
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

strange Dream

But seeing her it was a bad idea..?she was not wearing anything and she didn't want to see him either..,he'll just distract her and it'll be a bad idea.

There is an electric problem in our apartment so it's too dark maybe tommorow..?she said thinking the explanation can convince him.

ooh okay then.."and he was the one to hung up the phone..Now he was really convinced that she was mad at him for shouting at her earlier..He knew she was lying about electricity but he decided to follow the flow but she seems uncomfortable to talk to him..yes it was his fault but no it was Oliver's fault and she'll pay for this.

He dimmed the light and slept quietly untill he was taken to the dream land.

He dreamt that"it was his wedding day..And he was there at the church waiting for his bride to come..but the worst thing was he was no excited about his bride..He just waited like he couldn't wait for the wedding to be finished..

After a while it was finally the time for the bride..Looking at her from a far he noticed that she was accompanied by his uncle Gerald so that means it was not Aryan.

Savana was the bride..she was walking down the aisle with a wide smile on her face..,hand in hand with her father but he was not happy at all.

The time came for them to exchange their vows.. Savannah was the first to say her vow and then he was the second and he said with annoying expression..Before the priest can pronounce them as husband and wife..

stop..they heard from a far..?

He looked closely at the woman..it was her..,What happened to her she seemed more mature as if she had grown enough..she was wearing A black Dress..She was like Dark Angel..,stunning was the perfect explanation..,Then she came forward in his eyes she walked in a slow motion.., she went closer to the priest and said..

I'm against this marriage.."I have the right to stop this because Alexander is my legal husband..?she said and the whole world seems to stop for a second..

Alexander's eyes flew open..what was that..,He looked around and gladly it was just a dream..What does this dream mean by that..,He was marrying savanna while married why would he do that..

Maybe it was just a dream..he shut the feelings down and continue sleeping...This time he slept soundly untill dawn..He woke up early and went to the living room..,He told her mother that he'll go to Abigail's office first then they'll visit his uncle at noon and she agreed.

He went to the office and worked with Abigail's pending works since he had arleady finished his work Of The Anderson's Fashion here in county V.., he also started a new branch, No one knew that he started a new branch but he was planning on giving it to Aryan in the near future and He planned on naming it as Aryan's designing Agency..

Right now the problem at the Anderson's Entertainment company is only finding a new president..this is the huge problem maybe it's better if his brother was here..,William maybe if they didn't go out that day...

That day when her brother was kidnapped he was there with him,,he asked William to buy him a car toy and he just went but never came back..,it was all his fault..He had really missed him..,This is getting to his nerves he should speak with his uncle about this and he decided to text his mom first.

I'm heading to uncle's house just come with Abigail you'll find me there.


Gerald's villa.

Amanda..,Gerald's wife..,she is a beautiful woman..loving to dress up and show off all the time..she knew that there is no love between Gerald and her but they were comparable with their behavior..

They both loved to show off and spending money as much as they want and the worst was Amanda never liked to work..she'll just use her husband's bank card to spend some money..She was an Actress on her youth and the modal so she was known world wide..

She and Lenny had known each other from their collage and she hated Lenny because Gerald was in love with Lenny instead of her..But she was glad lenny choose George over Gerald.

At first she loved Gerald because he was the first son of the Anderson's but after marrying him she found out that he was adopted and all her wishes dissapeared.

the only work she can do was to act..when she got a scene then she'll do and she was glad her daughter have her talent..,

She and Gerald both were just spending money to their hearts content and now they were happy that their daughter was an actress just like her means she earns a lot of money.

She wanted Her daughter to marry Alexander and bear him a son so that he can be A hear..therefore untill now she had never liked Lenny..since she came to country V..,Amanda had seen her husband getting distracted again.

Today they were both at home..,Her husband didn't go to work as he got drunk last night and woke up with a hangover..,she and savannah have no scenes to shoot so they decided to stay at home.

She heard that Alexander was here and she was mad on how her daughter was going too slow thus she decided to help her to get Alexander.

She cooked a lot of food for she knew Alexander would visit today..The only person she loved from the Anderson's was Alexander because she'll get benefit from him..If she knew sooner that George was the real son then.....

She smiled at her thoughts..The last person she wanted to see was Abigail..The girl was like her mom..but this one was more than her mom..,she had a sharp mouth and she knew how to get on her nerves..

If Abigail found out that she was the one responsible for breakup with her boyfriend..,she'll surely be heartbroken but she deserves that..thus she was hoping Alexander would come alone.

She went to prepare a table with the help of her maids then she called savannah and her husband..They came and sat..,After a while she heard the sound of a car and she was hoping it would be Alexander's bit to her dissapointment it was the two ladies she hates the most.

Lenny and Abigail welcomed themselves and went to sit at the table..Gerald loved Abigail like his own daughter..,she looked like her mother thus she made him remember the young Lenny and as of she knew it she went to sit beside her uncle.

Savannah and Lenny has always been getting along and Lenny went to sit beside Savannah while giving her a cheek to cheek kiss..Before Amanda could ask about Alexander's..the man arrived with a smile on his face and he went to sit beside Amanda since Gerald has never been fond of him.

They ate the food in silence..and when they finished..,Alexander started.,

As always Auntie you never dissapoint in cooking..?he started.

That's why I'm offering to cook for you whenever you want.?Amanda replied.

Mommy's cooking is also good dear brother..?Abigail commented.

This Ungrateful child..?Amanda scoffed what does she mean by that..is she comparing me with her bitch mother..?she thought but smiled bittery seeing her husband's gesture to keep quiet.

I agree with you on this.., Auntie's cooking is also good..?savanna came to her rescue.

see even my dear cousin is on my side this time..?Abigail said.

Stop that Abigail..,?Instead of bantering you should enjoy the food..? Lenny spoke.

It's okay let's her praise you..you are a good cook Lenny but Amanda is also a good cooker but I'm not sure about the girls though..?Gerald spoke.

I don't like cooking..?Abigail defended herself.,her mom was a greet cooker but she was never interested in cooking the same goes to savanna.

Me neither..?I'll just pay the five star hotel cookers to cook for me since I don't like cooking..?Savannah said.

These girls you should know that"a way to a man's heart is through his stomach"and yet you don't like cooking..?Amanda said looking at Savannah in a meaningful gaze.

well it's not that hard if we learn..?savannah answered understanding her mother's gaze...

The rest of the meal was just fine as they spoke then laugh then and there..Lenny was grateful that Abigail has showed some respect today and now it was finally the time to get to business.

They both seated together as the matter needs everyone's attention.

Uncle..,? Alexander started..,I've been thinking about this for a while and now I've come to a conclusion.,I'll suggest your name to the board members and they'll vote if you win then you'll be the president and if you don't then the one who'll win will be the presidential.

Do I need their votes huh..?I'm the one who has the biggest share after Abigail and Abby if you want you can sell your shares to me...?he said.

Sorry uncle but I can not sell my shares just yet..?she answered.

why not,you are going to work on the Anderson's fashion?he asked.

Because I'm not ready to sell yet..?she answered honestly