
My Lycan

I dread my eighteenth birthday with every fiber of my body. Why? You must ask. Let me tell you. I'm a werewolf and when we turn eighteen everyone expects you to find your mate. What people don't get is your mate can accept or reject you. They are usually like "My mate going to accept me because of such and such." Fuck no, it doesn't work like that all the time. Guess what today is. Ding. Ding. Ding. You got it right. Here's a cookie for you. Today is my birthday and I want to fall in a hole. Can someone dig one for me or must I do it myself? No? I guess I'll have to. All jokes aside there is more, I have to go to school. That is just plain bad luck there.

Taekooksangel · Celebrities
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6: Hold Me Now

(RED - Hold Me Now)

A week goes by and Minho doesn't bother me which is is good. When the bell rings for us to go home I gather my things and heads out of the school to see Jungkook standing outside propped up against his black Lotus Euora S. I shake my head while smiling at him. I walk to him.

"What are you doing here?" I ask giving him a questioning look.

"Well can I not pick up my mate from school when I don't go?"

"You can, I don't have against it." I say making him chuckle.

"Get in I have something thing to show you. I think it's time to show you how much I'm obsessed with you." He says making laughing as the both of us get in the car and leaves heading to his house.

When we get there we get out and he take me around the house to a smaller building.

"This is my studio. No one is allowed in here. No one except you. You are the only one allowed because you are my mate. You'll see why no one is allowed in here." He says as he opens the door and the two of us walk in.

I gasp immediately as I see walk of drawings and paints of not just anything but of me. Jungkook closes the door as soon as he's able to as I walk around the room looking at everything on the walls.

"There is more than just drawings and paintings in this building. Come." Jungkook says making me follow him to the next room which is full of photographs of many things but mostly of me at various angles I recognize many of them because they were drawings as well.

"I have another studio but that's for making music. That's in the basement of the house. Everyone knows it's down there except Kalina. The guys don't want her down there and she doesn't even know where the entrance to the basement is. We don't go down there when she is here. Yoongi would kill her if she did. It may be my studio but he stays there a good bit of the time along with Hoseok and Namjoon." He says making me nod.

"I have a secret stash of candid pictures I took of you. I can't draw but I can take pictures. The few times I've brought my camera to school I would use it to my advantage when you and the others weren't looking." I say I continue to walk around looking at all the pictures.

"Oh really?" He asks teasingly.

"Yup." I say not caring that he knows.

He's liable of knowing sooner or later.

# # #

Jimin and I are sitting on the floor in front of the coffee table in the living room of the Lycans house doing our homework for school. Yoongi and Hobi are cuddling on the couch behind us. Jungkook and Jin are in the kitchen cooking and Namjoon I have no clue what he's doing. He was kicked out of the kitchen immediately before he even tried to ask so he went elsewhere.

As I finish up my homework I hear a car pull into the driveway, apparently I'm not the only one because I sense tension in the house.

Jimin and I look up at each other.

"Kalina is back." Hobi says growling with annoyance.

Jimin gets up from where he is and sits in Hobi's lap and kiss him and Yoongi both. The two calm down. Namjoon comes back from where he was and sits in a chair that's facing the TV. I get up and heads to the kitchen where I know Jungkook is. I have a feeling that I'm going to have to be in here with him.

"Hi love." He says as soon as I walk in and sits at the bar.

"Hi Kookie." I says making him switch his attention to me smiling.

Our moment is short lived when the door opens.

"Hello everyone. I'm back. Anyone miss me? I'm sure you all did. I would miss me too if I were any of you." She says closing the door before walking into the kitchen and gives Jungkook a hug before going over to Namjoon and does the same not once bothering with Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin.

She eyes me and Jimin.

"Who are these two? We making friends with werewolves now? Or I'm guessing one of them is Yoongi and Hoseok's whore where as the other one is the cook or butler?" She says narrowing her eyes at me.

I get up from where I am not once controlling my actions. I grab by the throat and drags her to a nearby wall slamming her against it, I growl as I elongate my claws making them dig slightly into her neck. She may be a full Lycan but since I'm turning into one I'm starting to phase and have the strength as one.

"Don't you ever call my best friend and fucking whore again. Do you hear me? I was to goddess if you do I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. NEVER CALL HIM A FUCKING WHORE. He is Yoongi and Hoseok's missing piece. He is their mate." I hiss before throwing her to the ground.

I look at her as he tries to get up and attack me.

"Don't you dare get your ass back up. And for your fucking information I'm Jungkook's mate bitch. I mean what I said. You call Jimin or anyone of my friends a whore I will kill you. Look in the mirror if you want to see a whore." I say making her growl at me.

"You're only growling at me because I'm telling the truth. Kookie come here please." I says making him come to where we are.

"Explain to her that I'm your mate I don't think she quite believes me that I am." I say as she glares at me giving me the answer I needed.

She didn't believe me.

"It's true Kalina. Taehyung is my mate."

"You would have known the first time you saw him." She says scoffing.

"I did but he was to young to be claimed."

"You're kidding right? This has got to be a joke." She scoffs once again.

"How many times does he have to tell you that Taehyung is his mate for it to go through your thick ass skull?" Yoongi growls out tired of the conversation.

"Everyone dinner is ready. GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE JUNGKOOK AND I DIDN'T COOK FOR FUCKING NOTHING." Jin yells making me laugh.

