
My Monstrous World

On an afternoon of idleness and monotony, upon discovering a family heirloom, a portal to an unknown world opens before Noah. Now encountering horrors out of nightmares, powers beyond his comprehension and a wound that eats away at his sanity, the young man will have to find the way to survive this, or if he can, fight it. (First time writing a novel and English is not my first language, apologies for any mistakes.)

JaysAwake · Urban
Not enough ratings
13 Chs



With a pained expression on his face, Noah tried to regain the oxygen that had escaped his lungs as he fell to the ground.

Of course, that didn't make the damage he had received to the other parts of his body any less painful, which was something that had pinned him to the ground.

To his luck, the place where he had landed was not the base of the stairs, which was where the creature was, instead, he had landed somewhat further, on the kitchen floor.

This served as proof that the precautions he had taken earlier about not confronting the creature directly had been wise.

After all, if just one arm had enough strength to send it flying, there was no need to mention what the rest of its body could do.


Letting out another shriek, the creature was writhing under the backpack, trying with all its limbs to shake the weight off.


At that moment, Noah was finally able to take a good breath of air that while mixed with some blood, was welcome.

"Ugh, shit!"

Feeling the pain in his body the young man couldn't help but curse, though he quickly tried to move due to the situation he was in.

That way, whether it was the creature or Noah, they were both trying to get up, their goal being a shared one, to kill each other.

If things continued this way, it would be a contest between willpower and pain tolerance, with the winner being whoever got up first.

At this,Noah however, lacked an advantage that the creature used to the fullest.



Suddenly, the same gripping sensation that he felt when he was dragged to the first floor interrupted the young man, though this time it was not on his ankle, but on his neck.

Looking down, the same lanky arm that had earlier yanked him down the stairs had returned, now centering its grip on his neck, pushing him against the kitchen table.

This didn't help the young man's already hurting body at all, but the Noah, knowing he couldn't stand still or the hand would choke him, also began to resist this grip.

Putting both hands on the arm that held him, Noah squeezed with all his strength to get it off him.

Unfortunately, even though he was using all his strength, the arm didn't even show signs of giving way, even seeming as if it was squeezing harder.

Slowly, Noah began to feel his consciousness begin to fade, so instead of continuing to squeeze, he moved his hands towards the table, trying to find something he could use.

Soon, the sensation of touching something fleshy, moist and cold reached his fingers, indicating that he was touching the corpse of the slender creature.

However, Noah didn't stop at this, but started searching the table, until he finally found something hard and long that even hurt his hand for a moment.


Without wasting any more time, he grabbed the object and plunged it deep into the arm, causing it to release its grip for a moment.

A moment that Noah took advantage of to move to the side.


Coughing as he grabbed his neck, Noah moved his gaze to the slender hand with hateful intent in his eyes.

Quickly, the arm composed itself and moved back in Noah's direction, aiming for his neck again.

Its speed was undoubtedly much greater than one would expect from a single long, thin arm, but still, it was not to the degree that the young man could not react in time.

Rising to his feet, Noah then looked at the table, discovering what it was that he had grabbed earlier to pin the creature's arm.

On top of the table was what could be described as nothing more than a bloody mess of what had once been a living being, with flesh, organs, blood and finally, bones everywhere.

Now, Noah was not an avid connoisseur of either human or animal anatomy, but what he was sure of, was that these bones in front of him did not belong to either of these two.

After all, each of these was long and with tiny but sharp pointed hooks on its surface.

It was these bones that Noah had used to attack the arm, with these hooks being sharp enough to even hurt him even if he only touched them for a short time.

Then, wrapping his hands with the sleeve of his hoodie, the young man proceeded to grab the largest bones he could find.

Just in time as the arm reached him, making contact with his chest and pushing him back.


In just a second, the young man's body was once again thrown into a kitchen cabinet, his back taking damage for the third time in less than ten minutes.


However, just as the arm had attacked Noah, he too had moved, stabbing both bones deep into the arm in a x-shape.

By this point, Noah felt like a metallic taste filling his mouth, which was disturbing, but easily forgettable when the pain in his chest mixed with the bone cuts in his hands.

"LET GO!!!"


Letting out a scream, Noah then grabbed the two bones stuck in the creature's arm with much more force and began to pull them downward, making use of some sort of lever whose sole purpose was to tear flesh and crush bones.


Using so much force that even his arms began to shake with the same intensity with which the monstrous arm was trying to break free, the sharp bones began to slowly cut into the arm from the inside.

Finally, with so much force in between, the arm, as well as the bones Noah was using, both reached their limit.


The bones snapped, and with them, the arm broke open, lying completely motionless on the ground.


Breathing heavily, Noah could feel how he had used far more force than he had ever used in his entire life, with the certainty of having hurt a muscle or tendon being present.


However, this was no time to relax, due to the fact that in the time Noah had been dealing with the arm, the owner of the arm had not for a moment failed to try to break free.

Something that it had accomplished and announced with that shriek.

