
My love story by Abhishek Malhotra

Abhishek is a famous actor in India and is known for his sincerity at work place. He is a cold, mysterious and oof person. His first love is Shriya Sheren, who is an orphan. He follows her for almost three years , without her knolwedge. But he comes in front of her one day, seeing him she asks him "Aren't you the famous Actor Abhishek Malhotra, Are you the one who wants to spend the night with me." Next morning Abhishek offered her coffee with a smile on his face and said " Last night you promised me that you will let me take care of you." Will she accept his proposal to stay with him. What happens if she decides to stay with him and what are her reasons to become a mistress all of a sudden.. How Abhi is going to be make her his women and what happens when he decided to stay with her for a long time. Will she be able to manage his high profile status and become worthy to be his girlfriend. How does her life change after she met that dream man of all the girls in the entire country. Thought: "What you have left with is more important than what you have lost".

sweetykim · Teen
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Shopping spree 1

Shriya tried to stay calm even though she wanted to cry because she promised Abhi. She also understood that everyone around her are worried about her and she didn't want to give them any more trouble.

They went for lunch and had a light meal. Shriya took them to the city's graveyard where her parents resting places are situated.

In the utmost left corner stood three tombstones in a row and there were photos on each of them and names inscribed with their date of birth and date of death below the picture. They looked old and grass and weeds grew around it. It looked like no one really cared about it or ever visited.

She stood infront of them and she stared at them. Though her eyes were moist and her tears threatening to fall but she didn't allow them to fall.

She turned towards her friends and asked "Let's clean the place" and they nodded. The workers helped them clear the surroundings while these people cleaned the tombs and washed the.

Shriya lit the diya infront of the graves and offered rhe flowers. She sat beside them and weeped. Her tears betrayed her will and flowed down her cheeks without her knowledge.

Shriya cried and tears were still continuing but she said with a smile to her mother "Mom, you don't worry about us. Preeti is fine and she is going to the best school in the city.

And I am continuing my studies and I got engaged. You know who he is, he is your favorite, the man you always used to call 'Handsome Kid'. He didn't know about that though because I didn't tell him.

He loves me a lot and his family is so lovely. You guys don't worry and rest peacefully. I will take care of our little princess."

Everyone had tears in their eyes during that, even cold hearted Barun couldn't stop himself from shedding tears.

She then turned towards them and said "Mom, these are my friends Sony, Brahmini, He is Barun and last he is Naveen, bhai's friend."

She then pulled Naveen to sit beside her and said turning towards her brother's grave and said "See bhai, who is here ? How are you ? You are the best bhai one could ever have. You left another best brother behind for me. He is just the same as you."

Naveen silently weeped while Brahmini consoled her man and the woman he was holding. Sony was in tears too but everyone tried not to cry.

Shriya said "Next time I visit you, I will bring Abhi with me. Mom and Dad we need your blessings to start our new life and forgive me for visiting you guys this late."

Naveen helped her stand up and everyone bowed and prayed to each and everyone of them. Naveen said holding Shriya and Sony on either side "Don't worry guys, I will take care of them and it's a promise".

Brahmini looked at them and he then said "You guys get going. I will follow you behind with Brahmini." They looked at Brahmini and saw her crying too much. They both wanted to console her but he assured them "Don't worry, I will bring her, she just got emotional" and Barun said "Come on, we will wait for them in the car".

They waited for them for a while and saw them walking towards them. Shriya apologized once everyone were in car "I am so sorry guys" and Sony asked with a glare

"what for ?"

Brahmini changed the topic before her friends start a fight "Girls, let's go shopping please." Everyone looked at her with a weird face expression and she said scratching her head awkwardly "Well, I just wanted to change the mood" and everyone laughed.

Barun said "I was confused for a second. I thought it was Sony" and before the person in the subject can ask 'why ?" Naveen clarified Sony's doubt "Ohh, that's because you are the one who says all irrelevant things".

Sony snorted like a wild bear and said "You are just taking your woman's side. Selfish" and made a pout.

Shriya said "Yeah, let's go shopping. There's a local market and street shopping here and we can get anything there that too at a very low price."

All the three girls nooded and Shriya said "Come on, let's enjoy that shopping spree and evaporate this gloomy mood. We won't get a chance like this of street shopping once we get back to Mumbai especially with so many restrictions" and they all shouted in excitement "Let's go."

Barun heaved a helpless sigh and said "These women" and decided to ignore them. He started checking his text message and cinema newsfeed.

They soon reached the area and the entire neighborhood is covered with different kinds of small stalls and shops. It was fully crowded and Barun asked with both shock and irritation "Are we shopping here ?" and they nodded with giggles. Their eyes sparkled at the sight and he was depressed.

He said "This is the last time I am accompanying you guys. I am not doing this again even if your husbands tobe begs me".

Naveen was the one who heard it and said "Come on bro, it just started, they will be here till the shops close down and I can guarantee about it".

Barun was shocked and asked "What ?" and the latter nodded. Barun asked "So when will that be ?" and Naveen said with a smile "Shops will be open till eleven".

Barun was truly dumbfounded and he cursed his brothers who tricked him into that sh!t. He looked at Naveen who was wearing the expression of a soldier as if he is going to a war.