
My Love, We Are Destined To Be Together

"With this ring, I give you my heart! From this day you shall not walk alone, my arms will be your home forever!" The wedding vow, which he took just a few hours ago, rang in his mind, as he felt himself taking the painful last breath! Today was his wedding day, and just a few hours ago he got married with his best friend cum assistant. For him it was the happiest day in his life, as today finally someone became his family! However, as the saying goes, happiness never longs last! His happiness also didn't lasted for even a day, and everything crumbled down around him, after witnessing his newly wedded wife in someone else's arms! No, he wasn't just someone, but his mortal enemy! On his first night, his wife shattered all his dreams with her one announcement, "Babe, don't be so rude! He's my husband, not just anyone!" She smiled sweeter as honey, and spoke further to confirm her statement, "You heard it right, babe! He's my husband, real husband, for the last two years!" Rishabh clutched his neck feeling an extremely painful burning sensation in his throat before it started to spread on his body! It seemed like his body was being pierced by thousands of needles! He tried to move forward, but his knees gave up resulting him to fall on his knees! He opened his mouth to speak, but also failed in the process! He realised he was poisoned, and the poison already spread in his veins! Pain of betrayal flashed in his eyes, as he stared at the couple kissing each other passionately! The man smirked at him in amusement, and moved a bit forward with a mocking laugh, "I know you've so many questions in your mind, let me satisfy you before you take your last breath!" He took a file from his wife, and showed it to Rishash with a cunning smirk, "This papers, which you didn't cared to check before signing down, are not marriage registration papers, but the property transfer deed! According to this deed, from now, all your assets, and belongings belongs to my wife!" "Rishabh Raichand!" "You forgot the rules in our profession, women cannot be believed fully! Nobody can understand a woman's heart, and mind! Bad luck, see you in hell!" The light in his eyes dimmed with the quench of vengeance, and blood! His body felt airy, as it touched the cold sea water, and drowned deeper with each passing seconds! "Please Mahadev! Grant me the second lease of life, I want revenge!" He knew there was no second chance, but still cried out desperately in his heart, for the first time while sinking deeper under the sea! Well, maybe because it was his first wish, or maybe because of his heartfelt plea for one chance, the person sitting in heaven smiled, "Your wish is granted!" In the dreadful night, under the moonlight, and over the sea was sailing another private yacht, where a beautiful woman could be seen sipping her wine leisurely, while gazing onto the bright moon. "Madam, there's something in our net!" One of her subordinate informed her, resulting her to raise her brows, "What?" "A man!" The young lady glanced at him furrowing her brows in disinterest, "Alive, or dead!" "Alive!" He replied curtly, and continued further, "His body is blue, and brutally tortured, face is also unrecognisable! It seems like he was inhumanely tortured, and poisoned before thrown in the sea!" Interest piqued, and the young lady stood up before following the gaurd. She stood in front of the man on the deck, and glanced at his bleeding body, "Intersting, it seems Mahadev granted his wish!" She looked up at her subordinates, and commanded, "I want him to stay alive..!"

Komolika · Urban
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3 Chs

Judgement Day!

"10 am on the clock, and we are standing outside the courthouse. You can see, there are so many people standing around us!

"Today the division bench is finally going to declare the judgment of 'Mangala Rape Case' which had created a great stir in every part of the country!"

"We all know what happened with that 10-year-old girl. But still, let me tell you again today. Mangala was kidnapped by seven men while returning from school, then held by them for several days, and have been gang raped, then got killed brutally!

The trial for this case started on 16th January 2019, before the district session court judge!

After two months, the case was transferred to the High court, and after a strong fight over one long & painful year, considering all the evidence, today the court will give the judgment.

This case got support from politicians, celebrities to common civilians. Everyone joined the movement for justice!"

The media persons were reporting out of the courthouse since morning. Everyone is waiting patiently to hear the much-awaited judgment!

It was a long wait, in the last year and two months so much happened!

The country and the world witnessed the largest movement of justice for the little girl, who lost her life before even it could start!

