

After weighed all the loot, it turned out that we had stolen 24 pounds of gold, 45 pounds of silver, 81 pounds of various things made of different metals.

My share of the profits was 8 pounds of gold, 15 pounds of silver, and 27 pounds of metal ornaments and utensils and there were 159 slaves in total and 53 of them were my property. I gave up this profit, stating that I would only select two slaves for my needs. The rest will be distributed among my crew.

The rest of the loot ... clothes, tools, fabrics, raw materials was split under the original agreement that I would take a third of everything.

- Ulf, who do you choose?

- I'm taking a priest for sure, and the other person ... maybe something with big tits ...

Lagertha gave me an angry look but said nothing.

- ... Floki, you choose a shipbuilder, maybe you will learn something from him, and if not, he will help you with your work.

After everything had been split up, almost all of the crew headed to Jarl's house to inform him of our success. Jarl had been already notified by his people of our arrival and was waiting for us, seated at the table with Siggy sitting next to him.

- Jarl Haraldson we came back from a raid in the west, we raided two small settlements. We captured two ships, over 150 slaves and a lot of valuables and other goods... They hardly resisted, they were like children ... rich children.

As proof, we opened a chest of gold and silver ... the one that belonged to me.

- Congratulations Ulf, you did something that many others have failed, but how did you do it?

- Fate favors the brave, maybe the gods helped us ... I don't know.

- Ulf, do you understand this is all mine?

I was expecting this to turn out, and it was similar on the show, but I'm not a Ragnar. Jarl nodded to Olafur to take the loot and as soon as he put his hand on the gold, I grabbed him and crushed his bones.

- I do not understand. I paid for the ship. We are free people, not your slaves. Our life, our risk, our reward and we can go to the lawspeaker and ask him about it ... and I will give you good advice. Don't steal from your people, because if your enemy attacks Kattegat again, he may have allies here.

- Are you threatening me?

- No, and I didn't threaten your brother either ... I just killed him.

- What?!

- He tried to hurt my wife, so I hurt him ... he lived like a coward and died like a coward.

- Ulf, you will be exiled, you will be outlawed ...

- If you want to avenge him, you can challenge me to a duel, and if you threaten me with the law, I have witnesses ... our conversation is over.

Jarl put his hand on his sword hilt, but Siggy stopped him.

- Listen to your wife, she is a wise woman ...

I turned and we left Jarl's house. Of course, in a few days or weeks, he will attack me. He will raid or burn my house ... but I will wait for them.

According to norsmen law, Jarl couldn't ask for what belonged to his people. I don't know why Raganr and the others gave their spoils so obediently on the show, but I wasn't going to.

My crew went to their homes or to the market to sell their goods and slaves and I went home with Lagertha, the priest and one busty blonde girl. Lagertha was not pleased with my choice of slaves, especially the woman.

The slaves were given something to eat, and my wife and I sat at the table.

- Ulf, why these slaves? The priest looks weak, and the woman ...

- It is pleasing to the eye.

- ... old, I think she is over thirty years old. Why not someone more useful?

- I chose the priest to teach me the languages ​​he knows, once I learn them ... it will kill him. I am not going to learn shipbuilding, and one boatbuilder is not going to change anything for me. Floki will make better use of his skills ... and I will have many ships, and quite soon. Returning to the topic of the priest, only I will be able to communicate with the opponent and traders ... knowledge gives me an advantage.

- Where from? Are you going to build more ships?

- Our sudden enrichment and the death of Knut made Jarl want revenge. I provoked him especially to challenge me to a duel today and when he was close, Siggy stopped him. He will attack us... and he lose.

- Why did you choose this woman?

- Maybe a slave, maybe a bed slave ... I haven't decided yet.

- And my consent?

- But I don't take her for wife ...

- I do not agree!!! Today you are not sleeping in our bed.

- Should I sleep downstairs where are the slaves? Thank you, my wife.

- No ... you're sleeping in the bedroom, but you can't touch me.

Lagertha was cute when she got angry, stamped her foot as if to emphasize that her sentence is final ... she has been doing this since her youth. I actually chose this woman because she was attractive, big breasts ... but the main reason to tease Lagertha.

(Jarl / Siggy POV)

- Why did you stop me? He would be dead now, and I would ...

- Ulf, he killed thirty people himself, this is not Olafur ... secondly, he was right, if you had played it differently you might have obtained something. Third, he saved our daughter and my life.

- But our sons are dead ... my beautiful boys.

- Ulf didn't kill them, and he did more than the others. You may have gained an ally, but you have gained an enemy.

- Are you on his side?

- No, he has publicly challenged your authority. You have to get it back, but you can't be emotional ... if you want to plan something, do it calmly.

(End POV)