
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

clear things with him

The Anderson's Mansion:

Hubby how about tommorow we visit Abigail at country V,the last time she came here she seemed like she has some problems but you know our twins they just won't talk unless you find out by yourself..Lenny said to George

yes you are right about that honey,but you know I have to take care of the company..Father is old and I can not just live him alone you know..

I know about that,And speaking about taking care of the company,you know Alexander was capable of taking care of the main Anderson's company in the past but After what happened and we send him away we never asked him to work there again,How about we ask him to let Noel take care of The Anderson's Fashion and he took over the president's position at our Main building In that way we can travel together..Lenny said

I understand about that But I want to give him enough time to prepare himself because once father decided not to work Anymore,he'll definitely have to take care of all of our companies but I'll just be around to help him when he needs me... George Said

Only if his brother was here,she was sad again!but she didn't voice it out and instead she said" hubby then day after tommorow I'll be heading to country V to visit Abigail,And you have to stay here and took care of Alexander and you have to convince him to go to the blind date with a girl I chooses for him..Lenny spoke

But Honey stop with the blind dates okay... George Said

I knew you won't help me with that and that's why tommorow I'll go to visit him in his office to know if he is alright and to see Noel ofcourse..

we can go together tommorow I won't be that busy anyway..

Okay let's sleep now.. Goodnight hubby and they slept hugging each other as always..

Aryan's and Ellie Apartment

Aryan arrived at home with so many thought on her mind,what did she do...omg she even responded to his kisses and she didn't even push him away, we'll saying that she didn't enjoy his kiss she would be lying..She enjoyed the kiss and she didn't even regret it,And his lips God he taste damn Good and he was indeed a nice kisser she thought,..But how was she going to deal with it...,He loved someone else and the way she responded to him"he'll be thinking I'm throwing myself to him"..But no,she could admit that he did attracted her that's why she kissed him back,But that didn't mean she liked him right,and She won't deny that she got her first kiss from him and it was perfect but she'll never be with someone who loves someone else..And tommorow she'll make that clear to him that it was just a kiss so he should just forget about that...She was deep in her thought that she didn't notice Ellie standing there looking at her with concern..

Hey Aryan are you okay"Ellie asked

Ooh when did you came I'm okay"she said

I just notice these days you became too quiet is there something bothering you"

We'll there is something I need to tell you"she decided to at least talk to Ellie..

You know I'm always here for you my baby sis now tell me what is it.,

Uuhm my boss kissed me today!.,

cough cough,what did you say?Ellie couldn't believe what she was hearing

I mean we kissed but we have no relationship at all?she explained

Why didn't you push him then wait are you in love with him..?she asked

No but I'll admit that I'm attracted to him?she answered honestly

And what about him?Did he say anything

"No he didn't but I think he is in love with someone else"

But why did he kiss you then"she asked again

Maybe just like me he is attracted to me?she answered again

Oooh my little baby I don't want your heart broken you know those rich people are really something"Ellie said..

And do you know that person he loves"Ellie asked again..,

Yes and she'll start working with us tommorow but don't worry I just decided that I won't fall for him no matter what I'll just keep my distance and I'm planning to work outside his office..Aryan Explained

oooooh my little baby"now she was really scared because she knew that Aryan was beautiful and she attracted many people but this was something new because she also knew this would be her first experience...

"Don't worry I can take care of myself"besides it's not like we're in a relationship or something I'll just clear this matter with him tommorow...

Okay But if there's anything else you should talk to me first okay..

yes madam I'll get to you asap!

Now let's go to sleep so that you can rest and they went to sleep..


The next morning:

Aryan did wake up earlier than usual,she went to the bathroom and brush her teeth then she took a shower..

she come out of the bathroom and choose perfect outfit as always;

She did light make up and wore a short dress that shows her perfect long legs,she let her hair loose and wore her simple heels..

Looking at herself on the mirror,she was satisfied by her looking,

wow you look Awesome do you perhaps want to impress someone?she teased

No I want to be the perfect version of my self...

Ooh That's my girl!Ellie praised

well if you excuse me I want to leave because you know I want to be early so that we can clear things with my boss..

Good girl now Good luck with your cold boss..

okay and she left..

Inside the office:

The air was as cold as ice, Alexander arleady come to conclusion that he'll give Aryan some time alone and with that he'll let her work outside his office but that doesn't mean Oliver would stay in his office.,Tell both work outside his office but won't stay together they'll be staying on the same office just next to his but every one will have a wall to separate their working spaces and he arleady prepared that...

But he couldn't believe what he was hearing from her,she told him that what happened yesterday was a mistake and it won't happen again,and she also said that she wanted to work out of his office..so that he'll work with Oliver..

He got rather mad than dissapointed why did she have to make things this difficult huh but he didn't want to scare her and he agreed not because wanted to but because he arleady come to conclusion since last night..

okay John will escort you in your work space?he told her

Thank you sir and she left..

After a while Oliver came and all the people on the company started looking at her,some even wanted a picture with her..

Relax guys I'll be working here from now on so you'll see me everyday?she said as she headed to the private elevator

After a while she reached to the CEO'S office and went directly in..

Good morning Alexander?she Greeted

I'm your boss and you should Address me properly..do you get me

oooh I'm just used in calling you that"Good morning sir?she corrected

you are five minutes late?he said

you know people sorrounded me and some wanted a picture with me that's why I'm late,...?

Oliv,I mean miss Oliver,here all the Workers are the same and I don't need excuses now go to your office ...

Okay but you can just call me Oliver,there is no need to formalities you know and I won't mind..

But I do Mind now you can go?he said in a harsh tone