
My Naphalem Hybrid System

Jace Norman, a boy born with an incurable sickness, making him weak amongst his peers. To make matters worse for him, he even failed to awaken any ability even if it was a Beta Level ability. All of these changed on a fateful night where he was trapped outside the Walls and was left to die at the monsters that roams the wastelands. After running for what seems like an eternity, he eventually succumbed to his fatigue and fell to the ground waiting for his death to come. "this is the end of my pitiful life, father I'm sorry that I could not fulfill the dream you had for me, I'm truly sorry" he said as he closed his eyes. But death didn't answer his calls but something else or in his case, somethings. **Ding** **Ding** **Ding**

Adams2004 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


In a secluded alcove of the garden, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the world, a fragile young girl with delicate white hair and crystal-blue eyes sits on a small, weathered bench. Her slender frame is enveloped in a soft shawl, her hands resting lightly in her lap.

Despite her frailty, there is a quiet strength that emanates from her presence, a resilience that belies her physical fragility. The gentle breeze ruffles her hair and the dappled sunlight dances on her face, casting a serene glow around her.

The girl's eyes, filled with a depth of wisdom far beyond her years, gaze out at the blooming flowers and lush greenery that surround her. The peacefulness of the garden seems to seep into her very being, calming her spirit and offering a moment of respite from the challenges she faces.

As she sits in the tranquil oasis, the girl's breath comes slow and steady, her chest rising and falling in a rhythm that mirrors the gentle sway of the leaves above. The symphony of nature's sounds—the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, the distant murmur of the waterfall—all blend together in perfect harmony, creating a cocoon of peace around her.

In this moment of quietude, the girl finds solace and comfort in the beauty of her surroundings, drawing strength from the serenity that envelops her. Despite her physical weakness, there is a quiet resilience in her spirit that shines through, a testament to the power of inner strength and the healing balm of nature's embrace.

As she closes her eyes and breathes in the fragrant air, a faint smile graces her lips, a fleeting expression of contentment and peace. In this tranquil haven, the fragile girl with white hair and blue eyes finds a moment of stillness and grace, a sanctuary of quietness where she can simply be, surrounded by the beauty and serenity of the natural world.

"I see you are enjoying the peace and quietness as always, Jacin," said the mysterious woman from earlier who battled with Jared back in the ruins. Her voice, though soft, carried a weight of authority and familiarity that immediately caught Jacin's attention.

Jacin's eyes widened in surprise as she turned to face her mother, her blue eyes meeting the penetrating gaze of the woman who had always been a figure of mystery and strength in her life. "Mother," Jacin whispered, a mixture of awe and curiosity in her voice.

The woman approached Jacin with a graceful stride, her presence exuding a sense of power and wisdom that seemed to command the very elements around her. She reached out a hand to gently cup Jacin's cheek, her touch both tender and reassuring.

"It's time, my dear," the woman said, her voice tinged with a sense of urgency. "The time has come for you to embrace your destiny, to unlock the powers that lie dormant within you."

Jacin's heart raced at her mother's words, a mix of excitement and apprehension swirling within her. She had always known that there was something different about her, something that set her apart from others, but she had never fully understood the extent of her abilities.

"What do you mean, Mother?" Jacin asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The woman, mother of Jacin smiled as she brought out the Primordial Resin, her prize after defeating Jared back in the ruins, "this is going to heal you of your ailment and also unlock your true potential, it will awaken your gift and trust me, it is going to be a very special one" she said knowing where her daughter came from.

As Jacin gazed at the Primordial Resin in her mother's hands, a sense of wonder and anticipation filled her. The glowing substance seemed to pulse with a mysterious energy, casting a warm and comforting light that bathed the surrounding garden in an ethereal glow.

With trembling hands, Jacin reached out and took hold of the vial containing the Primordial Resin. As she uncorked it, a faint, sweet fragrance wafted up, carrying with it a promise of healing and transformation. She hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest, before making a decision that would change her life forever.

Bringing the vial to her lips, Jacin drank half of the Primordial Resin in a single gulp. A surge of warmth spread through her body, suffusing her with a sense of vitality and power that she had never experienced before. As she closed her eyes and focused on the sensation, a profound change began to take place within her.

A soft, radiant light enveloped Jacin, shimmering and pulsating as it danced around her frail form. Slowly but surely, her body began to undergo a miraculous transformation. The pallor of her skin gave way to a healthy glow, her limbs grew stronger and more resilient, and a newfound energy coursed through her veins.

With each passing moment, Jacin felt the weight of her former frailty lift away, replaced by a newfound strength and vitality that seemed to radiate from every pore. As she opened her eyes, she beheld her mother's smile of pride and love, a silent acknowledgment of the incredible transformation that had taken place.

"I feel... different," Jacin whispered in awe, her voice filled with wonder and gratitude. She stood tall and strong, her once frail body was no more, a testament to the healing power of the Primordial Resin and the boundless potential that lay dormant within her.

"Of course you do, you have now been healed my child and you have awakened your Gift" the woman said and got up while smiling at her daughter, "it is time to do the same for your brother and also time for you see the rest of your family especially your father, he is going to be really proud of the woman you've become"

Jacin stood in awe of the transformation that had taken place within her, her once frail body now vibrant and strong, pulsing with newfound energy and vitality. Her mother's words echoed in her mind, stirring a sense of curiosity and longing to uncover the mysteries of her past and the truth of her origins.

"So where to Mother?"

"The United Republic, Jacin, that's our destination"