
My Lycan

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time. Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole. Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

Taekooksangel · Celebrities
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23 Chs

7: Eternally Yours

(Motionless In White - Eternally Yours)

The next day Jungkook takes me to school neither one of us talking to each other. We both know that we will have to eventually but at the moment the both of us are to stubborn. When we get to school wegwt put of the car and heads inside but we don't make it.

We are both stopped by none other than Choi Minho. Yuna tries to stop from what he's about to do.

"Minho, stop it's pointless. Let the omega slut be." She says.

"Do you want to die?" She continues but he doesn't let up.

"I, Choi Minho challenge Jungkook the Lycan for his mate Kim Taehyung." He declares looking into my eyes.

"You really want to die. I wouldn't mind fighting you because I know you'd lose Minho. You are a complete dumbass you know that. Who in their right mind would go up against a Lycan? Did your father put you up to this or is this legit stupidity on you?" I ask annoyed.

"I refuse." Jungkook says unbothered.

"YOU CAN'T REFUSE A CHALLENGE." Minho yells angrily.

"News flash dickweed he can. He's a fucking Lycan so those rules don't fucking apply to him. By the fucking way he would kill you in a split second if he wanted do. You're so damn dumb." I say making him growl.

Before I know it Minho runs at me and tries to bite me. He's not able to because Jungkook rips him off me before punching him in the face. Minho attacks him but it doesn't do much to Jungkook it just hurts Minho instead. Jungkook blocks Minho's attacks and punches him in the face again before grabbing his shoulders and knees him the gut. I sense that he's going phase so I run up to them and breaks Minho's arm making him howl in pain.

"You shouldn't have done that you dumb ass fuck. I did that to keep him from killing you. Be fucking grateful." I growl out before turning my attention to Jungkook to calm him down.

"Kookie baby, I'm here come back to me. Kookie come on. I'm only yours. You know that I'm only yours. No one can have me. I belong to you and you alone." I say as I take his face into my hands looking into his now black eyes.

He leans into my right hand rubbing his cheek against it.

"Say it again. Say that you're mine again."

"I'm yours Kookoo. Only yours." I say before he leans his head towards mine so that our foreheads are now touching.

"Come one Kookie, I need to get to class." I making him nod.

Everyone disperses and goes to class.

The rest of the school day is boring and drags.

The school day ends and Instead of Jungkook going to either one of our houses he takes me to the waterfall he took me too the first time he took me anywhere.

"I don't want anyone taking you from me Tae. Will you let me mate you?" He asks almost uncertain.

"I don't want anyone taking you from me either. So yes you can mate me. I actually really want you to." I say blushing.

"I'm sorry for not taking your side yesterday I was really confused and still in shock but that is no excuse for my actions or words yesterday. I know it made you second guess where my loyalty lies. I hope that I can make it up to you." I says looking at me as he takes my hands that are on the smooth rock that we are sitting on.

"You can make it up to me by showing me how much you love me. Also why are we here Kook?"

"This is a special place to me. I found it on my first run when we got here, after I met you actually. I was so glad that I found my mate but so annoyed that you were still young. I had to stay at a distance and it drove me crazy. Goddess, I didn't want to stay away from you. I'm actually the reason why much of anyone didn't come up to you and your friends but there was so little I could do without anyone getting suspicious. Ever since I met you, you have always been my light nothing, no one can change that." He says making me blush at the love and slight lust in his eyes.

"Kookie are you being a pervert?"

"I'm not being a pervert. I'm just thinking about loving you in every possible way I know how and can think of." He says making me blush more before glaring at him but I don't do that to much because he pounces and pushes me down softly on the smooth hard rock underneath us.

He kisses me as he holds my waist underneath my shirt.

He disconnects from our kiss trailing his lips to the juncture where my neck ends shoulder begin. He softly nips at my neck making small moans emit from me. I feel his canines elongate against my neck.

I move my head to the side so that it's easier for him to get to where he wants to mark me.

I feel him smile against my neck.

"Are you sure baby tiger because there is no going back after I have marked you." He says against my neck.

"Yes, I'm sure." I say as calmly as I can but it was in vain it came out breathy followed with a moan.

He seriously has to press his muscled ass body on me?

You're not really complaining you want him to just as much as he wants to do it.

Why are you talking like we aren't the same damn person?

I really don't know. Just a habit probably.

I roll my eyes at V.

You're ridiculous.

I may be but so are you and our mate is going to take us on a rock next to a waterfall which is slightly romantic.

Not to mention out in the open.

It's away from prying eyes you ass.

Yes, I have an ass.

That's not what I said.

Oh, I know

Our mate is calling. He's worried.

Because you wouldn't stop talking to me.

I say before going back to Jungkook who looks at me worried.

"Where were you?"

"Talking to V, he wouldn't leave. Sorry about that. Now I've messed up everything." I say turning my head away from him ashamed I messed up what he had planned.

He cups my chin with one hand while the other keeps him propped up. He turns my head so that I am now looking at him.

