
My Mother Once Said

My mother once said, "A brother should protect his siblings." I did exactly what she told me, but I somehow ended up slaying a god two years after she died. Where did it go wrong? Alternate Title: A Campione's Chat Group Warning. Some readers might know it already, but I am a huge Tokusatsu fan. There'll be a time when MC goes to Tokusatsu worlds. So, don't make a fuss about it when the time comes. Thank you, Soko for the cover art! Your art is as amazing as always! https://www. facebook .com/ Sokomakesart

Zimrence · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs


Chapter 05: Burden


"Hello? Hello? Everyone, can you hear me?" The voice of their leader resonated within the minds of all the exorcists on the battlefield.

"What is that bastard planning now?" Amawaka Seigen of Byakko hissed under his breath, clearly unimpressed.

"Don't get surprised when you see a lightning flash by your side," Tsuchimikado's cheerful voice rang out from the other end.

"What?" Mitosaka Kankuro of Seiryu exclaimed as a blue and white blur zipped past him, leaving him bewildered. "What was that?" he added, trying to make sense of the sudden occurrence.

"That must be what that sly fox was talking about," Seigen responded, his annoyance deepening. He turned to his fellow exorcists. "Can you see anything?"

"Nah," Ujii Kengo of Genbu shook his head. "The only thing I saw was the Impurities turning into seiman," the bespectacled man added, gesturing towards the transformation of the Impurities into five-pointed stars scattered in the vicinity.

"We are winning this battle, everyone," their leader's voice sounded once more. "Our King has decided to grace us with his presence in this battle," he announced.

"Do we even have a King?" Kankuro inquired, looking puzzled as he turned to his two comrades.

"Beats me," Kengo shrugged his shoulders, equally perplexed. "I haven't heard about it until today," he admitted, voicing his confusion.

"That must be something that guy pulled out from his ass," Seigan concluded, his tone colored by skepticism. He took a moment to rest, sitting on the ground and catching his breath, his one remaining hand bloodied from the battle. "Though, that lightning was very fast," he added, acknowledging the incredible speed of the unknown presence.

"We'll get our answers when we meet up with Arima-san," Kengo suggested as he brushed away the dust from his body.

"You guys go ahead," Seigen said from his resting position.

"Let's go," Kankuro nodded, and along with Kengo, they hurried toward their leader's location, eager to uncover the mystery behind the unexpected developments in the battle.


I flash through both the living world and the Magano, witnessing the countless innocents who have perished in my absence. They died because I wasn't fast enough, because I had decided to take a break tonight. Regret consumes me, a never-ending cycle of self-blame. I should have come here sooner. I should have come here sooner. I should have come here sooner… Sooner… Sooner… Sooner…

It all comes down to this: I am failing in my duty as a Campione. I have to do better. I have to strive harder. I have to give my all to save people. I cannot bear to see more suffering, more people losing their loved ones. I don't want anyone to experience the heartbreak of regret, the pain of not spending enough time with those they cherish.

I have to try harder. I have to try harder. I have to try harder. I have to try harder. I refuse to lose more people. I won't lose my sisters. I won't lose my friends. I won't. I won't. I won't. I won't.

I focus on the ten Impurities to my left, readying myself to purify them.


Then five more at 4 o'clock catch my attention.


I must save people. I have to save more people. I am a Campione, their King. It is my duty to protect them. I have to protect them. I have to protect them. I have to protect my subjects.


The narrator will take over as the main character is having a psychological breakdown.

As Daiki flashed back to Tsuchimikado's side after purifying all the Impurities, a sense of sadness washed over him. He had successfully protected the battlefield, and the eerie silence that followed was a testament to his extraordinary abilities. Tsuchimikado greeted him with a smirk, acknowledging his impressive feat.

"Welcome back, Lord Daiki," Tsuchimikado grinned, his admiration evident as he noticed the man stepping beside him. He marveled at the Campione's strength and speed, far surpassing what he had read in the records. "The prowess of the Campione from the records is nothing compared to the one I'm seeing right now," he thought, his grin growing wider. "To think he would take down over a hundred Impurities in under three minutes," he marveled silently.

