
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

pure torture

Hey boss it's not like I enjoy his company it's just that enjoying for a while won't hurt right,he is a jolly person we laughed together,it was a good choice for you to ask me to attend to him...I should thank you boss...she said

So you enjoyed his company huh?he was about to explode

who wouldn't enjoy a company of a person like him huh boss..Now tell me instead of looking at your cold face it's better to look at his handsome face..she said lazily

so I'm cold huh? Do you even know what you are talking about huh Aryan?

yes I do..and you know what's hurts the most boss huh?

what tell me?he said

The fact that your handsome face arleady belong to other woman,why would I accompany you since you arleady have your woman?now she was about to cry

which woman..why are you confusing me Aryan huh? he said again

Don't pretend here boss okay,you made it clearly that day on the rooftop that you love Oliver,you even mistake me as her and you said she should never leave you alone?she said as she started sobbing

Did I say that?he said

yes you did she told him....

But why do you sound so sad Aryan huh?he asked her again

who wouldn't be sad boss huh tell me"I couldn't even reject your kiss the other day....since you told me you self that you love her and she should never leave you..I should've been the first to stay away from you but what did I do....I even kissed you back and truth be told I don't regret it,If I'd be given other chance I'll repeate the same mistake again and for that I hate myself...she started sobbing...

Hey stop crying will you"let me take you home..okay now get up I'll take you home.....he was worried.

No I don't want to go home like this I need to have my head cleared first?she said as a whisper

It's okay"I'll give you a day off tommorow so don't worry besides you've been working really hard so tommorow you'll rest home....

Why are you looking at me like that Alex huh?you are so tempting?she said

He decided to ignore her this time,he stood up and took her and they walked slowly out of the hotel...He looked at her,she couldn't even walk properly and he decided to carry her...?Be quiet okay

Alex?she called

mmh mmh?he answered

why do you smell so good?She said

Do you like my smell?he asked her

I love it ?she said

Then enjoy it?he said

she wrapped her arms against his neck"even if you love someone else at least I got the chance to have been hold by your strong muscles"and she burried her face in the crook of his neck...

Could she be fallen asleep?he thought untill he notice something wet to his neck...omg she was licking his neck like it was her favorite an ice cream..

Aryan stop that it tickles"at least wait untill we reach the car okay?he told her

Now she behaved good and waited till they reached the car....

He went to his car and opened the back seat and make her sit but she didn't want to sit on the car seat,she wanted to sit on his lap...Aryan sit here I'll take you home... I'm alone I've arleady told the chauffeur and John to go home so you have to obedient okay?he said

But you said I can continue on the car right and she started to lick and suck on his neck.....and her hands was exploring his chest..

pure torture he thought....she sucked hard and and licked his neck untill her hands caught his lips..she stopped for a while and looked at his face"can I kiss you she said shameless "

As if he had the heart to refuse,He did not wan't to take advantage of her especially now that she was drunk but she was making it hard for him to control himself...But before he could answer she was arleady fallen a sleep....At least he can breath now.,

He looked at her sleeping face for a while and decided to just bring her to her home..,

He went to her apartment and knocked the door after a while,A beautiful woman opened and upon seeing Aryan she was surprised..

Who are you?And why is my Aryan in that condition? she asked

sorry miss I'm Aryan's boss and I decided to bring her home myself since she was drunk..When she works up tell her to rest tommorow..

Ooh so you are Mr Anderson?she asked

Yes and if you excuse me?and he left

Ellie closed the door and she also went to sleep?


The Next Morning on Aryan's and Ellie Apartment...

Aryan woke up with a strong headache,it was even harder to get up...omg she looked at her clock and it was arleady 4in the morning...omg I'm late and why didn't Ellie woken me up huh....panicked she tried to stood up but she was pulled out by a strong headache...and before she could stand again her phone was ringing,she looked and saw It was Ellie calling her...

Hello Ellie? she answered

Aryan?did you woke up,how are you feeling,I've arleady cooked a hangover soup for you so just go to the kitchen and warm it in the microwave okay..she said without taking a breath...And don't worry your boss told you to rest today so there is no need for you to go to work okay....she told her

Oooh thanks Ellie just continue working I'll be just fine okay...

okay I'll come early today okay and don't go out just rest ..

Now she started to remember pieces of memories that was blurry..she remembered drinking with Mr Lee and then she remembered that Alexander came but she couldn't remember what they talked about and wait,who brought her home...Aaah maybe she should take a shower and eat first before thinking about all of that...she went to the bathroom and took a shower then she went to kitchen and warmed the soup and after she finished eating at least she was feeling good now ..

Then a thought came to her mind,wait why did she drink with Mr Lee,and Alexander found them drinking together and he even told her not to come to work today could he be thinking about making her resign on her own..she did made a mistake and she knows she'll be punished...

And this time she made a huge mistake and wait she'll ask Ellie about who bought her home last night....

she decided to draw some of her favorite dresses she design so that she can clear her mind for a while and she went on their study room to draw...

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Author Jennix 💖