"You didn't mess up anything baby tiger. You just worried me. V must be interesting to be around."

"You can say that. Kookie can you mark me now." I say looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Of course little tiger. Bare your neck to me like you did a little bit ago."

I do what he tells me as he lets his canines elongate again.

He leans down and lets his sharp teeth carefully scrape the skin of my neck.

I whimper from this making him pull away slightly making me whine from the loss.

"My pretty mate. My beautiful mate." He says making me blush but continues to bare my neck to him.

"You ready baby?"

"Yes Kookie, I am." I say slightly whining.

"No need to whine baby. I'm not doing anything and you're already whining." He says teasingly.

"Bite me would you?" I say a little snappy making him tsk at me.

"I will when my baby tiger is patient."

"Why do you call me baby tiger? I'm not a tiger."

"I know you're not a tiger. You remind me of a baby tiger though." He says before his teeth sink into the juncture between my neck and shoulder.

I scream out in pain before moaning in pleasure. His feelings fill my head, it's overwhelming.

His teeth retract before licking the wound clean.

He brings his head back up to look at me in the eyes.

"I love you. I love you so much." He says making me tear up.

"I love you too Kookie, a lot." He leans downs capturing my lips with his, I close my eyes.

It's not to hard that I submit completely. It's a kiss full of love. He pulls back before leaning back down kissing me again a little more forceful, I moan a into the kiss.

His tongue traces the seam of my lips asking for entrance which I grant almost immediately. Our tongues mingle with each other, tasting one another.

He pulls away when the both of us need to to breathe. He leans his head against mine.

He moves and pecks me and helps me sit up.

I look him in the eye hoping he catches on. Which is good.

I look in his eyes which are filled with love and unfiltered desire mirroring my own.

His phone starts to ring making him growl annoyed before taking it out and looks at it.

He doesn't answer it he just turns it off completely before setting it to the side in the ground.

"You are mine and you have me for a while. You are mine forever." He the says smirking before attacking me with his lips and desire filled eyes.

#                         #                         #

I cuddle into Jungkook with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me.

We listen to the water running down the waterfall along with the birds chirping.

Neither one of us want to leave but we both know that we will have to or we'll worry our friends and my parents.

I feel like I didn't do well.

We... you did fine Tae. Our mate is really happy he was when he bit us. You don't need to doubt that.

I know V but I can't help that.

I know. It's a habit.

"Baby tiger, I can feel your doubt. Baby, you were amazing and will always be so don't doubt that."

Sometime passes and the two of us are still reluctant to move but we do.

"Come on baby tiger before the others start to call you since your phone isn't off like mine is."

"The sound is off though so they may be calling now." I say as the two of us get up to put our clothes on.

I grab my shirt and looks at it's tattered remains before turning to Jungkook holding it up.

"Seriously? You didn't have to do this." I say making him laugh.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that nor did I realize my claws descended." He says sheepishly.

"It's ok Kookie."

"Here my love, you can wear my shirt. I'll buy you a new shirt plus a dozen more." He says handing me his shirt as he takes the messed up shirt.

I put his shirt on and his scent envelopes me.

Gah, he smells so freaking good. I love it!

He loves our scent to that's also most of the reason why he's always scenting us or "strengthening the bond" as he calls it.

V says making me laugh out gaining the attention of Jungkook.

"What's funny baby tiger?"

"V being V."

Hey, that's rude!


So stop being mean.

"Baby are you being mean to your wolf?"

"Um..." I don't look at him.

"Apologize to him." He says gently making me nod.

I'm sorry V.

It's alright, I'm alright.

Are you sure?

Yes Tae, I'm alright.

If you say so then ok.

"He says that he's alright."

"Ok come on I bet you're hungry." Jungkook says making me nod as he picks up his phone.

I haven't realized until now that I'm in pain making me groan which Jungkook hears.

"Oh my goddess I'm sorry Tae I totally forgot that you would be in pain." He says frantically before he picks me up in a princess hold.

"It's ok Kookie. Yeah it hurts but it's not enough that I need something for it. Being a Lycan helps." I say as he walks us to his car.

We head to his house where the others minus Kalina are waiting.

"Hey new pack mate or should I say little brother since we consider each other minus our mates as siblings!" Hoseok says happily making me laugh as Jungkook and I sit in a chair with them at the table.

"You need to say that to Jimin when you and Yoongi mark him. Except for the siblings part. Also how did you know?" I say smirking making all two blush.

"We felt it." Hoseok says making my eyes go wide.

"We need to initiate you into the pack." Yoongi says making me confused.

"Shouldn't Kalina be here? And why isn't Jimin here?"

"No, she's not part of the pack. All of the members have to agree. Hoseok, Jin, and I didn't. As for Jimin, he's here but in our room because he's not a official member yet." Yoongi says making me nod.

"That makes sense."

"After we do this then we can call Jimin in here and we can all eat." Jin says making all of us nod.

Hoseok picks up something from off the floor that was beside him to reveal it's an old book.

"You need to repeat this to all of us."