
My Moment

My name is Paisley and I am the youngest daughter of Gemma and Oliver Sterling. I have lived in a world filled with my sister's shadow casting over me. She outshines me in every way you could imagine. she had beautiful golden hair, she was tall and thin. Every boy wanted to be with her, as she was the cheer captain and president of our class. My parents loved us both and they never openly showed favorites, but there was something always more about Faye. Just once I wish my 5 foot dark brown hair could do something besides get better grades then her. Just once out perform her, and then one day I did. Book 3 in the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Chapter 32: Feelings

Tingles shot through body and heat grew through my body like a rolling fire. He deepened the kiss and pushed me against the wall. His tonge met mine as he pulled my hair lightly. Jackson's movements seemed desperate. His other hand roamed up my stomach and I flinched pulling my face to the side. Our breathing both ragged, and his eyes flashed. "Paisley let me have you."

I pulled away and tears ran down my face. "Baby." Jackson said as he tried to pulled me to him again. "No Jackson, stop." He froze and he remembered his words to stop when I asked. I took off and ran to my room closing and locking the door. No way.

I wiped the tears that flooded my face. He is starting to get to me and I can not let that happen. I whispered as I dove into the green sheets. I pulled them up and let myself relax, Jackson wouldn't hurt Gavin and as long as he kept his distance I'd be okay too. Sleep found me quickly.

I woke up to a crash and I whipped the door open breaking the knob. "Shit!" I yelled as I tripped over something on the floor. I fell onto Gavin who wore an equally pissed off face and we both looked to see Jackson on the floor. "What the fuck?" I yelled as I got up. "I couldn't sleep, so I came down here to check on you guys. I guess I must have fallen asleep. I glared at him knowing it was more then him checking on us. He smirked and I went down the stairs. "You do know you are going to have to do more then sleep on the floor to get her back? right?" Gavin said as I smiled. "Go get ready for school. Leave your Mom to me." Jackson threw back as Gavin laughed.

I made eggs in a frame and cut up some fruit. "Bye Mom!" Gavin shouted as he stuffed two frames into his mouth and kissed me with a greasy lips. "Have a good day honey." He smiled and I tossed him my keys. "Be safe and take a twenty for food." He glanced down and pulled out a fifty. "Jackson already covered gas and food for two days." I scrunched up my brows and nodded. "You don't want me to take it do you?" I didn't have time to answer as he slapped the fifty on the table and took my wallet.

"He is your Father. If he gave it to you..." He kissed me again. "I get it Mom. It's hard for you to accept it and the help. He wants you back, and he nay very well use me to get it. I was just trying to lighten your load." I shook my head. "You are not a load Gavin Wright!" He smirked knowing he got a rise out of me. "Punk!" I yelled as I sat down at the table.

I popped a grape in my mouth as Jackson came down the stairs. "Morning Beautiful." His eyes wandered to the fifty sitting on the table. "Why didn't he take this?" I shrugged and took another bite of my fruit mix. Jackson shook his head and put the money back in his wallet. "You going to argue about who pays for dinner too? The boy needs to eat." I nodded and put the cup down. "He took money from my wallet like he does every day for lunch. I didn't tell him not to take it." Jackson eyed me. "Fine I'll just leave it in his room." I shrugged and watched as he raced upstairs and I cleaned up my plate. I opened the back door as he came back down.

"Where are you going?" Jackson asked as I went to close the door. "To work. I got a job down the street." He nodded and grabbed the food off the table just like Gavin did. "I'll walk you." I smiled as I walked down the street and he walked beside me as he ate. "Where are you working?" I smiled and he laughed. "Okay I guess I'll just follow you." I nodded and readjusted my backpack. "You need that for work?" I nodded and he went back to eating. "These are delicious."

"Gavin likes them too. Eats them just like that." I said as I pointed to his left hand holding two more bent in half. "Mhmm" Jackson said as we walked by Pacos and I faced the white mansion before walking toward the street. Jackson followed and crossed with me. I opened the shop door and said hey to the girl behind the counter. "Paisley?" She asked and I nodded. Jackson seemed stunned as he walked in behind me. "I am Ginger and you are free this morning, but a Hyde messaged me and wanted to have the afternoon blocked off for a consult and possibly get the tatoo today." She walked to show me my booth. "Thank you Ginger I appreciate you guys letting me tattoo here." She winked and bumped into Jackson. "He a body guard?"

