
My Moment

My name is Paisley and I am the youngest daughter of Gemma and Oliver Sterling. I have lived in a world filled with my sister's shadow casting over me. She outshines me in every way you could imagine. she had beautiful golden hair, she was tall and thin. Every boy wanted to be with her, as she was the cheer captain and president of our class. My parents loved us both and they never openly showed favorites, but there was something always more about Faye. Just once I wish my 5 foot dark brown hair could do something besides get better grades then her. Just once out perform her, and then one day I did. Book 3 in the Beach Wolves

Skiripper · Fantasy
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Chapter 18: Jackson

I got to my room suddenly very nervous. "Okay I am not going to lie. I have never done this with anyone ever so if I do something wrong. Tell me okay?" He closed the door and slipped off his jacket revealing his tattoos. "Darling you can't do it wrong." He slipped his shirt off and walked over to me pulling at my blouse. "You've never done anything with anyone?" I glanced to the side. "Well I have head once and it ended badly and he ate me out once, but..." Jackson covered my lips with his.

"Did he leave you shaking?" I thought back and shook my head no. He smiled and opened my shirt to reveal a purple bra. "Then he didn't do it right." My panties where soaked right now. His intense green eyes roamed. "What the hell are these from?" He ran his fingers across my lower abdomen. "From him cheating every night." Jackson groweled. "Make me a promise right here and right now." I nodded as he opened my pants and stuck his nose over my matching purple panties. He ran it down my center.

I felt him breathing and I got wetter. "Do you find me attractive?" I nodded and stood up. "Do you think you can trust me." I nodded and he smiled. "Do you think you could be my partner? Because I think we might be second chance mates. I felt that tingle in my hand on the beach." He ran his hand over my neck. "I did too." He kissed me and a small buzz grew into a crackle. "Reject him now so you can feel it more, and if I satisfy you tonight completely. Eventually let me mark you as mine." He stepped away and leaned against the dresser.

"I want him to feel what I felt." Jackson shook his head. "I don't want to start this in a revenge phase. I want to start us in a let's learn each other phase." I nodded understanding that. "I Paisley Rae Sterling reject Alpha Derek Argentine of the Woodland Wolves." A jerk and line snapped inside me and I felt relief was through me. Jackson smiled and went to leave. "Hey! Where are you going?"

"I helped you." He said as he smirked and I stripped my pants off. "So you don't want to touch me?" He let out a deep breath. "I definitely do, but I think you might need time to get over what's his face. I'm not trying to start trouble." I slipped my bra off and slid my panties down. "So you lied when you made me that deal?" He shook his head no. I nodded. "You said if I rejected him you would satisfy me, and I am not satisfied Mr. Trust." He groweled tossing his shirt on the dresser.

"Tell me Paisley, do I look like your Alpha that broke your heart?" He said his rings off and placed them on my dresser. "No, not at all." He laughed darkly and turned. "Did you scream his name?" I shook my head no as he stepped closer. "We can stop at anytime, are you sure you don't want to wait for someone more." I shook my head and ran my hand down his arm. Sparks flew into my hands. "Don't leave Jackson." He kissed me and backed me up to the bed. I fell backwards as he opened  his pants.

I watched as Jackson slid down his black jeans and red boxers chucking them to the side. I looked at his big thick cock. "Is it as nice as your Alpha's?" I had enough of these games. I kneeled up and grabbed his shoulders. "If you feel like I am using you, or that you are less significant then stop. Because I'd rather us be friends then whatever this is. I am not comparing you to Derek. You are Jackson and if it's literal dick size you want to know yours is bigger." I slid to the other side of the bed and went to walk out of the room.

He shut the door and pressed his body against mine. "Glad to hear you aren't comparing, I wanted to make sure you where ready to move on. And no one could just be your friend Paisley. You are gorgeous." He covered my mouth and kissed me deeply. I let out a moan as he nipped down my neck. He growled and playfully bit my ear. I moaned as he picked me up and opened my legs. He tossed me in the bed. "Spread your legs so I can eat you." He whispered in a growely voice. His eyes flashed a golden yellow and I did as he said.