"Come on Kookie, Eomma is calling and I'm hungry." I say making him chuckle as I pull him to the dining room as the others follow.

"You and Kook took a while before coming back to the house." Hoseok says smirking making sure his eyes flash to Kalina to gauge her reaction.

"I took him to my studio." Jungkook says as I hear a gasp.

"You let him in your studio?" She asks in a hurt filled voice.

She's trying to guilt trip him.

I roll my eyes at this.

"Yes, I let him in."

"You never let anyone in." She whines.

Oh, my goddess she's getting on my damn nerves.

"He's my mate so he has a right to be in there. You on the other hand don't have my permission to do so neither does anyone else except for him." Jungkook says before he continues to eat.

I watch her the entire time. She glares at me before she gets up and leaves walking to her bedroom slamming the door.

I know what's going to happen next but I don't let it happen.

"Don't apologize for her disgusting ass behavior. If you do I will slap you. What she did wasn't anyone's fault but her own so don't apologize for her." I say making Jungkook let out a deep breath.

"I'm leaving now. Jimin are you staying or leaving?" I ask as I get up.

"Do you have to leave." Jungkook asks whining.

"We have school tomorrow." I deadpan.

"I leaving to." Jimin says making Hoseok and Yoongi whine as well.

"See what you're doing you're encouraging our mate to leave too." Hoseok whines out childishly.

"That's not my fault. The bitch up there had the audacity to call him a whore. Now he feels like shit and isn't feeling worthy of you. The two of you can come with us and stay with him at his house because she is the reason why he doesn't want to be here. Now decide whether you want you mate happy or a bitch who has the audacity to call him a whore because I above all know which person is better and it sure as hell isn't that fucking slut upstairs." I say making Yoongi and Hoseok nod before getting up.

"You, lock your door because I don't want that bitch near my mate when I'm not here." I say making Jungkook chuckle.

"I mean it Kookie."

"I know my love, I know." He says getting up from his spot to kiss me on the temple.

# # #

The next day after school

"Kookie, she's not going to apologize. I don't want to have a forced apology either so please stop pushing it. And I don't want an apology. Jimin is the one who needs the apology. I'm not the one who she called a whore." I say while sitting in his lap as he nuzzles my neck.

We are in his studio that is disconnected to the house. The building was a guest house but Jungkook changed it into a studio but keeping the bedroom and bathroom intact. He gutted the kitchen.

We're in the bedroom cuddling until he makes me straddle him making my skirt ride up as he places his hands on my hips underneath my shirt. He attacks my lips with his own. He devours my mouth. He sucks on my tongue before nibbling and biting my lips. He kisses a trail to my neck before using his tongue to do the same making me moan lowly. He kisses, bites, and sucks on my neck making more moans slip through my lips.

The two of us are pulled apart by a scream coming from the main house.

Jungkook and I both look at each other before quickly getting up and heads into the house to find Kalina and Jimin.

Kalina is on the ground fakely sobbing. I see Jimin who is actually hurt trying to hide it. I know what she is wanting to do.

I look at Jungkook who seems to be believing her. This makes my blood boil.

"Jimin, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jungkook asks growling making him whimper.

I look at her to see that she is smirking, I growl menacingly at her. She notices this and turns her attention.

"What? He hurt me. You're mad at me because he hurt me?" She asks making growl once more.

"Tae, you're seriously taking his side? It's obvious he hurt her." Jungkook says making me look at him if he's blind.

"You're telling me that you don't see how stupid this scene looks? How ridiculous she is being. You're seriously taking her side? You seriously believe that he hurt her? Jungkook, he has started changing but not to the point he is able to fight her off. Do you not see that he is the one that is in pain? She's faking shit and thinks that she's a hell of a good actor to convince you. You of all people should tell what she's trying to do. I thought you loved me more than what she's doing. I guess I'm the only one fighting for us." I say as tears start to fill my eyes.

Kalina starts to laugh.

"He must not be your mate if you don't love him enough to fight kook. Just drop him and come to me. I'll make a much better mater for you." She says with seductive.

My eyes go black and all I'm thinking is this bitch needs to die and no one is taking my mate away from me.

I don't even know what I'm doing but I know that I elongate my claws and sinks them in to her shoulders before clawing at her face and chest. Something keeps me from doing anything more.

"Taehyung baby. Come on. Come back. Come back. I know you can." A soothing voice says making me pull away from what I'm doing.

My vision starts to clear as I get up and walks to the source of the soothing voice before being pulled into their embrace, comforted by their intoxicating scent.

"Come on baby, come back to me completely." The voice coos as my vision clears up even more.

Once it's completely cleared I lean my head on Jungkooks chest.

Once I'm calm enough I turn back to Kalina.

"Jealous bitch." She snarls out.

"I may be a jealous bitch but I'm not trying to steal someone away from their mate. You're so fucking petty. Come here Jimin let's get you seen after. Jungkook, I don't know what to tell you. You either stay here with her or come with me and Jimin so that you can see that he's the one who is hurt instead to." I say making him nod before I pull away from his hold and holds out a hand for Jimin how reluctantly takes it.

The two of us don't wait for Jungkook to make up his mind but after few minutes he comes making my heart sink and tears well up in my eyes.

Well I see where I am on his life. I'm apparently second best.

"Tae, I know what you're thinking. Don't think like that. I have seen the way Jungkook looks at you and pure love, pure love. He may be still shocked of the events that has happened and has yet to wrap his head around it. He's probably still standing where we left him.