
My Mother Told Me

MC known from my other novel, thanks to the joke of God Weles, is reborn in the times of the Vikings ... the Vikings series. Here, more than the previous novel, I will focus on beliefs, demons and Slavic traditions. The MC will have his powers and knowledge ... Of course, there will also be a lot of focus on the history ... Unfortunately, the creators of the series made some mistakes that I do not intend to correct ... like Rollo was not Ragnar's brother ... and Ivar, instead of being a cripple, could be impotent. If there are any reviews, let them be honest, it's a pity that someone would waste time on something that is not to their liking. MC is not a good man, he is a murderer, sadist, manipulator and womanizer. This novel has no safe spaces, so anyone who gets offended ... I don't give a shit. Chapters will appear not too often. The Commonwealth remains my main focus.

MedTryglaw · TV
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Vita Sancti Aegidius de Rais

Vitae (Life)

Little is known about the life of Saint Gilles de Rais. He was born probably between 750 - 760 in the territory of the Kingdom of the Franks, which later became the Holy Roman Empire. He was probably the second or third son of a noble family destined for military or church service. This could be proved by his good knowledge of Latin and the Bible as well as his military achievements.

The first confirmed mentions of Gilles de Rais do not appear until 787, when, together with an army of several hundred soldiers, he captured the city of Pamplona under Arab occupation.

Over the next few years, his name appears on the pages of history, wherever Christians have suffered attacks at the hands of pagans, heretics, and infidels.

One thing is certain, his militare activities contributed greatly to regaining control of the Iberian Peninsula and breaking Arab power in the region.

In 1100, Gilles de Rais was proclaimed Saint of the Catholic and Orthodox Church. He became the patron saint of women, children and soldiers.

Passio (Martyrdom)

The exact date and place of Saint Gilles de Rais' death is unknown. It is most likely that he was captured and crucified by the army of the King of Norway, Ulf Erikson. This was to take place during one of the Northern Crusades. Other versions state that it was cooked alive.

Miracula (Miracles)

He is credited with several miracles, including healing a cripple and turning sand into water. He also converted several hundred people, mainly women and children, to the Christian faith.