This one case brought everyone out of their house, and united forgetting religion, caste, class, and everything else!

Everyone showed their support towards the girl, and protest against the criminals!

However, a black Mercedes Benz stopped in the court premises with two additional cars, gaining every people's attention, and reporters ran towards the car.

Five bulky men stepped out from the other cars and stopped every single reporter to come anywhere close to the car!

The door to the Mercedes opened and stepped out a woman, wearing a white saree with a black overcoat. Her hair was tied up in a ponytail, with a no-makeup look!

Beautiful, smart, and elegant, were the words that could be matched with her personality!

With a proficient attitude on her face, she glanced at her surroundings carefully!

"Madam, today is the judgment day, do you think the girl will get the right justice?"

"Madam, what do you think about women's safety?"

"Madam, you had won so many tuff cases, you are also a great social worker, what is your personal opinion about this case?" The reporters fired so many questions at the lawyer.

She stared at the reporters for a brief moment and heard all their questions, then spoke calmly, "If you want answers, then wait till the judgment! Let's talk after the judgment!"

With the said words, she strode inside the courthouse with her bodyguards and assistant, without even sparing another glance at the people outside.

"Good morning, Ms. Chakraborty!"

The lady stopped in her tracks and swirled around towards the man standing with a foxy grin on his face.

"Morning to you too, Mr. Joshi!" She wished him back maintaining the calm, and polite smile on her face.

The middle-aged man standing opposite her nodded with a big smile, and spoke again, "The weather is very beautiful today, don't you think so? Anyways good luck for today!

I am very sad to say that today you are going to lose, and it's going to be the first failure of your life, Ms. Chakraborty!"

The opposition lawyer taunted her with a wolfish grin on his face.

He is counted as one of the best criminal lawyers in the state, always too confident about his win!

"I wish you very good luck today. And you are right, the weather is very beautiful today!" The young lady didn't react, nor responded to his mocking, and wished him back with a similar expression!

"Now please excuse me!" She turned around and walked towards the couple sitting on the bench, waiting for the judge and justice for so long!

"Mr. & Mrs. Sarkar!"

The middle-aged couple turned around, and a certain relief and hope flashed in their eyes.

The lawyer approached them with a small smile, and pat the woman's shoulder reassuringly, "Today we will get the much-awaited justice, please be patient for some more time!

As I promised you, I cannot return your daughter, but I will make those swine pay for the crime!" She reassured them firmly, boosting their confidence!

The judge came inside shortly and took her seat, before starting the session, "Today the court will give judgment for the 'Mangala rape & murder case.'

This case will be considered one of the most brutal and barbaric in history!

After considering all the evidence, and listening to the argument of the accused, and the victim's lawyers, I award a death sentence to all the seven accused involved in this case and they should be hanged to death!

And the court issues a fine of 10 lakh rupees on the media house for disclosing the name of the victim!" The judge announced the verdict in a loud and clear voice!

"Besides being a Judicial Officer, I am also a human being and can hear the groan of the victim. Women are still facing crime and discrimination from males in our society and we still see gender bias in our society!

But today's judgment should send a strong message to the people and that is the need of the hour!" The judge stated her thoughts after finishing the judgment.

The courtroom erupted into loud cheers and claps as the judge announced the verdict. The couple cried out in pain but also in relief. They received justice, after the longest and hardest fight of their life!

The lawyer looked at them with teary eyes, and finally smiled in relief!

Today's victory was not just like any other victory, it was different, and it's a big achievement!

A sigh of relief escaped from her lips, it would be a lie if she says that she was not stressed, not nervous!

But somehow somewhere she had the belief, that they will win!

She turned towards her opponent lawyer, who had a very solemn expression on his face after the loss, and a soft chuckle left her throat!

"Condolences for your loss, Mr. Joshi. I must say, you had laid your cards very tactfully, but as you said I never failed before, so how could I fail today?

Now if you excuse me, I have to go. Best of luck with your next case!" She returned the taunt, with interest, before walking out of the courtroom with a victorious smile!

Another beautiful journey, want all your support, and love!

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