
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Handsome boss


Aryan arrived with John...And she was dissapointed to see that the table they booked for the meeting arleady has someone sitting there...Oooh my did he arrive before me...she went inside in a hurry

upon reaching the table;Hi is this Mr Lee?she asked

Nathan was sitting there waiting for Alexander Anderson...This is harder than I thought just like I took Oliver from him two years ago and now I'm the one who have nothing at all even my company needs help from him and I think I'm just wasting my precious time here I don't think he'll come...But there is still five minutes let me wait for a while...he was talking to himself all the while and he was so nervous"

After a while,he saw a very beautiful young woman walking toward his table,she was dressed in a pink dress and black pair of heels and she seems in a hurry but wait why is she walking toward my table, before he could finish his thoughts he was pulled out by her beautiful melody..

yes I'm Mr Lee and you?he asked her

oooh I'm Aryan Sterring.I'm here to represent the president of the Anderson's Fashion company for I'm his secretary?she explained still standing there..

He stood up and pulled a chair for her!please sit he said..

What a gentleman she thought as she seated on her chair?

So miss Aryan why did Mr Anderson asked you to meet me,was he busy or something?he asked...

Yes sir he was taking care of something and he send me here to give you the conditions so that you can read carefully before signing the agreements..?she said

This Alexander is really something huh?so he decided to send me his secretary so that he can make sure I won't be able to sign the agreements huh.. whatever the conditions he put in,I'll sign those and this beautiful lady here she is as beautiful as a celebrity once my company rose again I'll definitely make her our modal..such a waste being a secretary with that Georgeous looks of hers..

so miss I've arleady ordered food so you should also order your food so that we can eat and later on we can back to business"he told her

How thoughtful truth be told she was hungry, earlier as she was on her way to counteen she encountered with John just before she ordered her food and he told her that The boss wanted her..so decided she'll eat later and she went to his office first but he also told her that she needs to meet with mr.lee so where could she get sometime to eat and this Mr Lee,he is just easy to get along with and she even felt comfortable around him and now she was thinking if she met him somewhere she somehow felt too familiar around him,she called the waiter and ordered the food...

while waiting for her food they talked about each other for a while and she got to know that he was Mr Lee from the famous company,they talked to their hearts content then they ate their food and now it was finally time for business...Time flew fast and by the time they finished signing the agreements it was arleady eleven...

The conditions were not that hard,they were ten conditions as listed...

*first of all thanks for choosing our AFC,we cherish being your standing partner.

*second:while working with us we forbid you to work with other company untill the deal is over.

*Third:As our company is about fashion,you should be represent in every fashion programs held by our company..

*fourth:Never mix business with personal matters.

*fifth:read carefully before signing the contract.

*sixth:you should Attend to every meeting held by shareholders..

*seventh:once we purchase our money to help your company,your company won't be yours untill you finished to pay us.

*eighth:From now on your company and ours would be working together in every programs.

*nineth:If you went out of our agreement you'll need to pay us 20 percent of your company shares..

*And lastly:once you sign the deal you won't be able to cancell untill three month later...

Hmmm? he breathed deeply but he didn't even bother to read twice he decided to ask about Aryans opinion...

why did ur conditions sounds too hard...your boss is making things hard to me...

Maybe he loved to make thing hard for everyone?she said

well then I'd love to work with this coldhearted boss of yours...and he signed the papers...

Are you going to the office to bring this files to your boss now?he asked

well you know I'll just bring them there tommorow since If I ask someone else to bring them I'll get punished again?she didn't voice out..

okay so how about we drink for a while since it's still early to go home now?he said and she agreed..

Aryan has also low tolerance of alcohol and one glass was arleady enough for her to get drunk and she started talking much than normal while Nithan was also enjoying her company.....


John was getting impatient waiting there,since eight and now it was eleven and the miss was not coming out..what's taking her too long huh?he arleady told her if she was uncomfortable to call him but she said she'll be okay..he even went there to look for her but she seemed fine...but this time he thought she arleady talked enough with that man and he needs to take her out of this place but upon reaching there he found her talking much could she be drunk....and why does she seems so comfortable around this man...

John didn't know anything about this Mr lee.he started working with Alexander when he was in county V and they come back together and he decided to become his bodyguard...but hiss boss told him I'd he saw something unusual he should text him...and here he was thinking about texting his boss and if he won't maybe he'll be in more trouble...

He took his phone from his pocket and wrote"the miss is on trouble"as if he'll read this and he sent the message...

The message wasn't answered for a while and when he saw it was almost one at night..he decided he'll just got the miss out of there and he'll take her home,but before he could enter he heard a cold voice from his back,he turned around and saw Alexander and Noel walking toward his direction...

Noel asked what happened and John explained::

I told you she's just a little drunk and there is no need for you to worry about her ..

you two can just go home I'll take her to her home,John give me her address.. Alexander said

Boss would you be okay alone?John asked

Yes just go home with Noel and I'll follow you After I took her to her home..he told John

Okay then will be going"and they left...

Aryan was very happy being with this me lee,he was just a jolly person and she just liked his company...she looked and said Mr Lee you are too handsome you know...she said and that was the scene Alexander saw...

Handsome huh!Aryan I told you to bring the contract and you are here saying our client is handsome are you crazy huh?

oooh look who's here?Mr Lee meet my boss..I think he is jealous that I've said you are handsome..hehe don't worry boss you are more handsome than he is it's just that you are too cold you know...she said

I'm sorry Mr Anderson but your client she is just someone you won't be tired of her presence....Noel said

Did you sign the Agreements?his tone cold as ice...

yes Mr Anderson don't worry..?he said

then you can go I'll keep her company untill and took her home later...

yeah thanks I'll be going now and he left...he didn't want trouble with this man but now he was also drunk not much but he needed to clear his head first so that he can talk to him next time....

So Aryan tell me why are you so happy drinking with someone you just met huh?Are you always like this...he was so furious that he wanted to explode


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