
My Mother is Not From This World...?

A normal 20 year old college student named Leo lived a pretty basic life. Until one day, he woke up and felt sore all over. Not know that this soreness was the beginning of something great for him, he continued about his day. Then after coming home thanks to something that happened, his mom informed him that she is not from this world? How the hell did his life change so suddenly? This is the story of the Leo, a boy who was born on earth but is not from here. Follow his journey alongside him, while he explores this new world...and who knows...maybe even beyond it... [I do not take credit for the cover art, if the artist wants me to take it down I would be happy to do so.]

RKPhoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Logoman Blood?

"Are you happy now?" Alanna asked in annoyance as she side eyed her sister.

"Yeah, I am now."

A few moments ago, Celia had been complaining about not being able to train with Leo. Eventually Alanna got fed up with Celia's complaints and recommended that, even if she couldn't train with Leo, she could at least watch him train.

Celia was delighted at the idea and immediately headed off to watch Leo, while dragging along her sister.

"But why is Leo not defending himself?"

Alanna observed that Leo was not even attempting to defend himself, it was like he knew that he couldn't stop Alberts attacks so he didn't even try and only focused on attacking.

"It's not what you think sis. I already told you that Leo is great at observing and making changes to his approach based on his opponent. So just watch." Celia responded with a smug face.

Alanna was skeptical but continued to watch and after a few minutes, she was left in shock.

"He attacks then when that fails he tries something new… but… wait! It's like he is trying to find fathers openings!" She said in a slight loud voice.

"See! Exactly as I told you! He has a natural talent at adapting during battle! *sigh* Isnt my son great…" Celia finished her words with a sigh while looking at Leo with desire lacing her eyes.


'This boy is a monster…'

This was the thought of Albert as he blocked an opening he intentionally created to test Leo.

'But why isn't he blocking?'

Albert had the same thoughts as Alanna did but he realized that it wasn't just Leo trying to find openings. Although he knew that, he still couldn't figure out what Leo was trying to do.

But soon his question would be answered.

'I almost have it…' thought Leo as he ran at Albert once more but with more technique than before thanks to the constant fighting. Throughout the fight Leo had been focusing on, not Alberts fighting style but instead the way Albert controlled his Aura.

From what Leo could tell, Albert always had his Aura spread through his entire body. But only concentrated his Aura right before he went to attack. Leo assumed that this not only kept his general defense and attack high, but also didn't give the opponent a chance to defend against his attack.

Leo had been taking hit after hit, allowing his body to be damaged again and again, just to catch a glimpse at the way Albert used his Aura. And it worked, Leo quickly learned how to control his Aura and not allow it to show on the outside of his body, but he didn't inform Albert of this.

Leo was confident that the Aura controlling technique which Albert was using was advanced. He was also confident that Albert would refuse to teach him the technique because of its difficulty, that was the reason why he didn't inform Albert of his learning to control some of his aura. Leo wanted to continue to learn the way Albert was using his Aura.

And eventually he did.

'I got it! Now!'

As Leo spoke to himself, he quickly concentrated a very little amount of Aura into his hand, right before it was about to make contact with Alberts body.

After observing Albert throughout the fight, Leo learned that he was leaving some intentional opening for him to take advantage of and when Leo would take advantage of these openings, Albert would punish him for it right before he landed the strike.

Therefore, Leo took advantage of that knowledge and attacked one of the intentional openings, but this time Leo used his aura to speed up his strike and didn't give Albert any time to react to his blow.

Finally Leo's fist hit its target, but instead of the feeling of hitting flesh, it felt like he had punched a brick wall.


"Ugh…Damn, it felt like I punched a wall!" Leo shouted.

But he didn't get a response, all he was met with was silence. The girls who had been observing from the side, silent. Albert, who he had been fighting, silent. Everyone was silent, while looking at Leo dumbfounded.


Celia's maniac-like laughter broke the silence as she ran over to her son and pulled him into an incredibly happy hug.

"You really are the best!" She said as she planted a kiss on his cheek.

Leo just sat there with his head buried into Celia's chest, enjoying the moment before he was interrupted by Alberts voice.

"That was impressive. Not only did you hide your control over your Aura but you also observed my aura technique and began copying it. Then you managed to land a hit on me."

Landing a hit alone was a huge achievement against someone like Albert. While it may be true that Albert was not going all out nor was he expecting Leo to be able to copy his aura technique, it still didn't beat the fact that Leo had momentarily broken through Alberts senses.

This was something that was impossible for many people, but Leo had been able to do thanks to his ability to adapt, learn and apply all that he had learned in a short period of time during the fight.

"Not only do you have a strong natural body, but you can also learn how to use aura techniques extremely quickly. Haha…what a monster."

Hearing his grandfather's words, a question which has been on Leo's mind for a while came back. He decided to ask it before he forgot about it again.

"You and mom have both mentioned my naturally strong body. So, why is my body so strong?"

Everyone in the surroundings narrowed their eyes at his question. They seemed to know the answer but were hesitant to actually say it, before Albert finally spoke up.

"It's because of your blood." He answered vaguely.

"Kingsmith blood also increases your natural strength? I thought it only increased your talent with weapons." Leo replied. No one had told him that Kingsmith blood also increased natural strength, but if that was the case why is everyone so surprised about it?

Off to the side, Celia spoke through gritted teeth, "Not your Kingsmith blood, your Logoman Blood."

"Logoman Blood?"

"Yes…Your fathers blood…"

These words were like a shotgun going off in Leo's ear. Celia had always been vague regarding his father. She even actively avoided topics related to fathers in general on earth.

"Right…My father would be from this world as well." He said, lowering his head.

With his head lowered, Leo glanced over towards Celia and noticed her expression. It was an expression of rage, hate, and…fear?

'Is mom scared of that man? No, it has to be something else…' He thought.

Leo had never once seen fear on Celia's face. She had always been a crazy and confident woman no matter the situation. This gave Leo the illusion that she just couldn't be scared, but that was far from the truth. While it may be true that she is an extremely difficult person to frighten, in the end she is still a person with emotions. And there are more ways than one to scare someone with emotions.

Raising his head, Leo walked over to his mom and pulled her into a hug.

"Calm down. We don't have to talk about it. You know I have never cared about my father, so calm down. Okay?" He spoke in a gentle tone.

Celia wrapped her arms around Leo's back while nodding her head. Even after a few minutes she still buried her head into Leo's chest.

Off to the side Alanna and Albert were watching this with an odd expression.

'Don't they look less like mother and son, and more like lovers…extremely close lovers…' They thought simultaneously.

Back in Leo's embrace, Celia was enjoying the warmth which her son was bringing her. Her and Leo had always supported each other because it had always just been the two of them. And to this day she still enjoyed his embrace, if she could describe how she felt in his embrace, she could only describe it as…

'Home…I won't let that man take MY Leo, MY home.' She thought, tightening her hug on Leo.