
My lover is a Vampire

"It was only a matter of fact until I found out who I really was" What happens when you have a Vampire for a husband? Could princess Amaia of the Greek Empire adjust to his never ending hunger for life energy? Or maybe there was a hidden secret about her past which she knew absolutely nothing about. Taking a drastic step when it came to spending the rest of her world with Sebastian... She put her royal life in the hands of a Mysterious vampire! But he was drawn to her--and she was drawn to him. In a somewhat bloodbound way. author: Aphrodite_11

Aphrodite_11 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Vampire Prince

His words rang in her ears like an atomic bomb that had exploded. "Pardon me?", she asked. She perhaps might have not heard him quite well. Sebastian kept looking into Amaia's eyes for a very long time. Then, he let out a giggle. "My Lady! Very soon, you'll be picking your soon to be groom. You should get ready", he said as he left his half empty cup, walking away.

"Weird!", she thought to herself as she stood there, not noticing that she had zoned out looking at the bar tender. "Oh...my bad", she said snapping as she quickly held onto her gown and hurried away, in search for Cleo. Cleo was seen greeting the guests, dressed in his clothes made of oriental silk and a plethora of jewelry. He had to look outstanding. He was the King after all. She hurriedly walked up to him and tagged on his royal mantle. "Can I have a minute Pa' ?". He looked at her surprisingly and excused himself from his guests. She took him to the Monarch's seat and looked him in the eye. "Pa. That prince from the Roman empire is very mysterious. But he's very charming at the same time and I want to marry him", she said to Cleo in a pleading voice. Cleo only looked at her and smiled. "My princess.. this is your choice to make! If you feel that he is indeed the right groom, then we'll marry the two of you immediately. But if you don't feel so, then we'll cancel this courtship at once".

"Well...I'm not sure anymore. He keeps to himself and his eyes change color. Isn't that simply weird", she said to Cleo with her lips pursed. Cleo turned to face her as he was in confusion. Those descriptions were very familiar to him. They reminded him of someone-"Pa.. you're not helping", Amaia said since Cleo looked zoned out.

"My princess... We can call this courtship off", Cleo said as he looked pitifully in her eyes. "But they can't be back. They've been defeated". Even her own Dad was now acting strange. Was there something about Sebastian that he knew and she didn't? "No papa. I think I made my choice", she said after thinking hard and long on this. "If you're ready my princess... I'll support you", Cleo said supportively. But he still had a concerned look on his face.

Time went by, after greeting all the guests and learning about new family, it was time for Amaia to decide on his groom. "Gather along now everybody. It is time for the Princess to Pick her beloved groom", the Mike of the night sounded. All the suitors came forward and they stood in front of Amaia. Amaia stood in front of the whole palace as the courtiers handed a huge, glass box to her. The magically and beautifully decorated glass container contained a gold signet ring. One similar to Prince Charles' ring. It glimmered in that glass case, waiting to be placed on Amaia's soon to be groom's finger. Amaia proceeded to take the case in her hands and she walked up to the suitors. Then she began to say," I've made my decision, as to whom I will spend my life with forever. I now pick; Prince Sebastian Dark wood of the Roman empire". She walked towards him and looked him in the eyes. His gray eyes showed excitement and confusion at the same time. Amaia took the ring from the case and handed the box to to the courtiers. She then took Sebastian's hand in hers and looked him in the eyes. The palace was silent. Patiently watching the wonders of the night in the royal palace. She slid the ring through Sebastian's finger and put his hand down.

"The princess has now chosen Prince Sebastian Dark wood of the Roman empire to be her life long partner", the courtiers yelled at once. Applauses were heard In the palace as the silence died down. Everyone was excited and astonished by Amaia's sense of choice. Whispers were heard from every corner of the ballroom. People danced with joy and the elders went on about how their children were growing so fast. The Dark wood family engaged in conversations with the Georgiou family in pursuit of knowing them better. "I hope your Prince takes good care of my Princess", Cleo said to King Edward, Sebastian's Father in a joking way before he let out a chuckle. "We'll make sure of it your majesty", Edward also said before letting out a chuckle. The night was fair to everyone, including the two families. All except for Amaia and Sebastian. They sat on the Prince and Princess's throne where nobody could hear what they spoke about. "Let me get this straight! You don't want to marry me, but you'll agree just for the sake of it", Amaia said while facing him. Sebastian smiled at the crowd and looked back at Amaia. "Indeed", he responded in a childish way. Amaia was still lost in confusion. She had never met someone so arrogant and puzzling before. But she liked how risk taking he was. Amaia is a very daring person. She liked taking risks. And Sebastian made her wonder.

"I'm going to marry you anyway Mr. Prince. I dont care", she stubbornly said in wait for his answer as she looked at him. "Whatever princess. I hope you know what you're in for", he said as his eyes slowly changed to a darker black color. He looked at me from a while before turning back to the crowd.

There it was again. His eye color kept fucking changing. And his eyes hypnotized her. She craved for him whenever he did that. Is he some sort of God? Now obviously Amaia was into Gods and Mythology so Sebastian intrigued her a lot. She would find out what he was no matter what. "Are you Horus? The Egyptian god".

I mean Horus couldn't really change his eye color, but he had transformative abilities which granted him insight. So it would be possible for Sebastian to be Horus. Amaia was losing her mind now. She thought of various gods like Hermes but she couldn't wrap her head around it. "Are you comparing me to a God?", Sebastian said with a giggle and one eyebrow raised at Amaia. "What's so funny? Are you a vampire then?", she said sarcastically. But when she came to think of it, she could be right. He had extremely cold skin, his eyes changed color simultaneously and his Aura was quite hypnotic. "You are a vampire aren't you?", I asked persistentely as my eyes widened. I had read about this a night ago. My mythological knowledge could never be wrong. But....weren't vampires destroyed a fucking long time ago?