
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

let's celebrate

Do I have any appointment ment today?Alexander asked

this man won't he get tired"she cursed inwardy...

You do have an appointment at nine!she replied...

you have to clear my schedule because I have to assist Noel for a while and later we'll celebrate"

yes sir"she said

Sir if you may excuse me I would like to go counteen it's almost noon now"I won't take long"

oooh before I forgot Miss Aryan,since I'll be assisting Noel today you can go home early since we won't have much to do in my office but tommorow you should come early..Thank you sir I'll be going then"

No don't go yet John arleady bought food for us all,besides you did a good job by staying on my side till the end of the meeting so think of it as your reward..

How can she deny him"Thank you sir

Now let's go we'll eat in Noel's office as a launch of his new office...

They headed to the private elevator together and entered"inside the elevator the atmosphere was terrible, Alexander was quiet and he seemed cold but she could feel his gaze on her,,Noel was just Normal but he seemed in deep thought and John was quiet as always...

Aryan started to feel uncomfortable but the only thing that kept her still was the powerful Aroma of the food John was carrying..,

And the door of the elevator opened after a while and they boss stepped outside and headed to the vice president's office,,it was not that far it was just next to Alexander's...

The door opened and then surprise they heard two people speaking...

Aryan saw Two Handsome men's again and they looked very happy they were around the same age as Alexander and Noah"who are these people she thought"

what a surprise"Noel said

It's indeed a surprise"Alexander commented

Who is this woman"the two handsome creatures asked in chorus well everyone knew how Alexander reacted to women's that's why they asked"

Oooh meet miss Aryan"she is my personal assistant and secretary for now..

And Aryan This are our brothers we grew up together...

The one with black hair is Isaac and the one with brown hair is Robert...

ooh nice to meet you miss Aryan..

Now with all the men's here Aryan was was starting to feel very uncomfortable how could she enjoy eating with all of these men"she was arleady uncomfortable by the three but now five she didn't even know what to think anymore"..Nice to meet you too she said..

Did you bring food Robert asked?

yes but we don't have your shares"Alexander said.

It's okay sir You can eat with your friends I'll just eat in counteen.Aryan said

No they should be the one eating in counter not you...

Hey Just let her beside we need a man to man celebration and she'll be uncomfortable"Isaac said

The atmosphere became quiet for a while, Alexander face became as cold as ice as if he didn't want her to go and omg he seemed angry..,

okay but not counteen John will bring you a food in my office"if you finish eating you can wait for me there,I have something to tell you...

At least she'll be alone she thought"Okay if you may excuse me and she dissapeared..,

"what's with you dude"Isaac asked

Nothing"Alexander replied

Hey didn't you see how uncomfortable she was around us and yet you wanted her to stay...

was she"he replied

She was indeed uncomfortable Noel said"

"what why didn't you tell me"Alexander retorted

why would I didn't you see it yourself...

I thought she didn't want to stay with me"Alexander said





Everyone was speechless,did he lost his mind somewhere...

Okay anyway lest celebrate so our Alexander can go to his secretary"Robert said and they started to celebrate.


Aryan wen't to Alexander's office,At last she'll have her privacy now,half of the way was actually boring at least now she'll refresh her mind..

After a while John came with a food and gave it to her but he didn't left so she asked "aren't you going to celebrate with the others..

Nah Nos told me to keep you company while he is not here,

oh how considerate she thought"

Let's eat together she told him

okay ,he said and they ate together..

John was a quiet person but he wasn't that boring and having him here made her warm..When the food was finished they cleaned the table and John received a call from Alexander..

Bring her home and tell her to come early tommorow she must be tired..

uhm miss Aryan,boss told me to bring you home since he have something to take care for now..

Didn't he say he have something to tell me?

He'll tell you tomorrow..he replied

Okay but I'm okay I can just go home on my own okay besides it's my first day at work I need to explore the building then I'll leave in the evening..

Okay if you insist"

Thank you then I'll just go and she left..

John also went to his boss and continued to congratulate Noel...

Meanwhile Alexander was arleady drunk,he has a low tolerance of alcohol and these people made him drunk in a broad daylight,When he always got drunk he'll always think about that woman again,the one whom left him after she became a powerful model,she even told him that he was useless and she didn't love him..,..After they saw him in that situation they took him to his private room and since it was evening arleady they left...

After they left he stood up fighting the urge of thinking about her again..He went to the rooftop to clear his mind....,

Aryan did explore the building as she said,and she enjoyed so and everyone there was just cool...And now there was only one place she didn't go at the rooftop"

she climbed the stairs untill she reached the rooftop..,

Omg isn't that the CEO,what was he doing here, wasn't he supposed to be with his so called brothers"she thought...he seemed in pain so she went forward to see if he was arlight..

The moment she saw his face she was shoked why did he seem so terrible was he perhaps drunk..,

Boss are you okay"she asked

He raised up his head and meet her gaze and smiled"

omg she never saw him smile and he was more handsome now,,

Oliver he shivered"he drew her closer and hugged her tight as if she'll dissapear"

Oh my love did you came"I've missed you a lot don't you ever leave me okay I love you so much"and he collapsed.,

Aryan was left speechless...Who is Oliver"

Hey you I'm not Oliver okay"she raised his head and found him in a deep sleep...

Oliver who could that be"