I snorted and Jackson looked at the small woman. "I am her ex-husband and wanted to make sure she got here okay. But now that I see she's tattooing I think I'll be her first client. "You are covered." He smiled and sat on the chair. "Not completely." Ginger eyed Jackson and made a dreamy sound, but neither of us payed much attention as Jackson took off his shirt. He pointed to his arm as he took a seat. "Your name here and Gavin's here." He pointed to his Ribs where there was a slice of skin going down it. "Gavin's I'll do, but not mine." Jackson slowly glanced at me. "I am a paying customer." I shrugged and set up pulling equipment out of my bag. "Have someone else do it then."

He let out a deep breath. "Paisley please." I didn't reply and continued to set things up. "Let me do a stencil and I'll be right back. I could feel Jackson's eyes on me as I walked to the back room and drew a design up for Gavin. I added a shark to the side, and brought it back out. "Why the shark?" Jackson asked as I sat Back down and wiped his skin. "Gavin loves sharks. I don't have to add that if you don't want. Jackson handed it back. "Leave it. I want it." I nodded and took out special needles for our werewolf skin. "Ready?" He nodded and I shaved and added the stencil. "Any color?" Jackson looked at me and I smiled. "Just asking paying customer."

Jackson rolled back and shook his head. "Black, all black. Until yours then you can do it in red." I ignored him and started the machine. "Red, orange, green. I am not putting my name on you." I saw his cheeks go up. "Not yet maybe." I snorted and continued my line.

I was almost done when Hyde walked in and Ginger told him I was finishing up. "I specifically asked for her to be ready when I got here. Time is money." I felt Jackson tighten up as I wiped him down. "Ignore it. People get sensitive about their tattoos." Jackson glanced at it in the mirror and smiled. "It looks really good Paise." I nodded and slid a bandage over it before cleaning up. "You need to keep ot clean and covered for an hour at least. Two days no swimming." He turned and gave me a face. "Do you have any tattoos?"

I nodded and he looked over to see none of. my arms. "Guess it was darker then I thought the other night." I smacked his arm and cleaned my station. "Gavin should be home by three if you wanna hang out at the house." I said as he stood. "No I'm gonna grab you lunch and then I'll be back." He grabbed my hand and shoved five hundred in my hand. "It was a two hundred dollar tattoo." He shrugged and walked out. I shoved it into my wallet and walked to great Hyde.

"Hey Mr. Hyde. Why don't you come back while I finish cleaning and you can tell me what you are looking to get." He huffed and stood up mumbling about the service in this place. He sat down and I changed the plastic and set up new cups. and needles. "I want a back piece of three dragons and a castle." He said matter of factly. "Okay let me get measurements and trace your back and I can have that drawn up today. Ginger can help me set an appointment for you." He shook his head and got up. "You do it today, or I walk."

I shrugged and looked over to see Jackson already back. "I can't draw all of that in a day and then tattoo it. That would be a ten hour sit or more. You'll have to come back and do it in sessions." He glared at me. "They told me you where the best. Clearly they where wrong. Draw it up and I'll come back, but you better be free." I smirked and he got in my face. "No one tells me no Ms. Sterling." I got a little closer and smirked again. "I just did, and you can forget the tattoo. Find someone else to toss your masculine bullshit at."

He puffed up and I stayed still looking him in the eye. "Go ahead." I shrugged as he raised his hand. "You touch her and I will kill you." Jackson groweled from the door. Hyde backed off and walked out of the store. "Woah!" Ginger said as she put him on a blacklist. "I swear I didn't know he was so aggressive, but the way you stood up to him. Girl you gave me goosebumps." I sat back down, and huffed as Jackson sat in a stool. "He comes back here you link me."

"If he comes back here I'll be fine." Jackson grumbled. "Listen I have delt with my fair share of assholes. I'll be fine." Jackson opened the bag and placed a sandwich on the counter. "Come eat and then you can do your name." I smirked and we ate in silence. At three Jackson left to head to the house and Ginger tapped her nails. "I hate slow days." she said as she emptied the trashed and I swept. "Finish there and I'll take the trash." She said as I finished. As Ginger went out back I got a whiff of Hyde. "Welcome back, would you like to schedule an ap..." He didn't wait as he smashed his hand into my jaw.

