
My mysterious CEO

He was like the Ice and she was the fire that melted him untill he completely lost it, My heart was broken Aryan and I don't want to give it away because I'm scared, I'm scared to loose again just like I loosed before and I never thought that I'll be able to love again...But you came and melted this heart completely,Are you willing to be with me,To mend my broken heart.... She became quiet for a while and answered...from this day forward assume that your heart is mended because I'll make you mine forever for my love for you is unconditionally...they stared deeply into each other's then his lips landed on hers

JenniferGriffin · Fantasy
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51 Chs

I like you

ooooh my God,he was there....his hair wetting his face,he only have a tower around his waist and his chest was revealed...she looked at his perfect abs and oooh my.....he looked so damn attractive at that moment that she couldn't take her eyes off him..

After entering his office an hour before, Alexander was kind of feeling hot so he didn't continue working and went directly to his private room..upon entering he forgot to close the door and he went direct to the bathroom to take a shower...He relaxed him self in his bathing.freshly bathed,he went to his room with a towel around his waist so that he can wore his clothes..but he remembered that the door of his private room wasn't closed and John was not there so he went out of his room so that he can close the main door...He was dumb stuck for a moment upon seeing Aryan...and she was staring at him like she didn't expect to see him there.,

They stared deeply into each other's eyes not averting their gaze away.,Like they were on the competition and no one would dare loose this...

Aryan was the first to pull her daze away but she couldn't find anything to look into and her eyes landed on his Abs.."want to touch them"Alexander said..

What "no"it's just that....she couldn't find perfect explanations for this..

what"you should tell me..? Alexander teased..

Aryans face was arleady blushed red,she was red like tomato and sweats started to form on her face.."It's just that you told me to see you After an hour and I couldn't find you ni your office..And this door was not locked so I thought I would watch here and...."she couldn't finish her statement again...

And...?he continued to tease her and this time he stepped closer to her..

Here he was again"she thought..And I didn't thought I'll find you in this state"she explained..

Are you Affected?he wanted to know if he was affecting her or not.

She didn't say anything"she just lowered her head and whispered something he couldn't hear..

He went even closer and now his face was an inch before hers,..Aryan look at me please..?he said to her.

Slowly she looked up at him,at those eyes..The eyes that always they somehow made her heart went wild..

Do you know that"I hate it when you smile with other man's huh...you even enjoyed Nithan's company and right before my eyes you wanted to give him your number huh,do you even know him....I'm warning you please,I have it when you are happy around other people and with me you are like a scared cat...why are you scared at me huh...?he was letting his emotions out.

Alex"she called his name..

Damn it"he cursed....she only have to call his name and his anger vanished just like that...this is not good he thought..

There is nothing going on between me and Nithan..I just found him good company to catch up with..and I'm not scared of you...?she whispered..

ooh really"he said

yes I'm not scared of you"she answered honestly...

Aryan was still standing at the door...he sensed someone entering his office and he reacted fast by closing the door behind Aryan and blocked her with his hands..not giving her any space to escape.

Aryan"came his husky voice to her ear,sending electric joints all over her body...listen you should know that I like you and I hate it whey you smile to other men's...I won't force you to be with me or to like me but deep down I know that you also felt something for me...he said...

Aryan was confused,this man was in love with Oliver right..but why is he saying that he liked me huh...what's wrong with this man but surprised she shut all those thought away and only word echoed in her mind right now was I like you"it was repeating continueisly into her mind and she thought she was lost for a moment..


Aryan looked up at him,You like me?she asked hesitating..

yes I do"he said and as if he knew what he was thinking There is nothing between me and Oliver...It was all in the past..?he explained.

oooh so there was indeed something between them!but it was all in the past huh?she thought in her head..and oooh was all she could answer..

Listen carefully,I don't like it when you distance yourself from me,I want you to be free around me and call my name wherever we are together..?he said.

Right now she couldn't answer him due to their standing position,his scent were all over her and his desiring eyes..staring deeply into hers and now she was feeling shy..but the man seemed he wasn't affected at all..,

Ahhm Alex,can I leave now...this position...she couldn't finish her sentence when suddenly he licked her neck..

A..Le..x...yes tell me don't you like it?he asked.

No it's just that someone might come..?she answered honestly.

Oooh so she didn't hate it,but she is scared that someone might come..he was beyond happy to know she didn't hate what he was doing to her..he looked at her shyly face and asked"can I kiss you...he wanted to know if she wanted him like he wanted her...she didn't do anything and yet he was damp affected by her..

We have arleady kissed so why ask"was all Ashe said..

Before she knew it his lips was arleady on hers...he kissed her hungry as if he was starved for a long time...sliding his tongue erotically inside her mouth...still waiting for her to respond to his kisses he continued to explore further into her mouth sucking both her upper and lower lip untill she responded...at first she was slow in responding but later their tongues interwined and they danced together to their unison of kiss..

Alexander didn't plan to kiss her for too long,but she was making it hard for him...seeing how she responded to him...it was even harder to control and his hands became greedy and wanted to explore further...he removed his hands that blocked her and hugged her tight not wanting to separate from her and in respond,she encircled her hands to his neck..

They kissed untill both became breathless,And he buried his face into her neck as if stopping himself...he couldn't get enough of her..her lips were so soft that he couldn't stop himself...but he couldn't continue further because he knew that she was not ready yet..and damn it he was arleady hard so hard that he needed to cool off..

pulling out from her,his tower wen't down...and oooh my,he himself was surprised by the turn of event.

Aryan was so hot,and she felt butterflies all over her face..,and she was glad that he was the first to pull out from her because she didn't think she could stop herself..

But she was surprised to see the turn of event and now the towel was down..and he was so big that..oooh she became very red..

Feeling embarrassed she turned around to open the door but the door wouldn't open..

Alexander caught his tower and wore it again then he opened the door for her..and said wait for me I'll just wore my clothes and he left..

This was getting too hard day by day"she was not that naive to not understand what she was feeling for him...before she knew it maybe she arleady have fall for him...but thinking about his parents and Oliver...it was too hard for her to express her emotions anymore..
