdant landscapes. Surrounded by shimmering force fields and intricate wards, it exuded an aura of both technological prowess and mystical charm.

As one approached the estate, they would be greeted by a grand entrance guarded by towering golems and animated sentinels, their metallic forms glinting in the sunlight as they stood watch over the grounds. The gates themselves were adorned with intricate runes and sigils, pulsating with arcane energy as they granted access to the sprawling estate beyond.

At the heart of the estate rose the main manor, a towering edifice of gleaming metal and crystalline structures that seemed to defy gravity itself. Its facade was adorned with holographic projections and shifting patterns of light, creating a mesmerizing display that dazzled the eye.

Inside, the mansion was a symphony of futuristic design and magical enchantment. Holographic displays and interactive interfaces adorned every surface, allowing residents to control the environment with a mere thought or gesture. Rooms shifted and rearranged themselves at will, adapting to the needs and desires of the occupants with effortless grace.

The estate boasted a myriad of facilities that blended cutting-edge technology with ancient mysticism. For those seeking relaxation and rejuvenation, there were holy chambers and sensory deprivation tanks that offered immersive experiences beyond imagination. Magical gardens filled with exotic flora and fauna provided a tranquil oasis for meditation and reflection.

For the more adventurous members of the family, there were training arenas and simulation chambers where they could hone their skills in combat and magic. Virtual reality simulations allowed them to embark on thrilling adventures across distant galaxies or explore the depths of the ocean without ever leaving the estate grounds.

No expense was spared when it came to culinary delights, with molecular gastronomy labs and enchanted kitchens that could conjure up any dish imaginable. A network of pneumatic tubes and teleportation portals ensured that food and drink could be delivered to any part of the estate in an instant.

In addition to its luxurious amenities, the Norman estate also housed a host of practical facilities to ensure the smooth running of daily life. Automated drones and golems carried out tasks with mechanical precision, while enchanted devices and artifacts performed household chores with effortless efficiency.

In one of the advanced virtual training arenas nestled within the Norman Estate, Jace stood alongside his grandmother, Miranda, preparing to embark on his long-awaited training session. The holographic displays flickered to life around them, projecting a realistic simulation of various combat scenarios and challenges.

As they entered the arena, Jace couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through him. He had spent years battling his illness, unable to fully explore and harness the gifts that lay dormant within him. Now, with Miranda's guidance, he hoped to finally unlock his true potential.

"Alright, Jace, let's start by familiarizing ourselves with your abilities," Miranda said, her voice echoing through the virtual arena. "Your unique heritage as a Norman grants you a set of strengths and skills, and it's important to understand how to utilize them effectively."

With a nod, Jace focused his attention on the virtual interface before him, which displayed a detailed analysis of his genetic makeup and inherited abilities. Miranda guided him through the data, explaining the nuances of his lineage and how it influenced his physical attributes and capabilities.

"Your ancestors were remarkable individuals, each possessing their own unique talents and skills," Miranda explained, pointing to various indicators on the display. "By tapping into these innate abilities, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield."

Jace listened intently, absorbing every piece of information like a sponge. He had always known that he was different from others, but now he was beginning to understand the true extent of his potential. With Miranda's guidance, he felt a newfound sense of confidence and determination welling up within him.

"Let's put your newfound knowledge to the test," Miranda said, a hint of excitement in her voice. "I've programmed a series of training simulations that will challenge your physical and mental abilities. Are you ready?"

Jace nodded eagerly, a spark of determination igniting in his eyes. With Miranda by his side, he knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and unlock the full extent of his latent abilities.


In the wake of the recent event where Jace bravely intervened to protect Eve from a group of assailants, news of his return sent shockwaves through the Sinclair estate. For Eve, the memory of Jace's heroic act was still fresh in her mind, a vivid reminder of his selfless courage and unwavering loyalty.

As word of Jace's return spread, Eve's heart raced with a mix of excitement and trepidation. She had replayed the events of that fateful day in her mind countless times, marveling at Jace's bravery and feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for his timely intervention.

Now, with Jace's return imminent, Eve found herself eagerly anticipating their reunion. She longed to thank him personally for coming to her aid and to express her deep appreciation for his bravery. Despite the recent trauma of the event, Eve felt a glimmer of hope and excitement at the prospect of seeing Jace again but she did not let it show on her face, she is after all the daughter of the leader of the United Republic.

Meanwhile, the boys who wanted to defile Eve found themselves cursing for their lives, they had thought that everything was going to be fine since Jace was nowhere to be found and was presumed dead and Eve has remained silent all these time due to the guilt she was harboring for Jace but it seems that things is not looking good for them due to Jace's return and it is only a matter of time before they are outed to the authorities.

"We cannot let that happen, we must find a way to avoid that fate by any means necessary"

"And how do you intend we do that?"

"But getting rid of Jace Norman once and for all"