He was on top of me and Ginger screamed as she ran and called the police. It took me a second to immobilize him and take control. The police came and went. Ginger was still shaking even after he left. I mind linked Gavin. "There was a small issue that happened at the shop. Go ahead and go to dinner with Jackson I'll be home late." I helped Ginger close down and walked her to her car. "Thank you Paisley. Jeff is going to loose his mind when he finds out about his shop and the way you where treated." I smiled and helped her in. "I'm fine just a small bruise. No worries I'll be back tomorrow. Take care of yourself Ginger." She closed the door and I took a step before seeing Gavin and Jackson standing there.

"Small issue?" Jackson seethed and Gavin stepped away. "Yes small issue." I watched as Ginger drove off and smiled at Jackson. "She is a badass!" Ginger yelled as she tore out of the parking lot. "Badass Mom." Gavin smiled and ran to give me a hug. "What happened?" Jackson asked as he tightened his fists. "Can we talk about this later. I'm starving." He picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder and Gavin followed laughing as Jackson's hand slapped my backside. "Jackson!" I blushed and Gavin laughed again. "I just need you close a second." I let out a deep breath. "Such Alpha bullshit. I'm fine." I said as I slapped his butt. "Put me down Jackson." He groweled and put me on my feet.

"You where attacked. I can smell him on you. He touched you. What is mine." He snarled and I stepped up to him. "First of all I am not yours anymore, and second yes he caught me off guard and hit me before I turned around, and thirdly it wasn't even that much of a fight after. I have had way worse over the years of psychos." Gavin mhmmed and Jackson shredded into his Wolf. "Ugh!" I stomped as I headed for my house.

Jackson tackled me and I shredded my clothes. "Gavin go home, I'll be right there." I mind linked as Gavin turned as well. Jackson spun us do he was on top, and he tried to clamp on my neck. Gavin bit at his Dad's feet. "Stop!" He barked, as Jackson tried to mark me. I raked my nails down his stomach and shoved him off me growling. "Move now Gavin." I yelled at him. He ran down the beach and I let out a deep breath. "I'd never hurt him Paisley." Jackson howled. "Right just like you promised to let us do this slow. I'd rather him be safe and out of the way." I snapped back.

Jackson snarled and circled me. "You are mine Paisley, a man touched you and the only thing you sent was that a small incident happened. And not even to me! To our son! His face dropped as he told me you weren't going to make it. Assuming you left him with me, but I knew better. I told you that guy was trouble, and I let you handle it. Look at what happened!" Uncle Jacob came up and sat down watching Jackson circle me. He carried clothes in his mouth. "Back down Jackson and shift!" His alpha voice echoed down the back of my neck and shifted to human form. I turned to see Jackson shifting as well.

"Break it up. Gavin is at your house with Valor. Jackson walk with me." Jackson snarled, but obeyed as he tossed me a robe and shorts to Jackson before changing himself. I raced down the sand and Jackson called me, but I needed to check on Gavin. I smear of blood was on his face and I quickly grabbed him wiping away the stain. "It's yours not mine Mom." I glanced down to see a few Knicks and scratches. "Are you hurt?" He shook his head as my Aunt Valor came down the stairs. "Go shower Paisley. I'll look oit for Gavin and make you all some food."

I nodded as I bounded up the stairs and showered away the blood and sand. Feeling Ean I came back down to the kitchen. "I can't believe he snapped like that?" Gavin said as he looked at my Aunt. "Men especially Alphas are very protective of what they believe to be theirs. I am sure he didn't mean anything by it other than trying to mark your Mom as his again... But it has to be her choice." Gavin nodded. "Well yeah, consent is important. You think she is going to forgive him?" My Aunt shrugged and took a sip of tea. "Paisley it's rude to snoop, come sit and eat."

Already caught I sat next to Gavin. "Well are you?" I shook my head. "No, tonight proved he hasn't changed. I'm just going to keep going." Valor made a sound. "You should forgive him a man did attack you." She said as she downed her glass of water. "So that means I should let him mark me and try and control me? No I did that last time. I trusted him with everything!" I felt my wolf rise as Gavin stood up. "Mom!"

I took a deep breath and felt my wolf quiet down. "No I mean you should talk to him because he obviously still cares, and when he was here he did protect us from a lot of political things." I huffed and turned toward Gavin. "Perfect world, what would you want?"