
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Did I disturb you

you have scared me ...?she said.

Did I..?What could've been more scared than what you did to Aryan huh"..?he asked coldly.

I've arleady said I'm sorry..?she answered honestly.

sorry huh..?Can you imagine what I would do to you if those assholes could do anything to Aryan..?he asked sounded angry.

Aryan huh..?why do you care so much about her..it was me whom you love not her..,she is just new and you don't know her yet you care so much about her..?she said with a pout.

One bad word about her and I'll kill you right now..you know what I mean right.."he smiled bittery at the warning.

Alex..please I did that because Of you..can't you notice it.,I'm still madly in love with you yet you are defending another woman.."she said.

in love with me.."huh.. Oliver what is wrong with you..it is over between you and me..Now that I'm arleady over you..,you are saying you are madly in love huh..are you insane..?he said confused but he was wondering if she was protecting the person behind her or not.....

Alexander let me tell you"that Aryan is not what you think"there is more..I'm telling you there is something going on between Ethan and her.

Then let them be..?You don't have the right to drug her just because she is with Nathan besides didn't you broke up with him..?he said but he was doubting her words.

That is why I'm telling you so that we can back together..she walked to where he stood.. Alexander please listen I love you..?she said leaning towards him and now her face was few inches away from his.

He stilled for the sudden closeness but he didn't step back he looked straight into her eyes..Are you enjoying this closeness..?he asked.

Instead of answering..she pressed her lips into his and he stood still..but before she could proceed he seemed to gained his conscious as he pushed her away and fell down to the floor.

He went down to her and grabbed her neck"how dare you kiss me"..?I swear you'll pay for this..And for this one I'll make your life a living hell...?he said and left.

The moment he stepped out of the door he realized that he has no feelings for Oliver anymore thus he wished the best for her that's why he didn't think she'll try something stupid like that.But she did it..,she kissed him..?the nerve of this woman how dare she did that to him huh.."

Make sure she won't get out of her room untill I say so.."he ordered and went to his car..,He was so mad at her.

The moment he entered the car his phone rang and he answered without looking he thought it was about work and said harshly....

what is it now..?he said firmy

Is there anything wrong..?Aryan spoke on the other line.,the way he spoke to her he made her feel like he was In a bad mood and the last thing she wanted was to make him mad....

Is there anything wrong.."The voice echoed in his mind and he recognized it..,it was Aryan..God have mercy on him did he scare her away..,she sounded nervous..he looked at the phone screen just to make sure and it was indeed Aryan.

Sorry I thought it was someone else did I scare you..?he asked.

No I just wanted to say hello"thats all..?she said.

Okay I'll call you later..,I promise right now I'm taking care of something.?he said.

ooh sorry then did I disturb you..?she asked.

Damn.."he cursed inwardy now she'll start to think that he was avoiding her..but he can not talk to her in this way..Not when he is this angry..?

Seeing he was not answering..Good day then she said as she hurried to hung up the phone ..

Oliver would surely pay for this one..how dare she made him this angry and he scared Aryan like this..God he'll get crazy with all of this..he needs some drinks to cool down or maybe he should go to Abigail's apartment to visit his mother and twin sister.


Abigail's apartment

Mommy staying here you have just made me became fat you know..?Abigail said looking at the plate she just finished.

I have to make sure you are regaining your health.. staying alone has made you too thin that's why you won't stay alone again..?Lenny said.

She was grateful that she came on time because if she was late then her daughter would surely have stayed alone and bearing the hard things..she knew her twins.,they were just the same..they won't talk unless you ask.., they'll pretend to always be fine even if they are going through a lot.,

Even Alexander when broke up with Oliver..,he didn't tell her anything untill she went to his villa and found him in a bad condition and without Noel who had called her maybe she wouldn't call.

still lost on her own thoughts..she heard someone knocking the door and she asked Abigail to open the door.

she gasped upon seeing the figure on the door.."Alexander what happened to you son..you are getting distracted by her again don't you..?she asked.

No mom..I'm fine.,He said.

come here my baby..I've cooked something good come and eat.."Lenny said.

He went to sit at the table quietly and ate his food in silence.After finishing the food he went to a guests room and took a shower after a while he was back to his normal self,he walked back to the sitting room and found his mom and sister waiting for him.

Do you want to talk about it..?his mom asked..?

No it's nothing special..?he answered.

Mom..let me guess.."Alexander has fallen in love again.."Abigail said and went to his behind her mom's back upon seeing her brother's stare.

Is it that girl.."his mother asked.

Let's not talk about that mother I've came here for something else..?he said not wanting to give his mother a chance to pair him with another girl.

Let me prepare some snacks first.." she said as she went to the kitchen leaving the twins alone.

Alexander listen to me..,Whoever that girl could be just know that I'm with you.."I can see it in your eyes..Even if I don't know her I can feel it's a good girl..I'm sure she'll be worth it.., someone special not like your dear ex..Oliver..how I hate that woman..?Abigail said.

I'm going to need your support on convincing mother about this but not now..untill you met her personally..? Alexander said.

Really..at least you've agreed that you are in love with a girl..Actually I'm happy for you..?she said.

Tommorow we'll be visiting your uncle's mansion so you should be prepared..?Lenny told them.

You can go with Alexander mommy.. I've other things to do in the company..? Abigail said..,The girl was not fond of her uncle's family thus she hated interacting with them..she knew they were faking to smile to them and she hated it.

Abigail stop it..?we should all go together..?he mom said.

well if you insist then I think I have no other choice that to agree..?she said.

Alexander I think you should also sleep here..You've been staying in the hotel for three weeks at least spend this week here..?Lenny said.

He went to the guest room and decided to call Aryan..He knew he had frightened her earlier,how would he explain this to her..,

Aryan was resting on her bed after having a long day in the office and tommorow she'll be going to work again..she was thinking about a new design she could draw when her phone rang....

who would dare calling me at this hour..?she thought as she picked up the phone and omg It was Alexander.

Hellow..?she answered.

How was your day..? Alexander asked.

it was just fine..How about yours..?she asked as she was adjusting her bedsheets.

It was awful..did I scare you earlier..? he asked .

No..did something bad happened..? she asked curious.

yes something happened but I'm okay right now there is no need to worry..?he said.

She wanted to ask what happened in detail but she decided to not sound so desperate...?fine then have a good night..?she said.

Do you want to sleep arleady..?he asked.

yes I have to go early at work tommorow..?she answered.

Are they treating you good in the office..,Is John helping you..?he asked concerned.

yes everyone is Just good,Even good than I expected them to be..?she said.

can I see you at least before I sleep..I'm sure I'll be having a goodnight if I saw your face..?he said.

Is this her boss..?How could he be this shameless huh.


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