
My Mother Once Said

My mother once said, "A brother should protect his siblings." I did exactly what she told me, but I somehow ended up slaying a god two years after she died. Where did it go wrong? Alternate Title: A Campione's Chat Group Warning. Some readers might know it already, but I am a huge Tokusatsu fan. There'll be a time when MC goes to Tokusatsu worlds. So, don't make a fuss about it when the time comes. Thank you, Soko for the cover art! Your art is as amazing as always! https://www. facebook .com/ Sokomakesart

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Mother’s Words of Wisdom

Chapter 06: Mother's Words of Wisdom


Flames engulf everything around me, and the urgency to act grips my soul. I have to help! I have to help! Who should I help? People are dying! People are dying! Everyone is dying! Panic sets in as the death toll rises before my eyes. I don't know what to do! I have to do something! I have to do something!

Slay the Heretic God! No! Save the people first!





The internal battle rages on, a relentless tug-of-war between two crucial tasks. There's no time to waste deciding; I must act. A golden glow emanates from one hand, a sign of my determination to save lives. In the other, Galatine appears, a symbol of my commitment to confront the Heretic God.

Can I do both simultaneously? I have no choice; I must try. I have to! I have to! I have to! Save more people, heal the wounded. Battle the Heretic God to prevent further harm. The weight of responsibility bears down on me, but I can't falter.

My mother's words echo in my mind, a guiding light in the chaos. My mother once said, "Saving people is never wrong." I will do what she said. I trust my mother. She is the best mother. The best. The best. The best. The best.

「As I journey through the azure sky,

 In your name, I reach new heights high.

 Bless me with your eternal flame,

 In your glory, I'll never be the same.」

I chant an incantation invoking Galatine's power. Energies courses through me, filling every fiber of my being. As it is daytime, using myself as the focal point, I absorb the sunlight streaming from the sun.

Screams for help fill my ears. I have to focus.

Children's calls for their deceased parents fill my ears. I have to focus.

The acrid scent of burnt flesh invades my nose. I have to focus.

I cannot revive the dead, and I will never do that even if I can. But I can still heal the injured people. I will save them. I will save them. I will save them. As my mother once said.


Daiki's sleep had been disturbed by a recurring nightmare, one that took him back to a painful memory. It was a time when he faced the second Heretic God, a battle that resulted in many deaths and left loved ones grieving. "Must be because I had to witness the same scene with a smaller scale yesterday," he surmised as he tried to shake off the haunting images.

As he lay there, trying to shake off the lingering shadows of his dream, he felt a comforting presence beside him. His sister Nino was sleeping peacefully, her arms wrapped around him in an affectionate embrace. A soft, affectionate smile found its way to Daiki's lips as he observed his sleeping sister. He couldn't resist the urge to comfort her, so he gently patted her head and ran his fingers through her hair.

Nino stirred in her sleep, and her eyes fluttered open. "Onii?" she murmured, her voice soft and slightly drowsy.

Daiki couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for potentially waking her. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" he whispered, his voice filled with concern.

Nino's response was simple and heartfelt. She didn't want apologies; she wanted comfort and reassurance. "Hug me, Onii," she requested, and held onto him tighter, seeking the warmth and comfort of her older brother. Her embrace pressed her chest against him, a detail that Daiki couldn't help but notice but chose not to dwell on.

"You're a grown girl now, Nino," Daiki teased gently, though his actions contradicted his words as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her securely. He couldn't deny the special bond he shared with his sisters; a bond that had been nurtured since they were children. Their closeness was something he cherished deeply. "Don't you think you and your sisters should stop sleeping with your brother?" He continued to pat her back soothingly.

Nino's response was a resolute one, her voice taking on a slightly playful, yet determined tone. "Never," she hissed, much like a protective cat guarding its territory.

Chuckling softly, Daiki couldn't help but indulge his sister's request. Resting his chin on her head, he closed his eyes and savored the moment, relishing the warmth and love they shared. "Well," he admitted, his voice tender, "I've spoiled all of you since you were young. I might as well continue to spoil my cute little sisters always, huh?"


"Are you going somewhere today, Ani?" Miku inquired, her eyes curious as they landed on her brother, who was dressed more formally than usual.

Daiki paused for a moment, his hand gently ruffling Miku's hair affectionately. "Oh, Miku," he began, his voice warm and caring. "I have a meeting with one of my students' parents today," he explained. "Is there anything special you'd like me to bring back?" he asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Pudding," Miku replied with a sweet and simple request.

"Consider it done!" Daiki responded cheerfully, offering her a thumbs-up as he made his way to the front door. "Then I'm off!" he called out, his departure marked by the sound of Miku's well-wishing words echoing from within the house. "Take care!"


Daiki found himself seated in front of Mr. and Mrs. Natsuki, the parents of his student, Subaru. He offered them a polite and appreciative smile as he began the conversation.

"Thank you for making time to meet with me, Mr. and Mrs. Natsuki," Daiki greeted as he settled into a chair before the couple.

"No, no, we should be thanking you for taking care of our son," Natsuki Kenichi, the patriarch of the Natsuki family, laughed amiably, scratching the back of his head. He hesitated about calling his son over, worried about what Daiki might say. The thought of his son being scolded was something he was not eager to witness.

"That won't be necessary," Daiki reassured him with a shake of his head. "I'm mainly here to inform you about something else," he added, catching Kenichi's attention.

"Ah, is that so?" Kenichi nodded in relief.

