
My Marvel Academia: Its Not Always Black And White

(So I saw a Marvel version of Mha and I thought to myself 'y'know what would make this cooler? Spider-Man Noir' and here we are, Basically I don't like the MCU spider-man cuz he's a soyboy and from the art, I'm guessing the artist is going for an MCU inspired spider-man, which fits cuz I feel like deku is also a soyboy. ANYWAY I'll get to the synopsis when I feel like I have a proper foundation for the story, I'm not good at this.) (A version of spider-man thats basically Noir, But has access to modern day technology Making him like 10 times more dangerous, ALSO, is as calculating as batman, meaning he tries to come up with contingencies against quirks.) (First Time writing so "~Pwease be gentle~")

RangoThePrude · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs


It has been a day after Peter found out he was quirkless, after the car ride, Peter essentially locked himself in his room, not leaving it unless it's to eat, use the toilet, or bathe.

That being said, Ben and May were worried, They didn't know what to do, They've never had a child of their own, Peter was the closest thing they had, and to see him lock himself away was heartbreaking.

"Ben, please go talk to him, you're better at connecting to him than I am." May said, with a worried frown on her face.

"Come on May, the kid just needs time to come to terms with it, there is no point in forcing him to accept it." Ben said, with a shake of the head, don't get him wrong, he wanted to comfort Peter, but he just didn't know how to begin, there are so many things he could say that could make the situation worse than it already is, Ben sighed.

"Peter lost his parents last year May, and he barely accepted the fact that his Parents wont come back, and now this, I just don't know what to say, and I don't want to say anything that'll Make it worse." Ben stated

"Benjamin Franklin Parker, you may not be the smartest man when it comes to intelligence, but you are smart enough to say the right things, well most of the time anyway." May said.

"Gee, thanks, really giving me the confidence boost I needed coach." deadpanned Ben.

"Oh, hush you, I'll go make some wheat cakes for Peter, when you're done with him get him down here to eat, god knows that boy needs to eat more." said May as she got up from the living room couch and made her way to the kitchen.

"What about my share?" asked Ben, exasperated, only for his comment to fall on deaf ears as may didn't even dignify his words with an answer.

Ben sighed, as he made his way upstairs to Peters room

*Knock Knock*

"Peter?" Ben said softly, and he was met with a quiet 'Come in', He opened the door to see the small boy sitting on his bed, his gaze focused on the ground, "Hey kiddo, how're you holding up?" Ben asked as he moved to sit next to Peter on the bed.

"I'm fine." Peter said timidly, his gaze still focused on the blue carpeted ground.

"Now, why don't I believe you?" Ben sated, his voice lightly laced with mirth, before turning softer "Listen, kiddo, I know you're upset, I know you, believe it or not, You are more like your father than you can believe, but its not okay to lock yourself away, you need to get it off your chest, c'mon, talk to me." Ben then put his arms around Peter's shoulder and pulled him close.

Peter slowly started shaking, and then the tears just started leaking out of his eyes, he hugged his uncle, staining Ben's shirt with tears, but Ben didn't mind, he just hugged him back.

"It's not fair Uncle Ben, everyone else has a quirk." Peter said, his voice muffled by his uncles shirt, but Ben heard him loud and clear.

"Life isn't always fair Peter, sometimes, you don't always get what you want, but that doesn't mean that's necessarily bad thing." Ben then moved off of the bed and crouched in front of Peter. "'Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.' You know what that means Peter?" Ben said with a smile on his face.

Peter tried understanding, he really did, but it didn't matter how smart he was, he was still a 5 year old boy.

Seeing the cute pout Peter had on his face, signaling that he was trying to figure something out, drew a small laugh from Ben, "It means that some people, are just born to be great, meaning that they are always meant for greatness, while some people have it forced on them, While others have to work for it. understand now?" Peter, understood what Ben was trying to tell him, well not really, he understood the meaning of the quote, but he didn't really understand what Ben was trying to tell him.

"I guess I understand, but why are you telling me this?" questioned Peter, his natural curiosity getting the better of him.

"I'm telling you this, because it doesn't matter if you have a quirk or not, I mean sure, some people will look at you weird, even call you names and they'll try to be mean, but that doesn't mean you're not going to become something great." Ben then placed his hand on Peter's shoulder, making the boy look him in the eye, all while keeping a small smile on his face, "Peter, you're only five years old, and you're already the smartest person I know, you are going to go far kiddo, just because you don't have a quirk, doesn't mean you wont be a hero, because with you're brains, I just know you're going to be a great hero, no, are going to be an amazing hero!" Ben spoke in a gentle tone that was laced with enthusiasm and optimism.

"Really?" Peter asked, his face full of hope.

"Yep! now go wash your hands and face, because your aunt is making you some wheat cakes." Ben said, happy to see his young nephew break out of his depressed stupor.

"Okay!" Peter said, his voice full of childish excitement, Jumping off of the bed and heading to the bathroom.

Ben let a small laugh out, and had a huge grin splitting his face, as he walked out of the room.

'Yeah, that kid is going to become something Spectacular' thought Ben as he made his way to the kitchen.

alrighty folks, thanks for reading this chapter, anyway this chapter is mostly a filler chapter, next chapter is going to be a major time skip, These last two chapters have mostly been flashbacks, anyway, as the story goes on, I'll try and explain Peter's mentality when he becomes spider-man, just remember, don't expect alot of wise cracks, this is going to be a version of spider-man noir, he is going to be a cynic and a realist, and he will be a little edgy, but i'll try and refrain from making him TOO edgy, Thanks for reading

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