Daiki, however, wasn't solely focused on his own achievements. He glanced over to Rokuro's ongoing battle and couldn't help but smile at the young exorcist's determination. "The kid has a nice expression on his face," he noted, appreciating the fierce determination in Rokuro's eyes. "How is everyone?" Daiki inquired, his concern for the exorcists evident.

"Thanks to your timely response, we managed to get out with fewer casualties than we expected," Tsuchimikado replied, acknowledging Daiki's vital role in the battle's outcome.

"But we still had casualties," Daiki spoke somberly, his expression reflecting the gravity of the situation. He turned his attention to Tsuchimikado. "Give me the list of their names and their addresses, both the exorcists and the normal people," he requested, a sense of responsibility weighing on his shoulders.

"Are you going to mind-wipe them?" Tsuchimikado gritted his teeth, uncomfortable with the notion but willing to comply if it was what Daiki desired.

"No, I will go over to their houses to apologize to their relatives," Daiki gently shook his head, his voice filled with empathy. He couldn't bear the thought of people forgetting their loved ones because of supernatural interventions. "Don't you think it is sad? People forgetting your existence," he mused softly, a sad smile gracing his lips.

"But I don't think you should apologize to their relatives, Lord Daiki," Tsuchimikado countered, his usual jolly demeanor replaced with a more serious tone. "Their deaths are not on your hands," he asserted, trying to reassure Daiki.

"Yet it is my fault for not coming here sooner," Daiki replied, shouldering a burden of guilt that weighed heavily on his conscience.

"People die all the time," Tsuchimikado retorted, his voice tinged with resignation. "They die on the battlefield willingly," he added, acknowledging the harsh realities of their life. "As for the normal people, it is a shame, but we cannot always save everyone, Lord Daiki."

"I know," Daiki sighed, accepting the harsh truth. "I know I cannot save everyone. I cannot be everywhere at the same time," he conceded, his heart heavy with the limitations of his power. "That's why apologizing to their relatives is what I could do for them," he explained with a sad smile, revealing his genuine compassion. "Even that, I cannot do it all the time. I am doing it now because the casualties are right in front of my eyes."

"Very well, Lord Daiki. I will send the list to HCC," Tsuchimikado relented, agreeing to Daiki's request. He couldn't help but be both awed and amused by the Campione's actions. "A tyrant, indeed," he thought. "He is doing whatever he wants," he added with a small smile, acknowledging Daiki's unique approach to leadership.

Daiki's attention then turned to the girl with ample assets, who had been silently observing their conversation. The Campione's demeanor shifted as he adopted a gentle and reassuring tone. "Oh, sorry, kid, I almost forgot about you," he acknowledged. "Hey, what is your name?" he asked the girl, using the same gentle smile he reserved for his sisters.

"Otomi Mayura," she replied, her cheeks tinted with a blush. She had never been this close to a male, except for Rokuro, Shimon, and her father.

"There, there," Daiki reassured her, patting her head affectionately. "You've done well," he praised her efforts. "Now, stay still. I'll heal you now," he announced, a warm golden glow emanating from his hand as he began the process of healing her injuries.

"This is?" Mayura gasped in astonishment as she looked at the injuries slowly disappearing from her body.

"A healing spell," Daiki answered, his voice filled with warmth. "The power system I use is different from the one the exorcists use," he explained.

"What is this?" She asked curiously, her eyes wide with wonder.

"Magic," he replied simply, watching her reaction with amusement.

"Magic is real?" Mayura's eyes sparkled with newfound excitement.

Daiki chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Hey now, you are battling the monsters using the Onmyoudou," he pointed out playfully. "If you don't know, Onmyoudou is also a part of the magic system," he added, enjoying her sense of discovery.

"I've been using magic all this time?" Mayura's voice was filled with wonder.

"You can say it like that," Daiki nodded with a smile. The sight of a girl getting excited over the revelation warmed his heart. He remembered being just like her when he began his journey into the world of magic.

"Please! Heal Benio, too!" Mayura's joy didn't last long as she suddenly realized her friend's absence. "Eh, where is she?" She asked in confusion, searching for Benio.

