
My Love, We Are Destined To Be Together

"With this ring, I give you my heart! From this day you shall not walk alone, my arms will be your home forever!" The wedding vow, which he took just a few hours ago, rang in his mind, as he felt himself taking the painful last breath! Today was his wedding day, and just a few hours ago he got married with his best friend cum assistant. For him it was the happiest day in his life, as today finally someone became his family! However, as the saying goes, happiness never longs last! His happiness also didn't lasted for even a day, and everything crumbled down around him, after witnessing his newly wedded wife in someone else's arms! No, he wasn't just someone, but his mortal enemy! On his first night, his wife shattered all his dreams with her one announcement, "Babe, don't be so rude! He's my husband, not just anyone!" She smiled sweeter as honey, and spoke further to confirm her statement, "You heard it right, babe! He's my husband, real husband, for the last two years!" Rishabh clutched his neck feeling an extremely painful burning sensation in his throat before it started to spread on his body! It seemed like his body was being pierced by thousands of needles! He tried to move forward, but his knees gave up resulting him to fall on his knees! He opened his mouth to speak, but also failed in the process! He realised he was poisoned, and the poison already spread in his veins! Pain of betrayal flashed in his eyes, as he stared at the couple kissing each other passionately! The man smirked at him in amusement, and moved a bit forward with a mocking laugh, "I know you've so many questions in your mind, let me satisfy you before you take your last breath!" He took a file from his wife, and showed it to Rishash with a cunning smirk, "This papers, which you didn't cared to check before signing down, are not marriage registration papers, but the property transfer deed! According to this deed, from now, all your assets, and belongings belongs to my wife!" "Rishabh Raichand!" "You forgot the rules in our profession, women cannot be believed fully! Nobody can understand a woman's heart, and mind! Bad luck, see you in hell!" The light in his eyes dimmed with the quench of vengeance, and blood! His body felt airy, as it touched the cold sea water, and drowned deeper with each passing seconds! "Please Mahadev! Grant me the second lease of life, I want revenge!" He knew there was no second chance, but still cried out desperately in his heart, for the first time while sinking deeper under the sea! Well, maybe because it was his first wish, or maybe because of his heartfelt plea for one chance, the person sitting in heaven smiled, "Your wish is granted!" In the dreadful night, under the moonlight, and over the sea was sailing another private yacht, where a beautiful woman could be seen sipping her wine leisurely, while gazing onto the bright moon. "Madam, there's something in our net!" One of her subordinate informed her, resulting her to raise her brows, "What?" "A man!" The young lady glanced at him furrowing her brows in disinterest, "Alive, or dead!" "Alive!" He replied curtly, and continued further, "His body is blue, and brutally tortured, face is also unrecognisable! It seems like he was inhumanely tortured, and poisoned before thrown in the sea!" Interest piqued, and the young lady stood up before following the gaurd. She stood in front of the man on the deck, and glanced at his bleeding body, "Intersting, it seems Mahadev granted his wish!" She looked up at her subordinates, and commanded, "I want him to stay alive..!"

Komolika · Urban
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3 Chs

The Verdict

Soha stepped out of the courtroom and was embraced by Mrs. Sarkar, Mangala's mother.!

The woman cried out in happiness, "Thank you madam, we didn't thought we would ever get this justice, thank you so much, you have done so much for us!"

Soha pat her back in comfort, "Don't thank me, Mrs. Sarkar! What I did was my duty as a lawyer. I am glad to be able to bring this justice for her!

Please don't cry, today we won the fight after all. Today your daughter received the justice finally, be happy! Come, let's go!" She walked out of the courthouse holding her client's hand!

The reporters were already getting impatient, they noticed the two figures from afar, and just came running towards them, alerting the bodygaurds.

This time her bodyguards didn't blocked them, but just stopped them at a safe distance.

Rep. 1 - Mrs. Sarkar, how are you feeling after this victory? Did you expected this judgement? Do you think your daughter will rest in peace now?

The lady was too overwhelmed by them to say anything, which didn't avoided the eyes of her lawyer!

Soha tightened her grip onto her hand, and smiled in encouragement, which helped Mrs. Sarkar to speak slowly, "W..We are very happy today, we cannot get our daughter back, but at least we get her sinners punished for the sin! My daughter will be happy now, she will rest in peace now!"

"Madam, please share your thoughts, how are you feeling after this victory? You have fought so much for all these months! Do you think they deserve a death sentence?" Reporters threw all the questions towards Soha in one go!

The young lawyer finally smiled noticing their enthusiasm, "I personally & professionally think that the verdict is absolutely correct!

Those animals didn't just tortured her brutally, they didn't even showed an ounce of mercy to that little girl!

Her life didn't even started and they ended it so cruely!

If that little girl had no right to live, then these cruel and barbaric animals also don't have any right to stay alive!

You are right, these fight was such a tuff fight, but I am happy to get the chance to fight for her and bring her justice!