Jackson slipped his hands under my ass and pulled me to him before he lowered his body. "Eyes on me Beautiful." I leaned up to see him dip lower his tongue lashing our rough and at an unforgiving rate. He ran his teeth over my clit and I almost came right them. "You like it sweet or rough?" His eyes flashed again. "Rough Jackson." I moaned as he shoved three fingers inside my wet pussy. "You are so fucking gorgeous." He curled his fingers and ran them along my insides. "Come for me Beautiful Paisley." He sucked on my clit as he curled his fingers and slammed them in and out of me. A pressure built and he pressed down on my abdomen and I moaned feeling his teeth bite down. A rush of liquid erupted from me and I felt his tongue in my clit and I released it again.

My hips raised and Jackson licked more. "I'm going to stretch you out further love." He added another finger and I gasped. "Easy Paisley, trust me." I lowered my ass to the bed and he pumped his four fingers into me. My whole body bounced, my chest feeling heavy. As his thumb rubbed my clit I let out a scream and arched my back. "There you go." His fingers slipped out and he lined up his cock. "This is still going to hurt, but I'll go slow." He entered me slowly and I watched. He went in more and more until he was about halfway.

He pushed further and groaned. "You feel so fucking good." Jackson grumbled loudly. He grabbed my nipple and shook making my boob ripple with pain and pleasure. "Jackson." I whispered as he slid in further. Another moan left my lips and he pushed in further. "I need more Jackson." I rushed up getting aggravated at his little pumps. "I'll give you more, I just don't want to hurt you." I lifted my hips and he went in further. "More Jackson!" He smiled and I pulled both his nipples as I slammed my feet into his ass making him loose his balance and his cock fill me up. I let out a breathy sound and Jackson kissed my neck.

"You okay?" I nodded and pulled his head to me. He shoved his tongue into my mouth and rocked his hips as I rolled mine. I bit his lip and it bleed into my mouth. "Harder Jackson." I murmered before I licked it closed and he groweled. He slammed into me over and over. "Yes Jackson, just like that." He picked my hips up as he slammed into me. The bed snapped under us and I sat up rolling my hips pleasure rolling through me. He now kneeled as I straddled him. "Don't stop." His eyes flashed as I threw my head back  he caught my breast in his mouth.

He bit down and I tightened around his throbbing cock. "Jackson." He laid me back down on the broken bed and kept pounding into me. "Keep mewing like that and tightening that sexy pussy and I'm going to come inside you." I smiled and ran my nails down his back. He hissed and and smacked my ass. "The sooner you come the sooner we can go for round two." He slammed in me and I tightened around him. "Fuck." He straightened up and went stiff, but I rocked my hips back and forth. "Paise." He let out and I pushed up on my hands and rocked more to add more friction. He let out a noise and I lowered myself back down on the bed.

"What the fuck?" He said as he looked down at me. "That was no virgin move." He looked at me and pulled out his dick which was covered in blood. His cum leaked out of me. I didn't even try to explain I got up and went into the bathroom. "Where are you going?" I shrugged and turned on the shower. "You basically called me a liar." He picked me up and set me on the counter. "Where did you see that move then?"

I rolled my eyes and slid off the counter. "Porn, or can I not watch that since I was a virgin." He groweled and picked me up slamming me onto the tile wall. "You are mine Paisley, bite or not." I rolled my eyes again and he put me under the cold water. I let out a gasp as the cold water ran over me. Jackson slid his hardened cock into me. "Say you're mine Paisley." His moments unforgiving. I came hard around him and he covered my hard nippled with his hands as I sat on his knee one leg dangling. He pulled them and it made me shake and I arched back letting out a  throaty moan. He pinched harder and I came down his cock and leg.