"Oh, the long-haired girl? She is there," Daiki pointed in the direction of Rokuro's ongoing battle.

"CRIMSON METEOR SMASH!!!" Rokuro's battle cry echoed through the surroundings, signaling the intensity of the fight.

Daiki whistled in amusement at the immense damage the attack had caused. "I wonder how that attack would fare against the Heretic Gods," he mused aloud. "It might injure them for a bit," he added, contemplating the potential of Rokuro's abilities.

"Hmm?" Daiki's brow furrowed as he sensed a powerful aura emanating from the young girl with dark red hair. "Abe no Seimei?" he speculated momentarily before dismissing the thought. "No, that's not it. It has the aura of Abe no Seimei, but it is not that person," he concluded.

"That is Abe no Seimei's mother," Tsuchimikado clarified, providing the necessary information.

"Man, you guys are going wild with those guardian spirits, huh?" Daiki remarked with a hint of amusement. "Oh, hey look! It's Ashiya Doman!" he pointed out, recognizing another figure on the battlefield, Mayura's friend.

As Daiki observed the exorcists in action, he couldn't help but ponder their unique dynamics. "Hmm… Yin and Yang, huh? That Rokuro kid is Yang, and the girl is Yin," he mumbled to himself, recognizing the typical principles of Onmyoudou at play. "Typical Onmyoudou stuff. It might have some relation with Tao though," he speculated. "Maybe I can ask Second Sister about it."

With a burst of speed, Daiki flashed towards Rokuro and the others as the drama of the battles concluded. "Hey there, twerp," he greeted Rokuro with playful ruffling of his hair. His hand glowed with a golden aura as he extended it toward Rokuro, ready to heal him.

"Now, now, those who want to heal, come near me!" Daiki declared, not minding the dirt as he sat down on the ground, offering his assistance.

Rokuro, however, slapped Daiki's hand away and reacted with suspicion. "Who are you?!" he demanded, his guard up.

"That man is the strongest human in Japan, Rokuro-kun," Tsuchimikado appeared nearby, providing some context.

"Underwear Pervert Man!" Rokuro exclaimed, pointing accusingly at Tsuchimikado. "What did you mean by the strongest human in Japan?!"

"That person had killed gods and usurped their powers," Tsuchimikado explained, offering a glimpse into Daiki's true nature. "He rules over the supernatural side of Japan and protects it from foreign threats and Gods. He is a Devil King, a Tyrant, a Supreme Ruler. He is a Campione," he elaborated.

"Although there are some mistakes in what he said, most of it is true," Daiki admitted with a sheepish chuckle. He didn't want to come across as intimidating, especially to these kids. So, he was acting like a kind man unlike when he was interacting with his subordinates.

"Stronger than you?" Rokuro inquired, still trying to grasp the concept.

"A lot," Tsuchimikado nodded, emphasizing the vast gap in power.

Daiki's attention then returned to Mayura, who seemed anxious about her friend's condition. "Hmm… the girl is fine now," Daiki said as he approached the long-haired girl. "But… her mental state is not doing well," he added, his concern evident in his eyes. He then turned to Tsuchimikado. "Send all the patients to Nakano Hospital in Aichi," he instructed firmly, taking charge of the situation. "Tell them you are sent by Nakano Daiki. They'll know what to do," he assured, his voice filled with determination.

After ensuring that everyone was taken care of, Daiki knew it was time to return home to his sisters. He needed the solace of their company after the weight of the lives he couldn't save. As he looked back at the battlefield, he clenched his teeth in resolve. "I'll protect them all," he vowed, determined to use his power to safeguard those he under him.


Author's Note;

So, this just happened. As I've portrayed it from Daiki's point of view, his mind is not doing well. Having experienced the loss of his loved ones twice in succession, he's become extremely protective of his sisters. Moreover, he doesn't want others to go through the same as him. This burden weighs heavily on Daiki's shoulders.

Daiki can't bring himself to display his colder, more distant side to the kids. Perhaps his teacher persona is taking over, compelling him to be caring and supportive.

And I'll say this once more—Daiki is a nutjob.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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