"First," he continued, bowing his head respectfully, "I'd like to offer my sincere apologies for not recognizing Subaru's situation sooner. As his teacher, it's my responsibility to teach and care for my students, yet I failed in that regard. For that, I apologize to both of you." The sincerity of his apology took the Natsuki couple by surprise, as they had expected a different conversation entirely. They had expected Daiki to urge their son to return to school, not to apologize for his shortcomings.

Kenichi, in particular, felt compelled to respond. "Please, Nakano-sensei, raise your head," he insisted, a warm and understanding smile on his face. "You couldn't have known about that."

Daiki appreciated their understanding but quickly moved to the main purpose of his visit. "I'm here to inform you that your son, Natsuki Subaru, has successfully passed the exam. He'll be attending Class 3-2 starting this April," he declared, a sense of pride in his voice.

Kenichi's eyes lit up with joy at the news. "I had a feeling he'd make it!" he exclaimed happily.

Naomi, always the caring mother, chimed in with enthusiasm. "Tonight, I'll make fried rice with mayonnaise on the side."

Daiki couldn't help but shudder inwardly at the thought of fried rice with mayonnaise, but he kept a polite smile on his face. "I know they love mayonnaise, but with fried rice?" he mused silently. "Please tell him to at least attend the orientation and the first day of school, even if he doesn't like to come on other days," Daiki insisted.

"I will make sure to convey that to him," Kenichi promised, realizing it was a reasonable request.

As Daiki finished his coffee, he said, "I will be taking my leave now. Thank you for your hospitality, Mr. and Mrs. Natsuki." Before departing, he handed Kenichi a small Galatine-shaped keychain.

"What's this?" Kenichi asked, turning the keychain in his hand.

"It's a gift from me," Daiki replied with a faint smile. The keychain held some of his divine power, although most of it was sealed. It was meant to aid Subaru on his journey in another world.

Daiki knew he couldn't protect Subaru in that distant land, nor could he prevent the Witch of Envy from summoning him. Unless he went there and eliminated Stella before the summoning, there was no way to prevent it

"Thank you for taking care of our kid," Naomi expressed her gratitude to Daiki.

With a polite bow, Daiki left the Natsuki's courtyard. Since this had been a formal meeting, he hadn't taken his motorbike and would have to rely on the usual mode of transportation – the bus and train – to get back home.


"Daiki-kun?" A familiar voice called out to Daiki, prompting him to turn around and identify the person behind it.

"Kosaki? Wow, it's been a while," Daiki greeted his former high school classmate with a wide grin. "What have you been up to these days?" he inquired, genuinely interested in catching up.

"Ah! It really is Daiki-kun!" Kosaki's face lit up with happiness. "It's been so long! As for your question, I've been working at our family shop," she replied with a gentle smile.

Onodera Kosaki held a special place in Daiki's high school memories. He had a tendency to tease her mercilessly, but he also remembered being there to console her during a heartbroken moment on a hill.

"Have you spoken with Raku recently?" she inquired, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"I've had some phone conversations with him, but I haven't visited him in a while. He mentioned being busy," Daiki admitted, scratching his head in thought.

Kosaki narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "Suspicious," she remarked. "I've heard stories about you, Raku-kun, and Karoru-kun partying from Chitoge-chan," she added, raising an eyebrow.

Daiki couldn't help but grimace at the mention of Chitoge. "That gorilla woman!" he muttered under his breath; his annoyance clear.

Kosaki, not one to tolerate negative talk about her friend, swiftly reprimanded him with a playful karate chop to his head. "Daiki-kun, bad," she scolded, her words punctuated by the light chop. It was a scene that would shock anyone from the supernatural world; witnessing their king being hit on the head was an unthinkable sight.

Daiki laughed good-naturedly, thoroughly enjoying his time with Kosaki. She had always been one of his closest female friends during high school.

"Hey, how about we hit up that café? I think I found a charming one with adorable decorations," Daiki suggested, his laughter and smiles never fading during their conversation.

Kosaki readily agreed, nodding her head with a smile. She followed Daiki's lead as they walked together toward the café, reminiscing about their shared memories from their high school days.


Not far from Daiki and Kosaki, a couple happened to stumble upon the scene, and their expressions were nothing short of shock and disbelief.

"Izumi-kun! You need to call everyone right now! Sensei is out on a date with a woman!" the girl hissed urgently at her boyfriend, her eyes widened in surprise.

Izumi, equally stunned, wasted no time and quickly dialed one of his classmates. "Hello, Kazehaya-kun? It's Miyamura," he began, not bothering with pleasantries. "You won't believe what I just saw. Sensei is out with a girl, and they're even laughing together! Get in touch with everyone!"

Daiki's female student was also in action. She promptly dialed one of her friends' numbers. "Hello, Yui-Yui? It's Hori," she said urgently. "You won't believe this, but I just spotted sensei on a date with a girl. I've already sent you a photo as evidence. Yes, it's Daiki-sensei! Hurry up and let the others know!"

And so, Daiki's seemingly innocent reunion with his former classmate was unwittingly transformed into a hot topic among his students, as they've stalked the two friends to the café.


Author's Note;

This might be the last chapter I'll be posting for a while.

As I've shown through Daiki's point of view, he's living by his mother's words, which have significantly influenced his personality. I guess we can officially call him a "mother-con" now.

Hey, look! Onodera from Nisekoi! Do you know who her husband is in the after story chapter? That's me!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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