
My Manipulation System

This story is about an everyday blue-collar man that is tired of working his life away for someone else. He is mad that he is always too tired from work to hang out with his family, friends and his pets. He has to wake up early every morning and deal with traffic, his boss, coworkers and customers. This is a story of a man that is fed up with his current life and just wants a quiet life in the woods. Unfortunately, for him one day he dies in a freak accident at work. To his fortune or misfortune, he's reborn in a new and ancient world of magic and chaos do you think he will get the peace that he craves, or will his new life be filled with RAGE?

Dylan_B_1994 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Birthday and a New Hunter

A month passed and its Tates birthday. Birthdays don't count for a whole lot in his tribe its mostly congratulations and meat for dinner, not that Tate has a problem with this. Unexpectedly Marcus got him a stone knife and sheath that tied around the center of his chest, the blade points toward his left shoulder and the handle points toward his right hip. Tates right-handed so this is how he put it on don't judge him.

Tate still practiced with his spear and hand to hand as well as blocking but it kind of stalled out at level 3 for each skill, he doesn't know if it's because Hes just sparring and needs actual combat experience or Hes missing something.

Well little Tate how does it feel to be 6, and probably the youngest hunter ever Marcus asked.

" Feels nice I'm ready to get out the village and explore the forest more."

I bet you are it's a nice village but its small, but you got to remember its dangerous in the forest I'm going to have you watch areas that are easy and calm, but animals are always moving, predators follow the prey and prey try to stay away from predators. They are always moving so when you're on your own be quit and ALWAYS pay attention to your surroundings do you understand.

"Yes, Sir Marcus"

I'm glad you're the kid that says few words and pays attention to what people tell you Marcus said.

With that said since lunch is finished do you want to see your new hunting area.

"I been waiting for this for 2 months lets go."

With a hop in his step, he follows Marcus through the grassy clearing and into the forest.

Ok Marcus said we are here what do you think about it.

"Looks like the rest of the forest besides that big rock over there."

Yah that is the only real noticeable thing in this part of the forest, starting from the grassy clearing everything for 10 miles around this spot is completely flat and thin woods. That's why this is your area, you can see far for your safety and that may also be why only small game come here, the bigger prey doesn't like to be seen, who doesn't want more meat, so they prefer to hide.

Also, little Tate for your knowledge we learned a couple years ago the cliff that covers are village goes on east and west for many many miles if you go north and then east you will always come back home if you get lost since we are currently west of the village. If you continue east past are village water stream the terrain will start to quickly change it gets hilly and there are caves all over the place. Two of the hunters all ways hunt that area, and that's mostly to keep the bigger creatures away from the village that patrol that area, sometime the hunters get lucky and get some food but it's mainly to protect us. The other 2 hunters go south the same direction are village water stream runs there's a big pond farther south it's where medium creature roam, that's where we always get are deer and boar. So, from this day on, the entirety of the west is yours, if you see anything suspicious immediately come back to the village and let someone know.

Do you remember how to get here Marus asked.

"It was a straight shot from the village to that big rock so yah I remember Marus."

Ok then from now on every morning at the first sign of light you will head this way and hunt till lunch.

"I'm ready Marcus."

I'm glad to its nice to have someone to watch this area and also the bonus food will really help the village, well let's head back so you can get your supplies ready for tomorrow Marcus said.

It's been a week of hunting in the west territory, Tate has managed to kill 8 more Forest Rabbits giving him 90/100 XP.

"Man, it gets boring out here just me, the trees and a big rock, I just need one more Forest Rabbit and I will finally level up."

As Tate is sitting in his boredom, he looks at the big rock that's about 4-foot high and 3-feet in diameter and was wondering if he could move it with his wind magic, so he tries.

Tate starts by encompassing the rock with air and tried to lift it, but after some grunting, he stopped to recharge his mana for a while. Next, he gets on one side and summons all the air he could and tried to push it over.

"I finally tilted it a little, it sucks that the amount of an element I can use depends on that elements skill level and mana combined, I haven't leveled up my air manipulation because I was busy with my physical skills, if I had more mana, I could probably make a 6-foot tall, 4 feet in diameter tornado but with my mana I can't control that much air. This mana recharge rate is starting to get ridiculous it takes 5 minutes per point of mana, and I have 62 mana that's 6 hours for full recharge".

"Since I'm out of mana I will try something else tomorrow to help move that rock since I don't have anything better to".