
My Moment

My name is Paisley and I am the youngest daughter of Gemma and Oliver Sterling. I have lived in a world filled with my sister's shadow casting over me. She outshines me in every way you could imagine. she had beautiful golden hair, she was tall and thin. Every boy wanted to be with her, as she was the cheer captain and president of our class. My parents loved us both and they never openly showed favorites, but there was something always more about Faye. Just once I wish my 5 foot dark brown hair could do something besides get better grades then her. Just once out perform her, and then one day I did. Book 3 in the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · Fantasy
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Chapter 19: Trust Me

He released my nipples and massaged them relieving the ache. "You make me crazy." He nipped my left side and pause. "What the hell is this?" He pointed to a scar near my left breast where a silver knife had left it's mark. "It was a mistake. Keep going and I'll show you later. "Obviously disturbed I ran my fingers through his hair and grabbed at the roots. He let out a throaty moan as I rode him. He grabbed my ass and lifted me and slammed into me. The back of the shower making a cracking sound.

He picked me up and used the other wall as the water sprayed us both. "Say you are mine." I kissed his mouth and we fought for power. I let him win and he nipped my lip. He let the blood run down my lip and down my chin. The water made it run between my breast. "So God damn gorgeous." He roared as I screamed his name. "Jackson!" I came around him and shook as he pump his cock inside me. He licked my lip to seal it and scrubbed my body with care. "My turn."

I took a loofah and soaped it up I ran it down his arms and under them I scrubbed his chest. "Turn around." I whispered as I scrubbed his back, and his and legs. "Turn one more time Jackson." I whispered and slid downward.

He turned and I kneeled, but instead of using the loofah I covered his dick with my mouth. It grew hard and I relaxed my throat. "Paisley." He choked as I moved from the base to the tip. He pulled my hair slightly and pulled his swollen cock from my lips. "You don't have to do this." I ran my nails down his chest. He let out a snarl and I smiled "Jackson let me." He shoved his dick back in my mouth as he moved his hips and held my hair looser then before. "Fuck I'm coming again Paisley." He said as I shoved it down the curve of my throat and dug my nails into the back of his legs pushing in foward. Hot come filled my mouth twice.

He tasted amazing and I moaned as I swirled it around before swallowing it down. His legs shook as I stood in the shower. "You are amazing, any man that could walk away never deserved you. He turned the water to warm and rinsed his body. "So round four?" I smiled and Jackson laughed and wrapped me in a hug.

"You are going to kill me. Come on." He slapped my ass and turned the water off. I grabbed us towels and he wrapped his as he dried me off. "Jackson I can move." He shook his head. "Let me take care of you Paisley, it's been a long time since I had someone to take care of, someone to love." He looked at me for an answer and I nodded letting him dry me off. He wrapped me up before carrying me to my room.

He opened my drawers and looked through them. Jackson pulled out clothes for me. Red underwear, black shorts and he tossed me his shirt. "Now tell me about the scar." He said as he slid on his red boxers. "Can I show you? He cooked his head and I put out my hand. As he took it I went through the events of that day skipping over my sisters death. The swim the struggle the knife the betrayal, and then me moping until I saw him. I showed him how great full I was, how alive I felt, and how he had already helped me so much. I let go to see him stairing at me.

"So the bastard left you after his friend tried to kill you." I nodded and he pulled me closer. "Show me more." I hesitated before showing him Fae and I getting along, her betrayals and ultimately me loosing my sister. "You had a sister who died." I nodded and grabbed his had showing her trying to poison me, the three times before my Uncle took her away. "Oh Paisley what the hell." I nodded and he held me on the tilted bed. "Show me things that make you happy love." I grabbed his hand and showed him my family, the ocean, us surfing, the family vacation we all took every summer, the Christmas celebrations, us being together. I showed him my college, and then last I showed him himself, as I see him. I let go and he ran his hand down my face.

