
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Is she ur girlfriend

what's with his temper,Oliver thought as she headed to her-sharing office..

She entered the office and she didn't bother to Greet Aryan...She just went straight to her cabin and After a while she saw Aryan Answered the phone then she stood up...she didn't want to interfere but truth to be told since the very first day she saw Aryan she didn't like her and the fact that Alexander was favouring her made her hate grew high...Hey what's your name..she decided to provoke Aryan,

My name is Aryan ma'am..Aryan answered politely..

And where are you going...she provoked again

I'm heading to the CEO'S office...she answered again..

Hey I'm his Assistant I should be the one assisting him you should just give me those papers and I'll be the one taking them to him.....she said with a pout..

Sorry but that's not for you to decide and beside If he needed you he should've called you himself.,If you excuse me..and she left..

Aryan was a charming,polite,sweet and a lovely girl and that's make everyone got attracted to her the moment you meet her and she wanted to be just cool to this Oliver for she wanted no problem with anyone on her working place but this Oliver was really something what did she mean by that...And this boss of hers why did he call her instead of calling his Oliver but anyway if she did what she needed to do and she doesn't regret that.....After a while she entered the CEO's office..

Sir these are the files"she said

Ok bring them closer so that I can sign those...he said with a teasing tone

she walked closer but she didn't reach his desk and she handed papers to him.,

Instead of taking the papers he just looked at her and said closer Aryan,he said..

she took one step ahead and stoped..

I told you to come closer why are you not listening to your boss huh Aryan?he said again..

why do I feel like he is teasing me huh"she thought and now she decided to play his own game ..she came very close to him,close enough to smell his Manly scent and she bent just enough to have a closer look at his face,she looked at him with her big round eyes is this close enough" she asked...

Alexander's heart almost wen't out of his body did she just beat him to his very own game"and now that she was close enough she looked so tempting,those lips that he got to have a taste just the last day he wanted to taste them again but what she did surprised him even more,.

Aryan was just teasing him but she didn't know that she'll get attracted to him again,before she knew it she was staring at him but now she won't loose to him she'll stand her guard to the last minute so she bit her lower lip seductively and told him,Are you going to sign the papers or you'll just keep staring at me...

He was pulled out of his daze by her voice and continued to play with her,Staring at you would be very interesting you know?he said

Too bad I'm not interested on staring at you boss?she said again

And he got furious again what does she mean she is not interested in me huh!he became more cold even than usual,he took the papers from her hands and signed them all and returned to her and told her to go.. completely aware that he lost on his own game..

Now she was confused,this man what's wrong with him,he was just fine and he was even teasing her but why did he became so furious,what's with the mood swings now could he be on his period huh wait could he be mad that she beat him in his own game omg..still lost on her own thought she heard someone opening the door she turned around and saw a Middle aged beautiful woman accompanied by a Middle aged man the man looked like Alexander...they looked like Two celebrity lovers"could they be his parents.......

Ooooh my baby how are you son"Lenny said and went directly to hug her son,she didn't even flinch on Aryan's side..

Hi mom,hi dad..!he greeted

Oooh so they are his parents,she decided to leave before they notice her presence..she was about to open the door when she heard...

Hey son who is this beautiful girl here,is she your girlfriend,why didn't you introduce her to us but I never saw her,in which family does she came from?Lenny asked a series of questions...

Honey ur making the Girl uncomfortable here"stop saying that okay"George told his wife..

Aryan was confused with Lenny's questions so she decided to speak for herself before Alexander could say anything..

Hi ma'am,hi sir...My name is Aryan...I'm the CEO's secretary...she said

Oooh did you hear that honey stop being like that okay..?

Oooh dear I'm sorry but your beautiful which family are you coming from"she asked again....

I'm coming from...."Mom stop that okay, you've heard her she is my secretary and since when did you start interfering on other people's families.. Alexander said.

Aryan's family was not that rich but they were not poor either..They were just a normal common family but with this family here they were just nothing..and with that she thought they were just two different people coming from different lifes..

Excuse me mom,sir I'll be heading to my chamber now...

You can go dear! George Said..


Aryan was dumbfounded maybe both people with wealth are just like this,They want someone with Good family and they care about Backgrounds just someone as good as miss Oliver and speaking about miss Oliver doesn't they know that their son arleady have a woman he loved or maybe he is a playboy or they didn't know that Miss Oliver was here.....

Now she though she'll just keep more of her distance to avoid getting dissapointed later and she entered to their office..she went directly to her cab to continue working..

Oooh miss secretary what took you so long huh,or could there be anything going on between you and the CEO?Oliver asked.

you can rest assured ma'am there is nothing going on it's just something happened that's why I took too long?she said..

Good and if you didn't know let me tell you I saw the way you are looking at Alexander and I didn't like it at all and you should know that he is my man only mine and if he told you that he loves you he'll just be fooling around with you...don't say I didn't warn you later little girl"Oliver said with harsh tone..

I arleady told you that there is nothing and don't worry I know my place so I'll keep a good distance...Aryan said

Okay now tell me what happened why did you stay there for too long!!

Aryan did not like to be questioned like that but maybe if she did this she can maintain her place...It's CEO's parents came and they are in his office now

what did you say..his parents are here?she panicked


sorry for the late update my lovelies,I got to have a busy schedule lately but I'll adjust and drop at least two chapters everyday if I can.....Hope you can enjoy the love story of our Alex&Aryan...

On their journey you'll also witness more of other people's love stories..

Hope both of you can have your happy ending through your lovelies...

your Naughty Author

Jennifer Griffin

love lots 💖