
My Multiverse Trip

Reincarnation? Wishes? A System? Magic? Harem? Pudding? This story has all of those. Multiverse travel, kingdom building, fan boy dreams come true in this wild story starting in the Harry Potter world. Instantly op character? nope. sharingan at the start? nope. shameless Mc? yep. shameless comedy? yep. NTR. nope. Just to let everyone know this is my first story English is my native language I planned 0 chapters in this whole book and I literally started writing it because I simple wanted to read it myself. It contains parts from bringing the farm to another world, shadow hack, and supreme Anime system. leave any advice you want I read all comments and try to take them into account. (disclaimer I only own my characters I personally make) also there will be some grammar errors and some plot holes think of this as a rough draft I'm just winging it basically at this point lol doing well so far tho I plan to go back later to fix small things like speech and paragraphs sometimes I miss things. be gentle it's my first time.

Ryan_Colman · Fantasy
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467 Chs

393. Way out.

We park next to another phone and wait about 5 minutes before we get a call from Dr.Ashford.

"I'm glad that my daughter is safe but here comes the hard part. The route your going to be taking is being walked by the nemesis projects and is the only way out." Hold on a second

"Projects as in multiple?" I ask with narrowed eyes.

"Exactly two there are others being created as we speak. These where the prototypes." he says.

fuck my life mannnn.

"I'll figure something out." I mutter.

"Your truck should be able to break through the barriers they have as its mostly chain link fence." he says.

He gives me the instruction and we have about 20 hours til nuke drop. They are testing out the nemesis on the zombies roaming the city as its a perfect contained test ground.

I come up with a quick plan before getting ready to head out and implement it.

Now usually I would brute force my way through the barricade but if I remember correctly one of the nemesis uses a mini gun I have no idea about the other. I don't think sweet tooth can hold up to a high powered mini gun even with bullet proof glass.

The other options are try to raid some buildings and see what we can find but we have like no place to put anything and getting another vehicle out amidst the gunfire doesn't seem too likely.

"So what's the plan?" Alice asks.

"No idea honestly." I laugh.

"Fantastic." comes Jills voice from the back.

I head towards the area we are supposed to be in. Might as well scope out the area see what I'm working with. The answer isn't very pleasant. It's basically a bridge with no buildings around for sniper fire so a long big open road I can't blow up with zero cover.

We spot both nemesis projects just destroying zombies. One is big and bulky carrying a massive mini gun the other is more dangerous. It's fast and has a blade like arm and easy cuts through anything near it.

The gates behind it are simple throw up gates made up of chain link with some sand bags in front. Easily solved.

Now the only problem is what to do. Fuck it let's just wing it like usual.

"Buckle up its about to get hectic I shout to the girls in the back." I put the truck into gear and steer it towards the most immediate threat. The minigun user.

I press two red buttons on the side of my steering wheel and there a *brrrrrr* noise as the machine guns on the hood light up firing off round after round into the bulky menace of course he's had time to start up his minigun There's a wave of bullets fired at the truck and a few impact the windshield leaving spider webbed impact marks he must be a bit too far for accuracy and being hit by machine gun bullets doesn't help.

I've made a miscalculation. The other nemesis moved a lot faster than I originally though and the giant blade arm is now being used to block in front of the miningun nemesis. There's sparks all over the blade. I still get a few hits in.

I press down on the gas speeding up for a ram. I figure that I can hit them both and end it pretty quick however I was wrong. The scrawny sword one jumps up as I get within range and thrusts his blade towards the windshield right towards my head. Quick reaction is the only thing that saved me from getting my head split in half. However it did not save me from having my left arm sliced clean off. I roar in pain and I feel the truck collide with the other nemesis I see out of the corner of my eye the minigun fly off and blood splatter the windshield.

I slam on the breaks and click a button the nemesis on the windshield is flung off at the abrupt halt along with another item which happens to be a glowing clown head. it tries to bat it away but it's too late. There's a boom and the little freak is blown off its feet into the air backward. The next thing it sees is me running it over.

I keep my foot on the gas.

"Alice take the wheel and don't stop driving." I say as she looks at me in confusion until I stand up and my whole left side is just missing an arm and bleeding profusely.

I stumble my way to the back searching for an item. There's system notifications going off I can't understand as my heads going blank.

Finally I find what I'm looking for. I rip my tactical knife off of my vest and bite down on the handle. I fumble with a little nozzle and then press a trigger and there's a fwoosh of flames.

I aim the blow torch at my left shoulder soon muffled screams and the smell of burning flesh fill the truck. I need to stop the bleeding or I'm most likely going to die the only way I can do that is to burn it closed.

I barely make it before I pass out from shock or bloodloss.

The last thought I have is. "Fuck I just bandaged this arm earlier too what a waste."