
Chapter Forty-Five

Loren stood before a full-length mirror, fiddling with the lace of her beautiful wedding dress. She never thought that she'd get here. Loren had only been courting Charles for three months when he decided to ask for her hand, and somehow, she found herself saying yes. 

But now as she stood before the mirror, just moments away from walking down the aisle, she wondered, "Am I doing the right thing?" As much as she cared for Charles, something seemed wrong. As much as she wanted this, a part of her yearned for something more. 

Something different.

A knock disrupted her thoughts as she cleared her throat, "Come in!" Her voice was hoarse as she called out, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. The large door was pushed open to reveal Anthony. A soft smile crossed her lips as he entered the room, "We're almost ready for you." He said, closing the door behind him. 

Due to the whole incident between them, the two had drifted apart. And she could not deny how much she missed the company of the eldest Bridgerton. Likewise, he felt the same. He missed the girl who would make him laugh until his sides hurt, who would encourage him to push through his hardships. He missed his best friend. And now, he was about to walk her down the aisle to marry another man.

Loren had invited her Father, but refused to invite Nicolette to the wedding, for she was the reason her relationship with Anthony failed in the first place. And Alexandre refused to come without his wife, which left no one to walk the woman down the aisle. 

Charles' Father offered, but Loren declined. She wanted the man who knew her most to walk with her, and that man happened to be Anthony. 

The brunet glanced at the woman, admiring her beauty, "How are you feeling?" He asked. Loren shrugged, approaching him, "Anxious. It's not everyday you are get married." Anthony chuckled, "That's very true. But, everything is going to be fine. Charles is a great man, and will treat you well." Every word he spoke was a dagger to the heart. 

Loren simply smiled, but Anthony could see right through her. He knew her better than anyone, something was most definitely wrong. "What is it?" He asked softly, reaching for her hand, their fingertips brushing. The contact sent chills down her spine as butterflies erupted in her stomach.

, she thought.

"Loren, I know something is wrong." The woman sighed, "Just nervous." She lied. His dark eyes searched hers, "Loren, talk to me, please." She bit her lip, inhaling deeply, "I can't help but feel as though something's missing. I want to marry him, Anthony, I truly do, but I feel like something's wrong." 

Anthony sent her a soft smile, "I am sure it is just nerves." She shrugged, "Maybe." He kept his composure, but inside he was rejoicing. The man believed he had a chance. Maybe, he could still win her back. 

"Loren," He began, gazing down at her with love in his eyes. She locked eyes with him, fluttering her lashes, "Yes?" He gulped, grasping her hand, "I-"

The door was thrown open to reveal Violet, dressed in a baby blue gown. A knowing look spread across her features as she spoke, "We're ready for you."

Loren nodded as Anthony dropped her hand as to not draw suspicion to his Mother. The woman cleared her throat, smoothing out her dress before turning to Anthony, "The time has come." She muttered. Anthony nodded, extending his arm, "Shall we?" He asked, attempting and failing to hide the sadness in his voice.

"We shall."