
My Naphalem Hybrid System

Jace Norman, a boy born with an incurable sickness, making him weak amongst his peers. To make matters worse for him, he even failed to awaken any ability even if it was a Beta Level ability. All of these changed on a fateful night where he was trapped outside the Walls and was left to die at the monsters that roams the wastelands. After running for what seems like an eternity, he eventually succumbed to his fatigue and fell to the ground waiting for his death to come. "this is the end of my pitiful life, father I'm sorry that I could not fulfill the dream you had for me, I'm truly sorry" he said as he closed his eyes. But death didn't answer his calls but something else or in his case, somethings. **Ding** **Ding** **Ding**

Adams2004 · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Back To School

Jace stood at the gates of the prestigious Academy of the Gifted, a place he had once felt completely out of place. The towering iron gates, inscribed with intricate runes and shimmering with protective enchantments, loomed before him, a familiar yet daunting sight. He took a deep breath and stepped forward, his every movement echoing with a newfound confidence that he had gained from his recent experiences.

As Jace walked through the main courtyard, conversations hushed and heads turned. It wasn't just the fact that he had been missing and was now suddenly back; it was the transformation he had undergone. Jace's physical appearance had changed dramatically. He was taller, his frame more muscular and defined. His once bright blue eyes now had an otherworldly gleam, hinting at the power he had acquired. His skin had a healthy glow, and his demeanor exuded a maturity and strength that had not been there before.