This verdict is a warning to those animals who believes that a female is only a subject for their enjoyment!"

She stated her point of view in a loud & clear voice before walking towards her car with firm steps!

"Mrs. Sarkar!"

The woman looked up at her lawyer questionably, "Yeah!"

Soha noticed the fatigue, and nothingness in the mother's eyes, and felt empathy for her!

She point out towards the car, and spoke with the couple softly, "I can understand your mental condition, I think you should go home, and take some rest!

My car will send you home, if you need my help with anything, then please feel free to contact me. I will be very happy if I can help you in anyway!"

The couple cried out with her comforting words, and nod slowly, "Thank you, madam!"

"It's okay, take care & see you!" She bid goodbye to the couple and entered in her car, to sped off towards her next destination!


Chakraborty Corporation, the fifty storied building situated at the heart of the Kolkata city, is considered as the tallest building of the city.

The fastest growing concern, which is now rulling the entire Indian business world.

Chakraborty group stands on 15th according to the Forbes, while the young & iconic chairperson of the company, Soha Chakraborty is counted as the 9th richest woman in Asia.

A black Mercedes car stopped in front of the main entrance, with other four cars tailing it!

The chauffeur stepped down hurriedly, and ran towards the door to open it, for the person sitting inside.

Bodygaurds lined up on each side, to welcome the tall woman with a slender hourglass figure, donning in a formal trouser in teal colour, paired with white blouse, and matching formal blazer.

A pair of nude pigalle heels were gracing her feet, with her soft & silky waist length chestnut colour hair parted, and combed down freely!

A pair of diamond studs in her ears, a sleek chain, with a beautiful pendent around her neck, and a smartwatch on her wrist, with light and perfect make-up, she was looking glorious as usual!

She took her phone which was ringing, and glanced up at the tallest skyscraper for a minute, before entering inside the building with long & firm steps.

All the employees inside heard the sound of clicking heels, and stood up in respect towards their employer.

The young lady walked past with a curt nod, and entered inside her private elevator to reach the top floor of the building, where some people were waiting for her.

"Good afternoon everyone, let's start the meeting." A sweet yet intimidating voice alerted everyone present in the conference room, and they stood up in respect!

"Good afternoon to you too, madam! Congratulations!" All of them greet in unison, to get an usual nod from their boss lady!

The young lady took the chair designated for the president, and gestured others to sit down before the meeting started.

The project head stood up with the permission of the boss, and started the presentation, "Let me introduce you to our latest invention, 'Magic translater!'"

All the eyes including the president, fixated onto the screen, as they stared at the image of the pocket friendly gadget displayed on the screen.

"This is our invention, which is absolutely unique, and intersting. This gadget is a translater, which can translate any language in just a span of thirty seconds.

With the help of this gadget you can call anyone and anywhere in the world, translate any language, and converse with them!

As you can see this is also a pocket friendly gadget, you can carry it anywhere without spending much effort. Now coming to it's specifications, and features..!"

The project head continued to explain about the product, it's speciality, and features, with every single details.

After around twenty more minutes, the lights inside the room lit up, and the young man took his seat finishing the presentation.

The president didn't said even a word since beginning, and only listened everything quietly, which was stressing the team.

They had done so much of hardwork behind this project, everyone in the team spent their day & night, and the fund to create something which will be unique, and appreciable!


Tarun, the project head called out hesitantly, for the young lady to look up at him, "Yes!"

"I was asking if you have any queries!" He asked showing full respect, for the boss lady to turn silent for a minute, "Why do you think it will suceed to capture the market?" She asked her project director furrowing her brows.

"We're 100% confident madam!" The project head replied with unwavering confidence, and commitment, and explained, "The population of this country is 140cr. Even if 10% people use it, it will be a great sucess and it will give us profit 10 times more!"

She listened the explanation, and asked some more questions about the product before giving the green signal, "Ohk, start the preparation for the launch, but the date should be one week later!

One more thing, it should capture atleast 50-60% of the market, maybe more than that, but not less also!"

"Sure ma'am, it will succeed! Thank you so much, madam! Thank you for keeping your faith in us, we assure you, it'll surely bring profit to our company!" The team leader expressed his gratitude towards his boss.

The president stood up, and rewarded them with a small smile of encouragement, "I believe, you won't let me down, now best of luck to you all!"

She left the meeting room with her assistant after giving some instructions, and entered in her office room, with the fatigued expression on her face.

Last two weeks were too busier for her, and she's gonna get busy again for the week!


A woman in her mid twenties entered inside her room after knocking on her door, "Madam, your black coffee, and your next meeting is after 15 minutes!" Tulika, her assistant reminded after keeping the coffee mug on her desk table.

"Anything after the meeting?" The young lady asked after taking a sip of her sugarless black coffee.

The assistant shook her head, and replied, "No madam, it's the last meeting of the day. Your chopper will be ready, till you finish the meeting!"