
My Mother is Not From This World...?

A normal 20 year old college student named Leo lived a pretty basic life. Until one day, he woke up and felt sore all over. Not know that this soreness was the beginning of something great for him, he continued about his day. Then after coming home thanks to something that happened, his mom informed him that she is not from this world? How the hell did his life change so suddenly? This is the story of the Leo, a boy who was born on earth but is not from here. Follow his journey alongside him, while he explores this new world...and who knows...maybe even beyond it... [I do not take credit for the cover art, if the artist wants me to take it down I would be happy to do so.]

RKPhoenix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

A date with Selena…

Days passed and soon it was a week since Leo had come to Celia's home world, which he came to learn was called Tistrinia. During this week Leo was extremely busy, between training and learning about the world, he had almost no time to himself. But he did not mind.

Leo enjoyed learning more about the world. Previously fantasy concepts on Earth were real here in Tistrinia. Magic and Aura caused this world to be run by strength, but it also caused some interesting technological advancements.

Generally the technology was lower than that of Earths but it made up for it in some extremely convenient magic devices. Take toilets for example, unlike toilets from earth which flush, Tistrinia toilets tend to use magic to get rid of the waste. This is also the case for trash, making the pollution level of this world extremely low.

With the lower advancement of technology, math was used a lot less and people are generally not very good at it, at least compared to Earth. So Leo being a college student was definitely smarter than most people in the world, he was even Maria tutor.

"Maria, we studied for your test today, last night. You confident?" Leo asked Maria as they were standing in front of the mansion gates.

Maria was standing in front of him with a school uniform. Leo had agreed to tutor Maria one night at the dinner table when Ida happened to mention that Maira wasn't doing the best in school. Leo didn't mind as he had already come to see her as his little sister.

Before Selena had been Maria's tutor but she just could not explain it in a way which a 7 year old could understand.

"Yes, Master! I won't let you down!" She said adorably, earning some headpats from Leo, which she had come to love.

Off to the side, Selena watched their interaction with warm eyes. At first she was uncomfortable with Maria training under the new member of the Kingsmith clan but in only a few days those worries disappeared thanks to Leo's actions.

Leo had never blamed Maria when she messed up, but instead he actually helped her. But the tutoring situation was what really made Selena's worries disappear. After all, what kind of master would tutor their servant? When Leo accepted, Selena finally came to accept Leo and had begun to respect him.

'Though it would be nice if he didn't spoil her so much…*sigh* Oh well, I guess it's not a bad thing that she is treated well.' Selena thought.

"Master…Could I ask you something?" Maria spoke hesitantly.


"Could you and big sister walk me to school today…It's for good luck on my test!"

Leo was surprised by her request but quickly shook it off and looked towards Selena. Selena was also surprised by Maria's request.

"I'm fine with it. Would you like to come, Selena?"

Shaking off her surprise, Selena looked at Maria with a wry smile before sighing.

"*Sigh* Yes, young mas-..." Just as she was speaking, Leo cut her off.

"Right now, you're not on duty. So just refer to me as Leo."


"If you're going to be like that, then fine…it's an order. Call me Leo when you are not on duty."


Having Leo order her to say his name when she is not on duty, forced her to accept it. But when she went to say his name she found herself slightly shy. Leo noticed this and found it cute, the normally cold Selena with a very small blush only added to her beauty.

"You too, Maria. Call me Leo when you are not on duty."

"No! I want to call you big brother…" She said, as she lowered her head.

"Pfft…That's fine too."

Hearing his words a cute toothy smile appeared on her face. As she looked up and pulled Leo's legs into a hug.

"Thank you, big brother!"

With that said, the three of them began walking towards Maria's school. Which was not that far from the Mansion.

"Could you two hold my hands, Please?" Maria asked, while they were walking down the road to her school.

Her request shot an arrow through not only Leo's heart but also Selena's heart. Of course they couldn't say no, so they then walked with Leo holding Maria's left hand and Selena holding her right.

While they were walking the trio was getting looks that were basically screaming, "They look like a happy family." This caused Selena to duck her head in embarrassment but Leo didn't miss the little warm smile she had on her face.

Finally reaching Maria's school, Leo and Selena let go of her hands. Maria then headed inside, but not before giving the two of them a hug goodbye and they wished her good luck on her test.

"Would you like to stop by and get some breakfast, I believe you still have some time before you have to start right?" Leo offered as soon as Maria had headed inside the school.

Hearing his words Selena's head began to run wild.

'Is he asking me out on a date?! But we are master and servant, we can't! ...I mean… maybe…no…Wait! Yeah! Like he said I'm not his servant right now, I'm just a girl. It will be fine!' Selena would normally never have thought this way but during the walk with Leo and her sister, Selena felt just like a normal woman taking her daughter to school with her husband.

Selena had always wanted children, of course in the future anyway. But she was the servant of a prestigious house and that limited her suitors by quite a lot. She did not think that she would ever get to have a 'normal' family but the walk with Maria and Leo gave her the feeling of having a normal family. Little does she know, in the future, she will have a family but it will be far from normal.

"Umm…Yeah, let's go." She answered Leo.

Leo was surprised by her willingness. He thought that he would have to persuade her into joining him but instead she seemed eager to go out.

"Alright. I saw a place on the way here, let's go there." He said as he held out his arm to her.

Leo caught on to Selena's desire for a normal date and decided to play along.

When Selena saw Leo's action a warm smile which Leo had never seen before appeared upon her face as she spoke, "Let us go then." She said as she circled her arm around Leo's.

They walked to the restaurant in silence but neither of them felt awkward or uncomfortable, quite the opposite actually. They both had a warm air around them and were comfortable with their arms linked together.

Arriving at the restaurant, Leo stepped up to the worker at the front and spoke, "A table for two, please."

The worker took a quick glance at their arms then started speaking.

"Today, there is a couples special. It seems like you two are a couple, right?" She asked.

Leo looked over at Selena and she gave him a nod with a gentle smile.

"Yes, we are a couple". He spoke.

"Great! Then follow me."

Following the worker, Leo and Selena were quickly sat down at a booth and after a little while their orders were taken. Leo ordered a breakfast high in calories and protein, ever since he had begun training he also decided to go on a diet. Selena on the other hand ordered a type pancake breakfast with hashbrown and egg.

"Here you are. The pancake meal and the omelet meal?"

"Yep, that's us."

"Great, here you go. I hope you two enjoy." After the server finished speaking, she walked off back to the kitchen.

The two of them then proceeded to eat breakfast while making some small talk with each other. They both enjoyed the environment and had fun learning more about each other.

Soon they finished eating and Selena was to get on duty soon, so they decided to begin heading back.

While they were walking back towards the mansion Leo saw something out of the corner of his eyes.

It was a hairpin stand.

"Hey, Selena come over here for a second." He said as he looked down at Selena who refused to untangle their arms.

After he spoke, Leo pulled Selena over to the stand.

Selena was confused as to why he pulled her over to the stand so she asked him, "What's going on?"

Leo did not respond, instead he held up a silver hairpin from the stand and spoke.

"Yep, this one looks good. We will take this one." He told the stall owner.

Hearing Leo's words, Selena understood his intentions to buy her a gift and squeezed his arm tighter.

"Would the lady like to put it on now?" The stall owner asked.

Selena said yes, put it on, and proceeded to look at herself in the mirror nearby.

"It's very pretty." She spoke with a gentle and happy smile.

"I'm glad you like it."

Selena then practically wrapped herself around Leo's arm for the rest of the walk home.