"You are going to college?" I nodded and he brushed his hand down my cheek and neck. "Guess I need to toss down some money to buy a house here with permission of course and maybe an apartment near your college, cause no damn way are you getting away from me." I smiled and looked up. "You are really sweet Jackson, and I feel so connected to you..." He moved me to look at me and I glanced down. "Are you sure you want to stay with me. I mean I was rejected." He kissed my forehead and wiped away a tear I didn't know was falling. "I am more sure then I was when I agreed to help you, and after everything you showed me I am positive." He sent waves of pleasure into my arm. "You are mine Paisley." He whispered as he kissed me. "Will you be mine Jackson?" He rubbed my hair and ran his hand down my back. "As long as you'll have me Paise. I am yours."

My eyes fluttered open to see no signs of regret or false promise on his face. "Good Night darling." He whispered and he pulled me from his shoulder onto his chest. I curled in and fell asleep quickly.

I woke up in Jackson's arms. I ran a finger down his long nose.

"You are making my nose itch." He grumbled and I kissed his chest. "Sorry." I whispered as he rolled over on top trapping me under him. My mom knocked on the door and opened up Jsckson went to move, but I held him close. "Just seeing if you two wanted breakfast." I nodded and Jackson sat up. "Yeah we will help." He rolled over and my Mom shut the door. I watched Jackson grab his pants and out them on, but Inhad other plans. I tossed the shirt at him and

he watched as I slid down my panties and perked my ass towards him.

Jackson let out a growel. "Paisley." I bent over the dresser and shoved two of my fingers inside my wet pussy. He was behind me a second later and ripped my fingers away. He held my wrist and shoved my fingers into his mouth. A zipper sounded and I felt his hard cock on my ass. He placed my hand on the dresser. I watched in the mirror as he pulled my hair lightly making my head tilt. "You are mine Paisley." He beat down and shoved his cock deep in me and my sight filled with spots. He nipped at my neck, as my face flushed with color. "Fuck." He dropped my hair and slammed into me over and over. My hips hit the dresser causing the right amount of pain for me to release down his cock. "You are irresistible." He groweled and stiffened, he reached around and pushed his hand between me and the dresser to pinch my clit. "Jackson." I clipped as I came again and he released me as he came inside me.

When he was done he pulled out and watched himself drip down my leg. I scooped some up and licked my fingers as his eyes flashed. "I'm not going to shower so you can smell me all day." I whispered before grabbing a pair of black panties and slipping them on over my messy wet pussy.

He slid on his boots and put on his rings. As he turned he looked over to still see the line down my leg. "Your parents are not going to want to see that." He wiped my leg with the red panties I wore last night and tossed them in a hamper.

He smelled his shirt and slipped it on with a smile. I tossed on a black bra and a black tank top. "Ready?" I said as I took his hand and led him down the stairs. Breakfast was served and we sat down next to each other. "How was last night?" My Mom asked as my Dad and Jackson choked. I let out a giggle and nodded. "I think it went well." I smiled and My Mother smiled back. "I'd say so." Her eyes lit up and my Dad slammed his cup down. "Did you mark each other?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "No we are going to get to know each other and decide together when the time is right."

He stormed away and I ran after him. "Look if I would have let Alpha Shit head bite me I'd be dead, and I knew him about a month. I like Jackson a lot more already, but after everything I just want to be cautious." My Dad closed his eyes and nodded before dissappearing into his room.

I went down to see my Mom cleaning up. "Where's Jackson?" She nodded to him walking down the beach. "He thanked me for breakfast and said he needed to check on a few things and he'd be back." My gut dropped and I tore out after him. "So you are just gonna leave!" He shook his head and rubbed his stubble. "No I was gonna check on my bike, go get my shit from Paco's, and then run some errands. I'll be back Paisley. Trust me." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay." I said as he kissed me. "Before dark I'll be there." He rubbed my cheek and I let him walk away.