
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

The Forgotten Temple

The next morning around 10 o'clock in the morning [not that Tate knows the time, but I do] but after Tate has finished his morning hunting that was once again fruitless, he decided to mess with the rock again.

"I'm going to use my earth magic and dig some of that dirt out of the way, on the same side the tock is tilting, then I will try to push the rock with air magic again, earth or water would probably push it better because it's more solid, but I have no water and slamming dirt and rock against rock would be loud not to mention those two skills are low."

Tate proceeds with his plan to remove the dirt first and creates a nice little hole that's the same length as the rock and close to half the diameter, in other words a 4-foot-long hole that's 1 and a half foot deep. After digging the hole its finally time to finish pushing the rock over, Tate gathers the air and forcefully compacts the air in front of him, as Hes gathering the air you can see something white start to manifest itself in front of him.

"I'm at my max I cannot gather anymore air I can kind of see the air almost taking a physical shape from being so compressed."

There is a thick spear shaped object in front of Tate, he wills it forward slowly, [Imagine a FAT spear that's blunt on the end that's clear and white at the same time, with Tate behind it with both hands Infront of him as if he is pushing an invisible wall, that's what I picture]. At first nothing happens so Tate forces the air forward more and more, the leaves on the ground start to vibrate, he continues to force it forward, he can feel the breeze reflecting back off the rock, the leaves are hovering and slowly being pushed away.

"My mana is dropping fast it's now or I would say never but I have tomorrow."

His 6-year-old kid veins bulge in his last great push. WHOOSH, the air grabs the leaves floating slightly above the ground and every other leaf and stick that was still on the ground throwing everything up in the air creating a cloud of leaves that immediately afterward gets blown outward like a wave, 365 degrees around him, the only thing left was bare dirt all around Tate, the closest leaf was 10 feet away the farthest 30 feet.

"Holy SH*T I didn't expect that to happen." As Tates spinning in circles looking at what just happened he hears Thump.

"I Forgot about the rock for a second."

"Why was I even messing with this rock, it didn't do anything to me and I'm like I'm bored let's move this stupid rock, how am I going to explain this, I didn't even think this far ahead."

Tate walks toward the rock and notices a deep hole, that was "under" the rock going straight down. Tate steps closer to look farther down the hole then he received a notification.

The Forgotten Temple Dungeon:

-Formally known as the Forest Temple Dungeon it was sealed up and completely forgotten about over time, because of this the dungeon did a forced renaming so if it was ever found again its original name would not be forgotten.

-Level 1-10 Dungeon

-Please select which mode you want.

- [Solo Mode]

- [Group mode] No more that 10 people per group and all XP is shared.

"SH*T that's why it was the only FREAKING rock in the FREAKING FOREST someone blocked the dungeon up, I'm not doing the dungeon today."

"I hope nothing crawls out of that hole I WILL SH*T."

"Now I have to clean this mess up and cover that hole somehow luckily it's not too big."

Tates out of mana so he has to clean the hard way, so he breaks a limb off a tree and starts sweeping leaves back to the current bald spot on the forest floor, he breaks more tree limbs and lays them over the hole, then he covers that with more leaves.

"Thats good for now I don't have the power to move that rock back, and I don't think anyone is coming to my hunting area anytime soon, they all know it's too boring over here."

"I will think about that dungeon for now, that's a tomorrow problem I need some lunch I worked too hard putting those leaves back."

Since Tate is a full-blown hunter now and Marcus and Peter taught him all that they knew, there wasn't any more need for combat practice, so Tate could do whatever he wanted from here on out after hunting duty in the morning.

The next morning Tate once again patrols his area he doesn't even bother to look for animals anymore he has learned that everything has abandoned that area, there is no food of any kind for the animals, Tate doesn't want to get blamed if something bad happens or sneaks in, so he does his morning guard duty which takes 2 hours to walk his whole area then back to the rock A.K.A newly found dungeon.

"Man, this dungeon says level 1-10, but I have never done actual combat and what if the enemy levels are all random throughout the dungeon what will I do."

"Curiosity killed the cat, I guess I will take a quick peak, mana is recharged lets rock and roll."

"I select Solo Mode."

Tate instantly felt an invisible force grab him that then started dragging him closer and then down the hole, Tates panicking trying to grab anything he can as he is getting pulled farther down the hole.

Wham, Tate gets slammed on his back and just lays there gasping for air. After he recovers, he looks around while still on his back and notices the new forest Hes in, the new forest is a lot thicker than the surface forest, it's a mix between forest and jungle.

Tate gets up into a crouch position and looks around.

He instantly realizes how active this new place is, there are noises everywhere bird sounds, frog sounds, all kind of new and strange noise are in the surrounding area.