It had to be mentioned that this had not been without a price to pay, for on its chest, an ugly dent was present all over its surface.

Such was the extent of this wound that it had almost completely changed the shape of the creature, who now seemed to have trouble even standing upright.

Of course, this wasn't really going to impede its movement, it would only hinder it a bit.


Without waiting any longer, Noah then began to move around the table, running away from the creature that was pouncing on him.

As for picking up weapons or something from the kitchen like the creature's bones, it wasn't plausible as the only bones remaining were those that were either broken or too small to use.

For a few seconds, this had a result, with him and the creature going in circles, but soon, the latter tired of this and threw itself on top of the table.

Luckily, this was something that also worked for Noah.

Climbing onto the table, the creature spent a few precious seconds that its prey didn't waste, launching himself instead towards the floor near the stairs.

His target was nothing but the backpack on the floor, the contents of which were now scattered, only having a couple of items inside.

"Come on!" The young man shouted as he reached into the backpack and began rummaging through its interior.

While most of the weight of the backpack was due to the weights inside, Noah wasn't someone who had a home gym, so he quickly ran out of them.

For that reason, he had used other heavy items that he had hoped he wouldn't have to use since he was counting on the backpack finishing off the creature.

Looking back, this had been a very fortunate decision.


At that moment, Noah felt as again, a hand had grabbed his hoodie, with a grip that was even greater than that of the slender hand.

He didn't need to turn around to know what this meant, as it was quite obvious, the creature had caught up with him.



With one swift motion, Noah was lifted off the ground like a sack of potatoes, and though he was still clinging to the backpack and the remaining weight it held, it didn't seem to mean much to the creature.

Now dangling directly in front of the creature, held up by nothing more than one of its deformed arms, Noah could see up close how imposing the creature was.

Easily surpassing six feet tall, despite its bruised and dying appearance, the creature still gave the impression that it would yield to nothing to get its prey.


With that sound, the creature's "mouth" then began to enlarge, revealing a row of sharp teeth and completely eliminating what little semblance its face had to that of a human.

Faced with this, Noah only continued to search more desperately in the backpack, his body slowly moving towards the creature's mouth thanks to the arm that held it.

Little by little, the young man moved closer and closer to the creature's mouth, and even though he had now begun to move, due to the firm grip his captor had, he could not free himself, until finally....



One of his legs then made contact with the creature's teeth, and even though said contact was barely a graze, this was enough to open his flesh.

Now having tasted the human's blood, the creature discarded its original idea of devouring it whole and instead decided to do so in parts.

Immediately, its jaw snapped shut.


However, when the creature tried to devour its prey's leg, it felt an object being shoved into its mouth, so hard that even its jaw wasn't able to close properly..

Not to misunderstand, the creature was strong, so much so that it could quietly demolish an entire house using only its teeth, legs and arms given enough time.

And even with all that, something had actually stopped it.

In its mouth, preventing it from closing completely, acting as a sort of beam, was none other than one of Noah's metal weights.


The next moment, the vision of the creature's right eye was obstructed by Noah's footstep, who now needed a foothold for what he was about to do.

Now with one foot and one hand inside the creature's mouth, the latter holding the metal weight in place, with the other foot stepping on the creature's face for better support, Noah no longer had the backpack in his hands.

Raised high now was a square-headed hammer being held by an arm whose veins looked like they were about to burst thanks to the force its owner was using.



A mixture of pain along with flesh being struck rang out, marking the beginning of the first moment in the night when Noah, the human, attacked the creature.



Screaming with anger and hatred in its voice, Noah began to strike the creature's head as hard and fast as his injured body would allow him to.

Each blow was accompanied by the sensation of hitting something hard that was getting softer and softer, further fueling Noah's fervor as he attacked.


The creature, not expecting this kind of attack from Noah, had the first reaction of opening its mouth again and peeling its teeth away from the metal weight, which was the human's main fulcrum.

As for the hand that held Noah, it had released him at the moment of the first blow.



However, as soon as he felt that the creature was opening its mouth and losing its foothold, the human also took action.

His hand immediately let go of the metal weight and instead grabbed at the flabby skin left over from the creature's face at the same time as his other leg moved to stand on one of the creature's shoulders.

This ensured that he was no longer in danger of being bitten, plus he was still attached to the creature, but it also meant that he was at risk of attacks.



Suddenly, one of Noah's sides was struck by the creature's right arm, knocking him out of breath for a moment and making him see stars.


Following the first, the creature's multiple arms began to assault Noah's body, each one causing so much pain that it seemed to want to force him to pass out.


But immediately after, in the midst of all the flurry of blows, as if all the punishment he received had done nothing but motivate him, the hammer struck the creature's head again.


With a strength that would not be wrong to categorize as being above that of an average human, Noah, in his last desperate attack, had dented the creature's skull, and with it, everything inside.


With a heavy sound, after a few slight spasms, the creature's body lost strength and fell to the ground.